Path to Freedom

Please post comments here regarding the path you or your loved one took that you hope is leading to, or has already led to, freedom from the registry.  Comments could include information regarding the petitioning process in California or any other process in any other state.  Sharing this information with others could help them achieve freedom, too.


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For anyone who has been removed from the CA registry, you can expedite your removal from the CA Megan’s Law website as well as receipt of a letter from the CA Dept. of Justice confirming your removal by sending a copy of the court’s order to the CA Dept. of Justice using the following email: Be specific in your request, that is, tell the agency you want to be removed from the website and/or you want a letter from the agency confirming that you are no longer required to register.

For those who have been removed from their state registry, it is recommended that you notify the federal Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) that you are no longer required to register in that state. Send an email to According to communications from DHS, a person who is no longer required to register in any state is no longer required to have a “unique identifier” added to their passport and is no longer required to provide notice of at least 21 days for overseas travel.

My removal from the CA registry formally is complete. My petition was granted in April 2022, and I noticed that I was not listed on the Megan list in July, and I received my confirmation letter from CADOJ on November 22, 2022. I emailed DHS/Ice of my removal status November 23, 2022, as per Janice advise. Many thanks and I hope speedy removal to everyone and happy Thanksgiving.

I finally got my hands on a SIGNED copy of my 17B reduction paperwork. I’m going to try to email it off to the registry at “” and see what happens and if they update my tier designation to 1.
Has anyone else had this happen to them? What did you say in the email?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

There is good news to report. As of Friday, there is one more person who is no longer required to register. A judge in Los Angeles Superior Court (Norwalk) that day granted the petition of my client, who was convicted of PC 288(a) and assigned to Tier 2, despite an objection from the District Attorney. This is the 50th person I have helped escape from the registry….only 50 more to go before I meet my goal of helping 100 people escape from that punishment. Come join the team when you are ready.

I’m one of those classic Romeo and Juliet teens who was wrongly prosecuted and sentenced to prison for a crime that is no longer a crime against teens who have consensual contact with another close in age teen like a 15 year old with a 15 year old as a felony with lifetime registry as a sex offender. 

I’ve done everything, but because how legislations are, because I’ve successfully completed parole in 2010, that I can’t appeal my case, even though Legislations changed stating that the crime they imprisoned me for was written for adults, yet fail to pass them retroactive for teens prosecuted before the law is signed. so people like me can’t appeal there case unless they are still in custody. The law says if you completed your sentence and not on probation or parole that you can’t appeal your case. Because I completed parole in 2010, I can’t appeal my case even though they changed the law stating that when the wrote the original law, that it was meant to protect teens from adults, not to be used against two teens consenting. 

In 1999, when I was 17, I went to court after admitting I received oral sex from my than 15 year old girlfriend. She claimed force. In court, it was proven that she lied, her best friend who was there said that they pre planned together. So the DA dropped the force charges. Than filed new felony charges for “anyone” who has consensual contact with someone under 16. And was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Again I was 17 and proved in court false force accusation. At this point we all should have been prosecuted. Or no one. Even if we asked her and got the truth in court back than or now, that would not be new evidence because I was sentenced for consensual, not force. And because I’m not in custody anymore that I can’t appeal my case. Genarlow Brian me and Jarrett need to help these Romeo and Juliet bills and others who have been treated like us. They need our help! 
Click this video first.

Than See my court corrupted case on YouTube that you wont believe how corrupt it is and out of all four of us in the vehicle, and all wrote a statement of having consensual sexual contact with another teen, yet I was the only one charged. My case and timeline of court corruption and appeal you have to see to believe. The transcripts will show you how judge Carlson used the legislation wording and their infinite wisdom, that I was “anyone”, which now it’s changed to “anyone 19 and older who has consensual sexual contact with anyone under 16.

Roberts case and how the legislation is ruining lives!!!

 See everything on my website
 where you can see transcripts, court documents, Legislation bills and everything! I’m not wasting your time! Their are many teens who were prosecuted like us and struggle to live life, many have killed themselves living on the sex offender registry for crime that was not written for anyone, it was meant for adults. And the courts are doing the same to teens with child pornography. They are “anyone” who has a picture of someone under 18 , Corey Walgren, of Naperville Illinois 2017 killed himself at the school after the principal and school cop confronted him of the video he had and told him he was going to get prosecuted and be on probation and on the sex offender registry. Was told to sit out in the hall until his parents got there. Instead he went next door to the top of a building where he jumped and killed him self! These all pertain to the legislation wording. Help change the legislations and SAVE teens from getting their life taken by local courts Everywhere!

