Tinder to offer criminal background check on dates

Source: boston25news.com 3/9/22

The popular dating app Tinder has announced it will offer users the ability to perform background checks on their date as a safety measure.

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The new tool will be integrated into the app’s “Safety Center” and will appear for users beginning this week, CNN reported.

 Tinder, which is owned by Match Groups, announced last year their partnership with Garbo, a nonprofit group that collects public records and reports of violence and abuse, and plans to make the new feature available, as we previously reported.

Users who access the new feature will be directed to Garbo, where they fill in information about themselves as well as their match, The Wall Street Journal reported. Garbo will return information about arrests and convictions for certain violent crimes and sex offender status…

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I happen to be on Tinder…. and 1) Im willing to bet 90-95% of people will NOT use this and Surely wont PAY !!

For me and the person I look for… well most of us gay’s we use it for HOOKUPS…
and for that NO one will pay for thier ‘hookup’ date (what a freaking joke…)
and Also im willing to bet… You can use a totally FAKE name and get around it… Plus its social media… do you think 99% of the people are going to COUGH up thier FULL Name ? Again 90-95% DOUBTFULL ! Can you imagine you so called DATE asking for your SSN haha and even for your birthday… its social media… 90% of birthdates on there are FAKE anyways. What retards …

The registry is being used to make money from a third party? I thought no other entity was supposed to utilize the registry? Remember, the registry is supposed to be a statutory scheme, but it’s being implemented like it’s a criminal endeavor by being clumped in with background checks. It’s a double whammy for a registrant!

ACSOL should use this as evidence to compare where the registry is today to what was decided upon in 2003’s Smith v Doe SCOTUS decision.

Actually, I wonder if ACSOL can sue tinder for accessing such information to re-broadcast and accessing such information for profit.

I’m just wondering if they’ll be offering free STI testing as well. Maybe some psych evaluations too. 🤔

Tinder is a perfect example of the ubiquitous database platfirm. Posting some amateur Porn, running some hoes, dealing some chiba, they got it all. All on the down low course. Entrepreneurship at its best.