MI: Legal experts warn kids could face legal consequences for TikTok challenge

Source: wwmt.com 11/11/21

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — TikTok “school challenges” have brought up alarming trends noticed by school districts.

He said if it is not consensual and an investigation follows, you can be charged with assault and battery.

“If you don’t have consent to do something, a kiss, a touch, whatever it is, don’t do it,” Jones said.

Jones said it can be worse than that. Especially if you do more than just kiss the person without consent.

There can be a scenario where you grab them inappropriately.

If convicted of a criminal sexual misconduct in the fourth degree, you can be put on a sex offender registry which could ruin any future opportunities for graduating high school students.

“Talking about sex offender registry, that has to be disclosed to a university. A university can rescind what is going on based on that, it’s a potential public safety threat to the campus,” Jones said.

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Yep, they are waiting to brand your 12 year old boy as a Predator

More parents will be involved in the criminal injustice system and it’s treatment of those on the registry. How many will become anti registry?

Disgusting. Criminalizing kids behavior

“Could ruin any future opportunities.”

It also ruins present opportunities.

Once on the hit list, society sees that label as your past, present and future.

But wait! I thought minors could not consent to anything according to those who know best (regardless of reality)! Is that not what has been espoused and yelled from the high reaches of buildings now against those who are not in a Romeo n Juliet age limit? Minors are so innocent and ignorant of things that consent is just a new word and concept to them and not applicable until they are legally adults even if their brains do not fully mature until their mid-20’s. Maybe they should not use the legal term of “consent“, but use the actual word minors do understand, “permission”, e.g. a permission slip, permission to use the restroom, etc, since they are synonyms ().

Typically double speak and standard by those who think they know best but otherwise show they do not.

Everything about this is and always has been hypocritical. Also, why would it ruin any future possibilities if it is not punishment, just regulatory. Will the dumb people who believe a registry should exist ever get a clue?

Looking back at my teens I’d bet most of my class would be listed. I don’t know how many classmates had or gave spider bites aka hickies. The excuse was Um we were vacuuming and the suction cup got ahold of our necks. Many had the nickname Hoover.

This Tik-Tok challenge seems rather quaint and a stupid, juvenile, way to put yourself in legal jeopardy. Trying to scare kids with the registry probably won’t have much effect.
Sadly, some kids have moved well beyond kissing.

There will always be legal consequences but not for the social media networks as they have liability protection by federal law. They cannot be held responsible for those third parties posting content in the form of ” a challenge. ” Is this factually any different than ” monkey see, monkey do? ”
Same as the indentured servitude implicit in registration. Nothing damn new at all….same$hit different property.

So they are saying the registry is punishment? I thought it was only civil and not a big deal. Here’s an idea get rid of the registry for all because it’s punishment. Registration laws have caused more harm and made communities less safe.

Whew! Good thing PFRs are able to work and live like other citizens. Right, SCOTUS?

We live in a world where we’re not allowed to show our children or grandchildren any affection and they are not allowed to love their family. Our children are at higher risk because of The Registry and its false sense of security!!! We need to educate our children on social media and what’s allowed as inappropriate for public.

Its DEFINATELY NON-CONSENTUAL, by law unless you are 18+ YOU CANNOT CONSENT thus it is NON-CONSENTUAL. C’mon Mr. Fudd! Bust all those pervs and swell the list of punished until it crashes under it’s own weight or until so many are affected that real attention is payed to it instead of dismissive attention and virtue signalling.

Wait…. “If convicted of a criminal sexual misconduct in the fourth degree, you can be put on a sex offender registry which could ruin any future opportunities for graduating high school students.” 🤔
If the merely civil/administrative registry isn’t punitive, it’s certainly seems to be recognized as incredibly destructive and ruinous to one’s future opportunities! 🤨