I started a non profit organization pushing for reform to get all states to pass the Romeo and Juliet bills that correct the legislation wording where they can’t charge teens for consensual contact with someone also under age for a felony charge and lifetime sex offender Registry! 
Great news they can’t treat teens how they treated me in court. In 2019 these Romeo and Juliet bills were introduced and passed in Wisconsin. But they didn’t make them retroactive so people like me can’t appeal there case unless they are still in custody. 

So I made videos and filed for a permit to protest the legislators in February 2021 to get the Romeo and Juliet bills that were passed, to be passed retroactive for us who already completed parole. During my campaign and videos being shared a lawyer contacted me that I can appeal.

Mr. Peterson, (this is from a appeals lawyer from Wisconsin, Christopher Donovan)

I watched the video and you raise many concerns with your case which we can discuss and I am happy to give you my thoughts about when we talk next. First I wanted to send you some law to review because any legal challenge you may wish to raise must pass two hurdles: the first is procedural (howcan you get your case back into court?) and the second is substantive (assuming there is a way back in, what issue(s) justify vacating your conviction?). As to the how, I believe this is the only option left to you because you have already done a direct appeal and are no longer in custody or on supervision: 

As for what you would raise in a writ of coram nobis. It seems one of your main points is that no one else was charged with the crime despite being in the car and participating in the same type of criminal conduct. This sounds like a selective prosecution claim:  

So maybe, we are working on a strategy and push for other bills that are in other states that if you’re on the registry, you are in custody, these bills have passed in other states. so if we can get those bills introduced and passed than I would be able to appeal and get my life that was taken from me. Not a sex offender with a felony. 
During this I find a lawyer who focuses on wrongful convictions and how he was also 17 who was prosecuted in Jefferson county to 28 years in prison. We were in the Wisconsin prison system at the same time. After 8 years the Wisconsin innocence accepted his case that he was wrongly imprisoned. After being in the law library in prison, he gets out and goes off to school in law and has won huge awards for himself for getting people out of prison, that his non profit organization just received 3.6 million dollars to continue to help wrongful convictions. I hired him and he is now doing my file review. He has a firm in New York, Chicago and now Milwaukee. He has huge connections now and is a public figure. I can send you many articles and news media of this man who just got his law degree in 2017 and is now being recognized and his memoir he just release not too long which I just finished this morning. Jarrett Adams “Redeeming Justice” I just heard of Jarrett Adams after I did all these videos. Otherwise I would have some of his case and story in these.

I spend all my money on lawyer fees for my justice and my patent. It’s still going to cost a lot.

I push for reform even though I fear my business of humiliation after being kicked off high end jobs after they were informed by others that I was a sex offender, all my competitors know and most have used against me on several occasions. where I went from 20 employees and numerous sub contractors to just a couple of each. Plagued by the registry and fear of always getting kicked off jobs again and it strikes open wounds and into ptsd especially after leaving and losing my family from the ptsd. Being pushed out of town. I still held my composure as best as possible but since 2017 I haven’t felt much success and haven’t been able to love my job and achieve goals I could but now the registry makes me hit walls while dealing with depression and mental health and so much more.

Meet Genarlow Wilson, the first 17 year old teen that hit national news for being sentenced to prison for a crime that was written for adults. Genarlow’s case sparked the Romeo and Juliet Bills in Georgia in 2006 which is taking years to get through in all states. When the bills passed in his state, “changing the wording “anyone” to “anyone 18 and older” but they didn’t and don’t make it retroactive because the legislation didn’t want to “open a flood gate”. “Open these Gates!” Wilson was later released on his appeal for cruel harsh unusual punishment.
Wilson was 2017 Black History Achievement Award Honoree. He is “Someone You Should Know!”

went through this to be an agent of change’: Where is Genarlow Wilson…

Brian Banks, The second teen that hit national news after
Wrongfully Imprisoned, See “Brian Banks” new movie after being sentenced 12 years for a rape he didn’t do at 16 years old. Starring Morgan Freeman, after his lawyer advised him to take a plea bargain. Told him that he will lose in trial that he’ll have an all white jury, and with him being a big black football player that he won’t win. The judge accepted his guilty plea but not the plea agreement and sentenced him to 12 years prison.
There are Major issues in the legislation wording where teens are being sentenced to prison for consensual contact with another teen. These laws were written for adults, 19 and older. Genarlow made national news for getting sentenced to ten years after jury trial because it was on video that a 15 year old gave him oral sex when he was seventeen and can clearly see they both consented. “The 15 year old girl’s mother who stated that she forgave Genarlow and was in favor of his release.”
The legislation wording “anyone” who has sexual contact with someone under the age of 16 which has the same punishment for felony up to 20 years in prison. The wording “anyone” which is now being changed to “anyone who has attained the age of 18″ but actually 19 or older.
He was “Anyone”
The Romeo and Juliet bills that passed in Wisconsin March of 2019 the age of consent was changed from 18 to 19. So anyone who was 18, can now get off the registry. So many 18 year olds are seniors in high school who dated their high school sweetheart and many are married today.
False accusations are not against the law, What do you think?

