ACSOL April 16, 2022 Meeting

Please join ACSOL Executive Director and civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci as well as ACSOL President and criminal defense attorney Chance Oberstein for our next meeting.  The meeting will be held on Saturday, April 16, on Zoom beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific time, 1:00 PM Eastern, and will last at least two hours. You can use the Zoom app or call in using a Zoom phone number.

There is no registration needed for this meeting. You can use the Zoom app to see Janice and Chance and choose to show or hide yourself, or you can use the Zoom phone number to call in to the meeting.

This meeting will be recorded and then posted here as an audio recording within a couple of days. A link to the recording will be at the top of our pages.

Discussion topics will include:

  • newly effective SORNA regulations
  • ALI Revised Model Penal Code
  • military retirees and veterans access to military bases
  • the California Tiered Registry (now effective)
  • domestic and overseas travel
  • pending CDCR regulations for CA inmates
  • other current topics and pending legal action throughout the nation.

Please Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up!

To join our Zoom meeting with your Zoom app, click on this link:

Or you can call in to one of the phone numbers below, then specify: 
Meeting ID: 832 7589 6264
Dial by your location:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number from around the world:

You can set up your one tap mobile using these keystrokes (these are examples; choose the phone number above that you want):
+16699006833,,83275896264# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,83275896264# US (Tacoma)


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I’ll definitely be joining – these meetings are very informative.

Janice – as of now, Tier 2 addresses are still being displayed on Megan’s Law – this was supposed to be changed to ZIP code only starting Jan 1st. Maybe this is something to bring up at the meeting and to see if there is anything we can do to pressure the state to make this change?

Mrs. Brown’s confirmation occurs simultaneously as U.N. moves to oust mother Russia from Human Rights Council! Epic times! Did you catch Illinois Sen Dick Durbin ( D) flap his lips before the vote about human bondage in American history and the progression (our) away from it, visa vi what this nominee represents? Meanwhile, the human bondage to .gov. database maintenance has already been established in the states. Progression? Really? Me thinks not so much. Meanwhile lock ups are full of dudes who were jacking off to pictures in their homes while “thugs with guns” run the streets. Kinda hits home over on K Street doesn’t it.

Tim in WI. , I hate to bring this up but Please stop it. I don’t know where your getting your k street scenario or your database understanding. Is it some HBO special or LA LAW TV review. Seems the database can solve everything even man’s understanding of Jurisprudence. If you don’t have biblical principals you don’t have any foundation principals or legal system of accountability. I’m sure many can be prude or with a vain prudish pride at times but sex is a reality,abuse is a reality, man made understanding is is a reality or where does the collusion come into play or the bait and trap. And your right its all about the database of what….. the 5 w’s.

Now what was man thinking when they went to the moon or when they made the Atom Bomb or when they put one in prison or on a change gang. Was it some type of conquest or human achievement to prevent a disaster or for probable cause. This database thing is man made but creation is not man made or can your database part the sea or split an atom. And if the database is so perfect than why are many still slaves or can a database tell you the intents of the heart. Tim its just a machine. Guess it was human rights to drop the Atom bomb wasn’t it? .. Let Janice do her thing. Thank you.

I’ll be there. Yes, so very informative. Thank you Janice and Chance. I would like to hear more success stories. In other words; Who have successfully petition for removal and been granted from registration. Also, I would like to hear if anyone is STILL showing TBD on their tier designation and if so, when will DOJ start to get to work? December 31, 2021 – the last day before their two years are up. . . and then what? Thank you. (per our county public defender in San Bernardino County, can not petition as long as TBD is still listed, although other counties are going ahead with the process). Congratulations to all that have been granted relieve from 290

Looking forward to the meeting. I want to discuss starting a topic for people who have petitioned and are in the process and those who have been granted relief from registration. The discussion threads are usually watered down by unrelated posts.
Hoping that a topic can be kept clean by the moderator. Now that I have been granted relief from registration I would like to hear discussion about how it works.

Good meeting today. I was on Zoom video and then switched to phone while I picked up plumbing parts from Home Depot! I got to announce that my registration petition was granted. Sonoma County. It took four months and twenty days after submitting it.