Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Dec 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
Source: 3/5/25 WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — An Arkansas man who was convicted of rape... -
FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
3/5/25 UPDATE: “Tents housing sex offenders behind Putnam County Sheriff’s Office headquarters taken down” 3/3/25... -
Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
I heard that there’s a law in Australia where if you troll someone online you could be arrested. Honestly I can see that happening here and I don’t want to think about it. Right now I don’t like being associated with Let’s go Brandon because I’m not pro Trump and anti Biden. I’m pro accountability on both sides and till I see some movement there forget both parties.
In regards to SORNA, Janice why don’t we try to argue the RETROACTIVE portion of the proposed law first? At least start there: anybody convicted prior to 2006 SORNA would be unconstitutional.
if this isnt allowed you can delete this, but figured I’d post this here just in case: Anyone in NC there’s a cool group called the fearless group that meets online. It’s there for anyone to support each other in our causes, and to plug in a bit. It’s open to NC registrants and their families. Contact NCRSOL if you are interested.
ACSOL should be asking their members to participate in the open discussions over the Colorado SOMB label change issue. If you go to the Colorado SOMB website, at the top of the page is a link to a survey to give your input on this issue. We have only 3 more days to get our input in and rest assured that the victim advocates are doing the same.
I am up for early discharge from parole this month. I am hoping everything goes well. I was told that I would be the first to do it. My questions is does anyone understand the process of who approves my early discharge? I was told that the final approval is the district supervisor for my review. I heard others early discharge was the Board of Parole hearings. I was told if it gets denied I should fight it. I have passed everything on parole so far I should not have any issues but who knows.
Has anyone seen where some state wants to free those of us who were charged based on a STING since there was not a true minor involved in our offense? In CA my charge was 664/288(a) and the person in my correspondence was a 40 year old MALE Sheriff Deputy. So there was not a Minor (under 14) who was in a chat room with me If someone finds where this is let’s see if we can make it all 50 States
I have still yet to see a reply or explanation why ACSOL or any other org will not bring this issue of individualized dynamic risk assessment hearings. Janice and team have been a mixed blessing for all of us. They have been successful at blocking all the restrictions and have helped in obtaining the tiered registry. Both have issues that are bad and good. On the one hand all the restrictions would have helped extremely in my case as it would of changed the dynamics of the case for an ex-post facto claim as well as could’ve bolstered the right to travel and several other claims. On the other hand none of us have to face all those presence or residency restrictions. With the tiered registry everyone knows and I am sure agrees that first and only time non-contact non-violent offenses should not be included in tier 3 but yet know one has the gut/will/or incentive to fight it. Nor are anyone willing to file suit for individualized dynamic risk assessments when all the sister courts and surrounding states have already ruled in their respective state SC the Gov has to provide.
So I have to do my annual registration with the sheriffs department in San Diego. The Viewhaven Ct.location still requires that we show up in person. It used to be they were open 4 days a week for walk in or appointment. Now they have reduced that to only two days available for walk in, and one day for appointments, but mornings only. They also have a notice that only 10 people are allowed in the waiting room do to Covid, understand that all licensing is done in that one location so ten people is not uncommon.
I tried to make an appointment and found there were no instructions on how to do that I tried calling three different numbers and couldn’t get a person, and I went to the website which says I can register by appointment, but doen’t tell me how to get the appointment.
So they offer two days a week for walk in opportunity and that is it. That really concerns me because we have to do it within 5 days of a birthday, so depending on when your birthday falls that might only leave you two or three possible days in a small window to get this done.
It seems with these reduced hours that there is a great possibility for a violation just because of the small window. I am working, and I have to commute to the location. I am feeling a bit stressed because I have one day available next week to do it, and if anything should go wrong and I couldn’t make it then I would only have one day within that window the following week, and then I’m on the brink of violating if anything should happen. This is just unfair, it isn’t right. Why can’t we have the entire month of our birthday to do this?
“Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?” Sotomayor said during oral arguments Wednesday morning. “I don’t see how it is possible.”- Justice Sotamayor.
I’m certain the Rehnquist court had the same thoughts on the registration constitutionality issue. That court forsake court functionality for court popularity.
I recently learned there is a wiki for “fans” (read: sycophants) of the long-dead 2000’s TV show to catch a predator. The editors of the wiki routinely stalk men who were involuntarily portrayed on the show and add new information, for commenters to gloat and mock.
The great thing about a wiki is anyone can make an account and edit it. I’ve already destroyed most of the “predators” individual pages, from A-G. This is some fun anyone can partake in. Delete the predators pages and replace them with your favorite poem, an image of a middle finger, whatever you want. Now we get to tear down their little castle.