I Bet You Didn’t Know, that prior to 1998 before legislation bills passed in most states, like Georgia that any oral sex between adults consensually was was a felony punishable up to 20 years in prison!!

See Brian banks movie trailer , starring Morgan Freeman

BRIAN BANKS | Official Trailer

As the years go on and how it’s always been difficult for loans, because my offense I shouldn’t even have, that they have tightened up on sex offenders that they don’t want to do any loans for me at all, not even with my granted patent even though they prequalify me for hundreds of thousands of dollars til it gets to the end that I get rejected and they emailed me that its because of my offense being with a “minor“ Even though I was a minor. And they changed the law that the crime they charged me with, isn’t a crime. But due to all the loop holes I can only get ahead trying to get others to loan or invest in me or someone to hold my loans on my buildings with leases that creates cash flow and write off and it helps me and I can pay a percent on top. You talk about stress, I know what that is!

Feel free to ask me stuff, and learn more about my story as it helps me get better sharing, and spreading awareness. I truly am an open book and all I have ever had is my word and follow through.
All of this stuff has also been included in those letters to win the national medal of technology and innovation. Cross your fingers.. any day now.

There is a lot more about me on my website and more that will still be uploaded as things continue.
Thanks for reading 

Just wanted to share some good news.

I had a felony charge of 311.11(a) reduced to a misdemeanor last year. After around a year of being a tier 3 even after the reduction and not getting any answers from my attorney on why the tier didn’t reduce, I emailed and told them that I had my charge reduced to a misdemeanor. I got an email 2 weeks later saying that they had finally updated their database and I was promptly removed form Megan’s. Now, less than 4 years to go before I can apply for complete removal. Let’s hope it goes fast.

I haven’t officially gotten the tier 1 letter from my registering officer but I will do that soon. It was a simple email I sent. Didn’t attach any paperwork or anything.


By the way, I finally received my California DOJ Letter acknowledging my relief from the duty to register yesterday. So, from October 11th til January 3rd is how long it took. So, what, eight-four days? I’m not sure that calling them did any good because it was another month before I got it.

The Merced Superior Court has granted a petition for removal from the registry. This is the 53rd client I have helped to escape the punishments inflicted by the registry. Time for us all to celebrate!

just a thank you to janice , i can finally say free at last somewhat after 37 years of this hanging over my. head 288a from 1989 conviction riv co,,now reside in san bernardino county ,,,petion for removal granted dec 30,2022, removed from megans law jan 23,2023….good luck to all registered , parting words hire janice ,,,she gets it done,,,,,,,my whole process took 8 months

I did my annual registration yesterday and I got my designated letter as Tier 1. I was federally convicted in the state of Montana but I served my prison terms and supervision in California and have been living in California since 2010 when I was released from prison. I have been registering since 2010 so a total of 13 years. I want to petition for removal, I am in Riverside county(South West). I am looking to hire a private lawyer, I am searching in my area but I cannot find one. Any suggestions will be great because I have been waiting to finally know my tier level. Thank you. And how much usually cost to be represented by a private lawyer.

Today a registrant crossed the finish line to freedom when a judge in Norwalk (L.A. county) granted the petition filed on behalf of an individual who successfully registered for about 30 years. During today’s hearing, the judge agreed that the District Attorney failed to meet its burden of proof that continued registration would significantly enhance community registration. This is the same DA who stated they objected to the petition “because they can.” This person is the 56th client I have helped to freedom and is no longer required to register.

Last edited 1 year ago by Janice Bellucci

This is really another epilogue from my petition process so posting it here. Janice had me obtain my Live Scan and I noticed an omission in it. San Mateo County did not report my 1203.4 for a DUI from 2001. So I sent the challenge form and court order to CADOJ in August and just got it back – amended. It bothers me that such an important development in my jurisprudence was never transmitted to CADOJ. Can you imagine if any of us were so careless with our documentation? They’d have our heads on spikes by lunchtime. So please everyone…do get a copy of your Live Scan if you can and make sure it is accurate. And especially that it doesn’t omit positive elements like granted expungements.

