UK: Screwdriver held to man’s neck before he jumps from first floor over fake sex offender claims

Source: 9/2/21

A young man was punched repeatedly and told he would be stabbed with a screwdriver at the hands of two men who suspected he was a sex offender.

Having been the subject of the “appalling attack” for around half an hour, the victim managed to make a run for it and, as he was so terrified, he jumped out of a first-floor window.

He fractured his kneecap doing so and managed to crawl away to get help, despite one final effort by his attackers to drag him back inside.

The victim needed metal pins placing in his shattered knee and still doesn’t have full movement in the joint nine months after the attack.

And now one of his tormentors, Brian Burke, has been jailed after pleading guilty at Warwick Crown Court to inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Burke, 20, of St Nicholas Street, Radford, at the time, was sentenced to two years in prison.

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“Mr Forrest stressed that there is nothing to suggest the victim was actually a sex offender”

But Mr. Forrest is a prosecutor, and the victim received a text message from someone accusing him of being a nonce. A single unsubstantiated allegation like that is enough for most prosecutors to press charges and convict. So why doesn’t the prosecutor “admit” the victim might-as-well-be-a-nonce, given the logic they he surely uses in other cases? There is no difference between the screwdriver wielding assailants and the clipboard wielding prosecutor.

I will never understand how the staggering hypocrisy of prosecutors is tolerated by civil society. I will say that its funny to see fascists turn on each other. May the boot of the prosecutor stomp the face of the witchhunter, and may that vengeance turn again full circle.

“Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.” – George Orwell

After reading many of these types of vigilante stories I feel I am lucky that I only had one encounter with someone who threatened me with bodily harm. Odd because this was after I got out of prison. This guy who lived in the same boarding house as me found out about my case and decided he wanted to give me a tongue lashing. He was bigger than me and came up to my face screaming and yelling. I stood my ground, kept my cool and said to him “Don’t fck with me, remember, I survived state prison so you are nothing to me” – he backed off immediately and did not bother me again. I’m not a violent person but was ready to go at it. 55 yo at the time and only had one fist fight in my life. I quickly moved out to another house that the landlord owned. Actually the landlord knew of my background and told me I had the right to live there but I still wanted to move.

I can actually tell you I had zero problems in state prison compared to some of the harassments I faced on the outside.

Just so others are aware that may not know. 1st floor in the UK is actually the 2nd floor in the USA. So jumped out 2 stories.

Can’t help but wonder if the judge’s reaction and sentence would have been different if the victim actually was a registrant.