MO: Missouri proposes online list of murderers out on probation

Source: 3/18/22

(The Center Square) – Missouri residents soon could see whether any paroled murderers live in their neighborhoods.

State representatives could hear House Bill 1705, which would create a separate list to Missouri’s sex offender registry that names parolees out of prison for first- or second-degree murder. The offenders would see their names fall off of the list once their parole time has been served.

Rep. Lane Roberts, R-Joplin, said his bill would not intermingle the sex offender list with the tally of paroled murderers. 

“It does not mix the data,” he said. “It would rename the registry, ‘sex offender and violent offender registry.’”

The bill passed in committee March 8 with bipartisan support.

Roberts said the list would allow the public to know who is on parole for first- and second-degree murder; a list already compiled by law enforcement. The bill would require the state highway patrol to maintain the data, which includes adding parolees who transfer from other states that Missouri has an interstate compact, which allows such travel.

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Another fine example of politicians going backward. Registries do nothing but make it legal for people to discriminate. They are ineffective at preventing “new” crimes. Americans are truly at the peak of political ignorance. This is because critical thinking ability is at an all time low. One last thing also. The public is just fine with hanging you but if it were one of their family members the very same public would cry about the harshness of the laws THEY promoted and supported.

This is why we need to stop saying “there is no registry for ___” because they will just make one!

I pray for the collapse of our country. We are no longer worthy. It’s time to flush and start over. Our constitution no longer protects us. Politicians have created a monster. Over 50% of America has some kind of a criminal record. Half of this country is unemployable due to this nonsense. A nice nuclear warhead exploding above us would wipe out all electronics with an EMP

Wait a minute…a murder is no longer a danger once off parole but a sex offender is? Makes no sense to drop them off the registry after their sentence is over but not do the same for sex offenders.

The offenders would see their names fall off of the list once their parole time has been served”

Where’s the same type of thing for former sex offenders ?

Wimps. They are too weak and lame to create real Registries of all serious crimes and keep those people listed for life. They are too weak to try to attack those people on a daily basis and write special laws for them. F all “people” who support Registries. I’m committed to delivering the consequences they deserve.

Also, only because the Hit Lists, I’ll be spending this weekend with lots of children. It’s a calling now. I’ll educate as many children as possible about how many aholes live in Amerika and how the criminal regimes should never be trusted. It’s fun and rewarding.

Just to make sure I understand this correctly. The names of those murderers will fall off the list after they served their term of parole? But PFRs who did not kill anyone will have to stay on the Hit List for life? I wasn’t sure if I missed anything here. Don’t get me wrong, registries are useless, but hey, if it puts thousands of more dots on the map, nobody will ever feel safe again since the dots will cover the maps almost fully. Less focus on PFRs maybe.

Hmm, let’s put out lists of the groups of people LEAST likely to offend to make the public feel safe so the politicians can say “I’m tough on crime and please remember that next time you vote.”

How ingenuous or conceited America is getting. While I’m sure many can understand protecting and serving but when things get a bit personal than who’s controlling justice. As far as renaming the registry a good name would be “The Deceitful Registry” I’m sure we all wondered why lady Liberty was blind.. To many officials in the pot I suppose. Governments can be crude and ruthless so its up to the many to stop this type of issue.

Sure many can talk about 1st or 2nd degree murder but who is installing sex by internet proxy if that’s the case. Seems like government out in Missouri has nothing better to do but shine shoes. Call it a shoe shine type of justice for the neighborhood. What a vain way to love thy neighbor.

Talk about fanning the flames. Guess a Missouri Compromise in Justice is ready to implode or explode in the justice system. So who is mixing data or should one know more personal details about thy neighbor. Getting credit for vain and blind insight is making justice a mockery in and of itself in many angles. Yes compromising in Justice seems to be the ostrasizing way to go in any issue.

That folks is your wicked United States justice system at work in these compromising entanglements.. See in my own the arresting officer made a compromise so to speak which was so wrong in many ways. At times government isn’t right and I’m sure Will Allen and many of you all know it also. So much of this registry issue also has biblical principals that some seem to not even use and if you don’t have that you don’t have true justice only vain justice.

Big tech can’t get enough and over reliance on benevolent database thrives! Why not interconnect all the national parks, ooops already done. Sell Baby Sell.

How about a registry for member s of congress engaged in insider trading. I heard that over 150 members of congress were in violation of the securities trading regulation, but not one is being investigated. In other words150 of them are illegally engaging in insider trading, getting rich of tips from CEO who will obviously expect a favor return from their congressional rep.

Intensive tracking and monitoring of the two classes of convicted felons with the lowest recidivism rates while revolving the prison doors of drug offenders (users and dealers) who tend to commit the same crimes within a week of being released. Smart…

🍾🥂 I am aware that plenty of folks will disagree with me, but if lawmakers believe it is appropriate to have a publicly accessible Sex Offender Registry for all to view, then I absolutely propose that there be a publicly accessible DUI Driver Registry for all to view so everyone can be aware of the significant public danger to all people presented by convicted intoxicated drivers.

then their names are off the registry when they complete their probation HUH !!!