NC: Man civilly committed as a sex offender for child abuse on Crow Indian Reservation

Source: 10/1/21

A man accused of sexually molesting young girls on the Crow Indian Reservation has been civilly committed as a sexually dangerous person under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.

In a press release issued by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina, authorities said Oliver _____, 33, was ordered taken into custody.

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina litigates all Adam Walsh Act cases for the entire country. All sexually dangerous persons who are committed to federal custody are housed in a federal facility in that district, where intensive, residential treatment is offered to them. Oliver _____ is the eighty-sixth sexually dangerous person committed under the Adam Walsh Act.

Oliver _____ was alleged to have sexually molested at least 13 young girls on the Crow Indian Reservation, the press release states.

The evidence at trial showed that beginning in 2007, when Oliver _____ was around 20 years old, until 2013, Oliver _____ repeatedly molested young girls, ranging from the ages of 2 to 13, at the home of his adoptive mother, Peggy Oliver _____ (a/k/a Well-Known Buffalo).

Peggy Oliver _____’s home, which is the location of The Center Pole, a non-profit organization in Garryowen, always had children around, including children being fostered by Peggy Oliver _____.

The layout of the facility made it easy for Oliver _____ to avoid supervision and detection of his predatory conduct, the press release states. The evidence showed Oliver _____ had a persistent and common pattern of sexually offending young girls by isolating them and then molesting them.

Oliver _____ was criminally charged in United States District Court for the District of Montana with numerous sex crimes. Peggy Oliver _____ and her partner, Susan Kelly, were also criminally charged with misprision of felony for their part in enabling him and covering up Oliver _____’s molestations, the press release states.

However, due to his mental illnesses, Oliver _____ was deemed incompetent to stand trial. As a result, Peggy Oliver _____ and Susan Kelly were unable to be prosecuted for their alleged crimes.

Ultimately, the United States certified Oliver _____ as a sexually dangerous person under the Adam Walsh Act. The Act allows the United States to seek civil commitment of sexually dangerous persons who, because of a serious mental illness, abnormality, or disorder, would have serious difficulty refraining from sexually violent conduct or child molestation.

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Now, about the pedophilc disorder. I would buy it, if the psychologists still maintained there was something wrong with his mental processes for being attracted to children. But since as of 2013 they no longer do, that argument falls apart for me.

That the accused was found incompetent to stand trial doesn’t change the findings of the court that felonies were committed, so it makes no sense that the misprision charges didn’t stick.

I have a hunch this story was significantly embellished. Definitely by the prosecution and more than likely by the reporter.

@ Jack: I would think it was more about his intellectual impairment which could significantly limit his ability to successfully participate in any type of behavior modification therapy.

My question is how do they determine one has a mental issue? After all, didn’t they say gays had a mental issue, but changed it to “they’re normal” in order to not offend anyone? If so, then his “mental issue” is based of societal norms on what is taboo, which in itself is not scientific….

@Brandon…you don’t have to defend yourself from anyone especially Aero1. He’s just as much a troll as TMZ/USA. He is just another one of those people who think anybody who has a crime with a minor should be electrocuted. He’s no better or worse than you are. I found his post pretty offensive myself. We’re all in the same boat rowing in the same direction except for a few idiots with superiority complexes. Keep contributing bro…

F*** FBI Victim Specialist Michele Stewart and the whole FBI. We know big government can never be trusted. We know that it is extremely likely that they are messing this up just like they’ve colossally messed up with their Oppression Lists. So unfortunately, we can’t ever support them or their crimes. For me personally, I’ll never trust them to an extent that I’d ever consider assisting them in any way. Big government should understand that they’ve created tens of millions of enemies. It matters.