CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.

Source: 12/1/21

Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.

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Fear of revealing state secrets? That’s nice!

The whole thing is ridiculous. I’m sure every government agency and branch has similar problems. Under the current system little or nothing will change because this just happens to be a much larger set of problems than anyone wants to address. Yet at the same time non government workers and contractors are the “real bad people”. When in reality few people are truly worse or better than most others. Some just get away with for x, y, z reasons.

CIA : Criminals in Action on the government’s dime and citizens payroll. All those involved need to be prosecuted even the ones who knew about the abuse and did nothing. Are there agents who killed Epstein, so he wouldn’t tell who was involved in his sex trafficking of minors.

I guess I am ignorant. I don’t understand how prosecuting a person employed by the CIA commiting sex crimes against children risks national ssecurity. Can someone educate me?

In 2009 there was a big scandal when CP was discovered on a number of computers in the penatgon, and that story mysterioulsy disappeared. But now that we have seen some of the peculiar behaviors of the upper brass latley this doesn’t surprise me. It is obvious that some of them are indulging in many things in the penatgon rather than paying attention to the fitness of the military and national security.

Interesting how the military has no problem prosecuting people under the UCMJ that have security clearances (some very high) when they themselves are setting the sting to deployed individuals in war zones and not following ICAC rules (in adult chat rooms, starting the sexual chat, sending pictures of obvious adults).
There wasn’t any worry about secrets being leaked then. In fact, they give their troops Ambien so that they are more likely to chat back!
Funny how there are acceptable losses within an organization (and average citizens apparently don’t matter) and yet people from the CIA are a protected class of people.

So, what happened to the “If it saves just one child”? Now, that child is not important enough anymore? HHHHmmmhhhh…so many contradictions. Abolish the registry and treat everybody the same and fairly!

The prosecutors in the Eastern Dist. of Virginia have a reputation as being some of the most mean-spirited and overly punitive in the country when it comes to federal sex offenses. I worked on a CP case out of that district (as a crim. defense investigator) about 10-15 years ago or so, in which the defendant was over 70 years of age, and was in the business of marketing old “nature films” produced in the 1950s via US Mail, featuring nudist camp participants, including some teenage boys in the buff. No sex acts, no focus on genitalia, nothing that amounted to pornography. Just nudity. These prosecutors were unrelenting in their pursuit of a conviction. The case lasted 4 years, in which they charged him with distribution and conspiracy, seeking to incarcerate him for 20 years. The case finally resulted in a plea bargain where the deft. was sentenced to 2 years in custody. Typical prosecutors…the same brave and moral souls working hard to put someone in prison for ten years for forgetting to include a phone number on some form when updating registry info…but then giving a pass to government agents.

And they then defend not prosecuting the CIA agents for CP offenses by claiming that the “victims” are not identifiable and so they will have a hard time obtaining a conviction??? For real??? Are they serious??

If anyone doesn’t realize how much power the CIA has, I’d suggest reading the book titled SURPRISE, KILL, VANISH by Annie Jacobsen or just search title 50 CIA

The President of our country can authorize the killing of anyone in the world. I would venture to say that the CIA can do whatever they want without repercussion.