I’ve been thinking of making a generic handout that registrants can use when the gestapo wanders by for a “home check” (ONLY APPLIES to those OFF PAPER!):
(NOTE: Attorney disclaimer notice in last paragraph. Read before deciding.)
If you must make contact with the officer, then hand this statement to the officer without another word. If you have actually consulted with an attorney about this, you can even mention that “My lawyer instructed me to give this to you on home checks. I have nothing further to say.”
You can change the wording (make sure you replace the bracketed items with your applicable ones), but don’t give them an inch to be used against you later on.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an attorney, so before you actually use this, consult with a real attorney. IF ANY REAL ATTORNEY wants to comment on this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
[Michigan high school shooter] “Crumbley, 15, was charged as an adult Wednesday with terrorism, murder and other counts …”
Wait…let me think.🤔
Oh, that’s right:
criminal = adult;
victim = child.
Sorry I was confused for a moment.
This is not in response to anything in particular, but I have been reading de
Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, and some bits I stumbled on recently, particularly in the middle chapters of vol. I part II discussing the tyranny of the majority and the absence of checks on tyranny resonated to the degree it was almost prophetic, for 1835-1840. I don’t know whether this should be taken as a dark prophecy, but for better or worse – an attitude I think the author himself would have endorsed – here are some quotes I found particularly relevant (translations vary):
“”When a man or a party suffers an injustice in the United States, to whom can he turn? To public opinion? That is what forms the majority. To the legislative body? It represents the majority and obeys it blindly. To the executive power? It is appointed by the majority and serves as its passive instrument. To the police? They are nothing but the majority at arms. A jury? The jury is the majority vested with the right to pronounce judgment; even the judges in certain states are elected by the majority. So, however iniquitous or unreasonable the measure which hurts you, you must submit.”
“The master no longer says: ‘Think like me or you die.’ He does say: ‘You are free not to think as I do; you can keep your life and property and all; but from this day you are a stranger among us. You can keep your privileges in the township, but they will be useless to you, for if you solicit your fellow citizens’ votes, they will not give them to you, and if you only ask for their esteem, they will make excuses for refusing that. You will remain among men, but you will lose your rights to count as one. When you approach your fellows, they will shun you as an impure being, and even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you too, lest they in turn be shunned. Go in peace. I have given you your life, but it is a life worse than death.'”
“A few years ago some pious people undertook to make the state of the prisons better. The public was roused by their exhortations, and the reform of criminals became a popular cause. New prisons were then built. For the first time the idea of reforming offenders as well as punishing them penetrated into the prisons. But that fortunate revolution in which the public cooperated with such eagerness and which the simultaneous efforts of the citizens rendered irresistible could not be accomplished in a moment.
Alongside the new penitentiaries, built quickly in response to the public’s desire, the old prisons remained and housed a great number of the guilty. These seemed to become more unhealthy and more corrupting at the same rate as the new ones become healthy and devoted to reform. This double effect is easily understood: the majority, preoccupied with the idea of founding a new establishment, had forgotten already the existing ones. Everybody’s attention was turned away from the matter that no longer held their master’s, and supervision ceased. The salutary bonds of discipline were first stretched and then soon broken. And beside some prison that stood as a durable monument to the gentleness and enlightenment of our age, there was a dungeon recalling the barbarities of the Middle Ages.”
Again, whether all this bodes good or bad, I don’t know. But it is eerie.
Has anybody received the “we are going to rescind your exclusion” from Megans Law website letter yet?? you know the 30 days advanced notice???
for Jan 2022.
The hypocrisy of the DOJ is absolutely stunning. My 288c reduced via 17b/dismissed via 1203.4 is still so dangerous that even though I’m technically not considered to have a previous conviction they still put me in Tier 3 (thank goodness Janice and team are fighting this for us). But when I applied to the DOJ this fall for my background for my firearm permit no issues – approved! I’m so dangerous that I still have to register but hey, feel free to buy an assault rifle!
For those in Ga who are interested in what Restore Georgia is doing, the next statewide meeting is on Dec 14th
If online commenters, even those who are anonymous, are saying damaging, untrue things about you, you may have a viable claim for defamation. Document everything and contact personal injury attorneys about the case. You may have to talk with a number of attorneys before finding one that will take the case on a contingent fee basis.
Does anyone know if Connecticut requires out-of-state registrants to register for the duration of their required registration period using their state of origin’s rules? Otherwise, it looks like all non-violent, non-repeat offenders are 10 years, which frankly sounds too good to be true. I can’t find anything suggesting I’d have to follow another state’s rules if I moved there, but I may be missing something.
