W.A.R. Room: Alex Gittinger leads a discussion of Registry, Public Scrutiny, Cocooning and Mental Health on Oct 26

Source email from Women Against Registry 10/25/21

Our next guest in The WAR Room will be Alex Gittinger on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021 at 5 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Central Time. Alex will share his story and insights into how the registry can impact mental health.

Pre-registration is required!

Alex is Group Lead and Board Member with Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL).

For the past three years Alex is leading an emotional support group for people on the sex offense registry and their loved ones. The group addresses the immense effects the social stigma of being on the registry has on individuals and their families. The group started as a small in-person group in Los Angeles in 2016.

Soon a phone group was added to allow people who are not able to attend the meetings in person to participate. When COVID-19 hit, the in-person group no longer met in person and switched to a phone group as well. In May 2020 Alex merged the two groups, which now hold Zoom meetings twice a month.

Although this group is in no way meant to be group therapy, there is a healing value in the fact that people can share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other. People in this group understand each other and getting out of isolation in a safe environment decreases shame. Many people in the group have experienced significant positive changes in their mood, outlook on life, and overall wellness. Some have even come out of their shell and are now staunch advocates, talking to legislators and spreading the message that people on the registry are not the monsters that society is trying to make them. This group is a closed group and every potential newcomer is carefully vetted, in order to keep this a safe space.

Alex is the primary therapist at The Center For Healthy Sex. He specializes in treating individuals and couples who struggle with sex and porn addiction. His approach to therapy is based on trauma informed care and exploring the underlying issues that manifest in addictive behaviors. He is passionate about helping individuals overcome their compulsive behaviors and access their inner self-energy to heal from traumatic wounds and fulfill their true potential in life. His lived experience has taught him how the combination of 12-step work and psychotherapy can lead to a profound transformation in one’s life.

Alex started as the alcohol and drug addiction counselor on a multidisciplinary outreach team for the homeless population in the Greater West Los Angeles area. He was soon promoted to lead outreach worker in Malibu. In 2018 he became the Program manager for two outreach teams, one in Pacific Palisades and one in Malibu. He was instrumental in developing and growing both programs, working with people experiencing homelessness, the communities, and private funders. His passion led him to become involved in advocacy for the homeless population in the greater Los Angeles area and specifically in Malibu. Although he left his position at The People Concern, he remains involved in advocacy and works closely with the City of Malibu developing a plan to build an alternative sleeping location in Malibu.

Are you beginning to hear the faint sound… in the not so far distance… the subtle drum beat… uniting… calling… each of us to a gathering of the Registered Nation… listen … the beat will grow with intensity. We are the Registered Nation … we are millions Strong. We are Not Alone… Find Your Voice… It’s Time To Rise… There are millions of us.

Begin making plans to be in The WAR room a few minutes before 5 PM Pacific time, 7 PM central time to hear Alex share his story and insights into how the registry can impact mental health.

Pre-registering for each WAR Room is required, so make sure you pre-register now by clicking here, then locate the unique link that Zoom sends to you. You will need that unique link to enter the WAR Room on Tuesday evening.

Please send any questions about the Zoom link to contact@warfamilyfoundation.org, and include “WAR Room” somewhere in the subject line.

Pre-register for this Zoom Meeting: Oct 26, 2021 at 7:00pm Central Time


Click here to find out how to ask Alex for an invitation to his emotional support meetings

WAR National Directors
In Collaboration with Mike Woodall
Hosts of The WAR Room

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I look forward to hearing Alex speak tonight. He has given so many people hope during ACSOL’s Emotional Support Group meetings which are now held twice a month. As a result of his actions, I have seen people leave their cocoons and re-connect with life. Thank you, Alex!

Even though we aren’t related we are bonded by the registry and all the restrictions that come with the baggage. Personally I wish there was a forum where registrants/ loved ones or both could communicate with each other and professionals. I know there are conference calls and Zoom; yet some might be hesitant to contribute. Sorry I’m just rambling and thinking outside the box.