Utah Action Alert: Support Senate Bill 52 to lessen restrictions on sex offenders

Source: ksl.com 12/30/21

SALT LAKE CITY — A bill that could come up in the 2022 legislative session would change restrictions for sex offenders. The bill is sponsored by Utah state Sen. Mike Kennedy, R-Alpine.

The bill that could come up in next month’s legislative session would amend the state’s sex offender registry. Senate Bill 0052 would allow registered sex offenders to go to places like schools and parks, if they are with an adult. Also, if passed, the bill would replace the term “sex offender” with “registrant.”

Read the full article

Read the full text of SB 52

Utah residents, find your Utah senators so you can call and write them to support this bill


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Well I’ll be. What in the wide wide world of sports is going on here?

I am shocked and amazed – a bill relating to registrants that actually makes sense!
“Senate Bill 0052 would allow registered sex offenders to go to places like schools and parks, if they are with an adult. Also, if passed, the bill would replace the term “sex offender” with “registrant.””

It is a starting the right direction,more and more the tide is turning on this mass persecution of a minority group.

Was reading the bill on my phone which is difficult and I may have missed something. But…

A restricted area is a swimming pool or community park that is open to the public -> individuals required to register are not members of the public. Duh.

Two individuals required to register may enter restricted areas all day long. As long as one is at least 18 years old and they stick together the entire time. Yay.

Who comes up with this stuff.

As expected, most of the comments on this article vehemently oppose this bill. I’d bet most of them didn’t even read the bill before screaming that it endangers children and ignores victims.

Adults need to be accompanied by an another adult to be in a tax paid park. Did the state ask the adult if they could take money out of their account to fund a park they aren’t allowed? How condescending of Utah? At least they will be called a registrant which the hysterical public will believe minimizes crimes.

Happy new Year to the non-Karens/Kens!!!

This professor, Paul G. Cassell, is functionally no more than a lobbyist for victims groups and his ranting about this bill does nothing to actually help victims (registries don’t work, but he doesn’t think so) but the exposure will most certainly promote his career objectives by giving him free press.

How is Paul G. Cassell helping victims of sexual assault when the policies he supports can only possibly stop the 5% of sexual assaults committed by registrants? What about the other 95%?

Paul G. Cassell’s most idiotic statement? “Paul G. Cassell told KSL NewsRadio that right now, victims know sex offenders won’t be in certain protected areas.” If most offenders are not on a registry when they commit their crimes, what on earth is this man thinking? Where did he get his degree? Mr. Paul G. Cassell, I truly hope you read this. You desperately need an education.
This professor, Paul G. Cassell, is functionally no more than a lobbyist for victims groups and his ranting about this bill does nothing to actually help victims (registries don’t work, but he doesn’t think so) but the exposure will most certainly promote his career objectives by giving him free press.

How is Paul G. Cassell helping victims of sexual assault when the policies he supports can only possibly stop the 5% of sexual assaults committed by registrants? What about the other 95%?

Paul G. Cassell’s most idiotic statement? “Paul G. Cassell told KSL NewsRadio that right now, victims know sex offenders won’t be in certain protected areas.” If most offenders are not on a registry when they commit their crimes, what on earth is Paul G. Cassell thinking? Where did he get his degree? Mr. Paul G. Cassell, I truly hope you read this. You desperately need an education.

Last edited 3 years ago by webmaster

I guess the biggest question is where and what is the Utah aclu, or anyone that represents a state government watchdog in Utah doing????????????
There is certainly more than enough information to refute 99.9% of these uneducated peoples fear,
Apparently there’s only state Aclu s. Across the country?
Why isn’t there a national ACLU?

A Republican proposed this bill? And a state university professor is the chief opposition? Is this Opposite Day?

I view the simple terminology change as an interesting development. Clearly, someone has seen the light, at least a little bit. Who woulda thunk it in arch-right UT?