An interesting event occurred yesterday.
Riverside County. There’s been an on going domestic abuse situation down the street from me. I have known the woman since she was a teen. She was friends with our kid for awhile in fact. Since she started having kids, we have barely talked outside of hello. She basically did not want the stigma of being friends or friendly with the neighborhood sex offender.
Yesterday I was leaving to go to the store. She started yelling for help, saw me and yelled for me. I went down there just as he was leaving. She was smacked up pretty good. To point, I walked past my brand new neighbor, who was outside and who has caused me some problems on the local social media pages (they did not check the registry before overpaying for their home and now they are furious that their house isn’t worth shit because of me, lol)… anyway, she was just standing there watching a woman with two kids screaming for help, not doing ANYTHING to help, nothing….. NOTHING…
I stayed with the victim and she said he said he was coming back, sure enough he drove back, saw me and did a U-turn, not sure why, he is bigger, younger and most likely stronger than me, but he took off. After about 30 minutes of listening to her frantic “I do not know what to do, he is a good guy” battered woman syndrome shit, she mentioned a restraining order. I had her fetch it, yup. I told her quite simply, she MUST call the police.
Long story short, he fled, bailed out of the car, hid and was caught, had warrant(s).
There was a cookout party two doors down from her, her immediate next door neighbor was hosing down his driveway, the guy across the street was working on his car and my neighbor was in her yard….. and who helps this woman and her two kids? A sex offender….. from the other end of the block… a sex offender… I am trying not to act like the hero, because I do know her and would have helped her regardless of my status, but ALL of these neighbors except the ones having the cookout, have given me problems due to my status…. but they leave it to the sex offender to help her? To the point of watching me walk to her place…. watching the sex offender that they hate going towards a woman and two kids in an extremely vulnerable situation. So much for using the list to protect each other, I guess the list is truly just so they can get on the Facebook local page and threaten me. As though they cannot fathom that I have friends who sent me screen shots of what they said. Really brave upstanding Americans.
She was frantic, said she had been screaming for help for 10 minutes as he was trying to drag her in the house. None of my pure, loving empathetic “do no wrong” fellow Americans lifted a finger to help her, not even a call to the cops, nothing.
I have learned one thing, if these scumbag Californian citizens will not lift a finger to help a young mother screaming for help with two children crying, they sure as hell will not help ME if I happen to need help. The emotions are still rather high and I currently feel like I would ignore their pleas for help too.
What about moving to an Indian Nation in the continental USA ? Do you have to register since it is a different nation ?
I want to be happy again. I want my life back. I looked at a photo of a possible nude 17 year old. Because I used a file sharing program to download, I was convicted of distributing. 25 years of my life as a tier 2 registrant. I will be 80 years old before I can seek removal. This is cruel. The punishment does not fit the crime
This came up recently in a different thread – are people actually fighting against the oppression of the Oppression Lists (OLs)? Are people making Registry Aholes/Supporters/Terrorists (RASTs) pay real consequences in real life? I got the feeling that maybe not so much.
It doesn’t do a lot of good to just sit around and complain on the internet. Actions must be taken in real life.
As I said in another thread, if you are not a RAST, how about learning about all of the PFRs that live near you and see how you can enrich their lives? Can you hire them for work you need? Hire a company they own? Start a company with them? Empower them in any way. You probably can.
On the flip side, never hire or support RASTs. We need to cancel those “people”. Neutralize, marginalize, and ostracize them. Wage war on them.
There is a lot that can be done. Make the OLs cost as much as possible.
Come on MC, David and others get with the program. Question.. What is public safety.. is it two cars colliding with each other or who is the biggest liar or who shoplifts for public abuse.. Talk about Otis Campbell with public intoxication. Guess they put him in jail for public safety in a character role…….. that’s the key character role. Never knew when they let him out for an appointment what that was about. Talk about a guidance counselor.
Guess one can say all are like greedy dogs. So who is just today or who is out of character in this character role of blind justice today? Yes laws have changed and the sex registry is a bit of an over punishment for many and all involved myself included. Course things could and should be different. Killing is one thing but this inducement on those on the registry is a bit of a mockery of justice and christian understanding or doesn’t even government have a dark cloud handing over them.
California Megan’s Law
From everything I am reading, ALL RSOs will be listed on the website from January-onward, with the exception of those whose victims are related to the offender and the crime did not involve most sexual acts.
Is this the case? Are there exceptions for tier level? What data will be listed? Photos, addresses, PC?
Thank you!
Has anyone in Michigan figured out how the new sorna affects pre-2011 email exclusions?