A few other observations:

  1. With a granted petition terminating registration, I was expecting to simply not see any reference to the registry. But that’s not what they do apparently. It shows a line item for the original registering agency, then a Count line where it cites 290 registration, and then a third line that states disposition of “no longer required to register – petition granted.” So even when you’re off this list, your RAP sheet is memorialized that you were on it. This strikes me as total bullshit. When we’ve petitioned off, why can’t it simply say something like, “Not a current registrant” or something similar. They just won’t let go of this even when there’s nothing left to hold on to.
  2. On a FTR arrest that did not result in a conviction (was dismissed by DA after I went to court and explained myself to the judge), there is a new entry dated last July that says “Arrest Relief Granted Per 851.93 PC.” I was under the impression that this law got amended such that it was not retroactive and only applied to arrests since some date in 2021. That’s what I found when I googled it. Yet this was for a 2006 arrest. So not sure what the deal is there but hope it stays intact.

From reporting the error to getting the amended RAP sheet and letter confirming the update took 7 months. I hope it will be the last piece of mail from CADOJ I ever get. You see it in the Informed Delivery mail scan and the worries start about what it is. I did have a feeling this one was tied to the error report and thankfully it was.

Yesterday El Dorado County court granted my 290.5 petition for one 288(a) count I committed over 30 years ago when I was 20. My ex has been denying me custody and physical visitation for almost 8 years of my 15 and 12 year old sons even though she was fully aware of my history when we married and before we had children. Well she couldn’t stop us from communicating on the internet, so except for a handful of face to face visits, we’ve stayed close with video chats and texting. Cried tears of joy for the 3rd time in my life, the other 2 when my sons were born. I hired other attorneys, but this wouldn’t have been possible without Janice’s hard work. I’m so very grateful.

Last edited 1 year ago by reformed_dad

The good news just keeps coming. Two more of my clients have escaped to freedom after the courts in which I filed their petitions terminated their requirement to register. They are clients #57 and #58 who filed petitions in Orange County and Los Angeles County. Still working toward #100.

Submitted my petition to terminate on Jan 3, 2023 and just received a letter from Riverside County Superior court form CR-418 that my petition was GRANTED on Feb 22, 2023! Just shy of 2 month turn around. So happy this 13 year nightmare is over!

With help from Janice and crew’s YouTube video on filling out the form, I did it all myself. I filed the form at the court, served the DA office and the local LE office myself and then submitted the form stating that I served the DA and LE office the next day. Neither one of them had any clue what it was all about and the DA office almost didn’t accept it. The LE registration officer did come out when they heard me trying to explain to the receptionist at the LE office and took the form. They explained to me that this method is no longer the accepted method and there is a new streamlined method where you submit a simple form to the DA and that was it, but did not elaborate and said they would explain more if this method didn’t work. I haven’t seen anything about this “streamlined” method here on this site, so I was curious what it was about.

I do have some questions about the next steps, re: the CA DOJ and the federal level. I was a tier 1 registrant with my record expunged and I did not appear in the public registry. I WAS on the registry for about a year until my conviction was reduced to a misdemeanor, vacated, and then expunged. I lost a job from a background check at the time and it took me a few months to bounce back, and get everything on the internet scrubbed and working with background check companies to remove negative information.

With the CA DOJ, should I email my form to them for the “curtesy” letter to expedite the process? Or just wait to hear from them? Do I actually need to do anything at the federal level since I wasn’t on any registry any longer or will the Riverside court notify them? I’m also under the understanding now that my petition was granted, effective immediately, I no longer have to do my yearly registration?

We plan on doing some international travel now that I don’t have this hanging over my head, so I want to make sure I won’t have any issues moving forward and won’t be turned back at a destination because of outdated information.

Thank you Janice and crew for making this valuable resource available.

I am having a hard time understanding when I can petition.
Tier 1, Birthday April 1. Released from incarceration April 2 ten years ago.
Can I petition for removal on April 2 or do I have to wait an additional 364 days to get to the first birthday after 10 years?

Two new registrants have crossed the finish line and are now free from the CA registry! One of the registrants, who was assigned to Tier 1, gained his freedom in Alameda county on Feb. 23. The other registrant, who was assigned to Tier 2, gained his freedom in Placer county on Feb. 24 after the District Attorney objected to his petition and a hearing was held. These registrants are #59 and #60 of those I have represented. I am well on my way to reaching my goal of helping 100 registrants across the finish line. Thank you everyone for these opportunities!

I have been a RSO for 30 years for a statutory rape in the state of Texas. In my 30 years I have been spit on, kicked out, bannished and beat up, down to black mailed and extorted. What I have found is on the registry search website, the Texas DMV, it states under chapter 62 people can not use the information to harras or harm those on the list. This is actually a safe gaurd for the law it’s self. See people will abuse laws like this, and the more abuse situations make easy evidence to prove cruel and unusual. But the problem is the police do not enforce the law which is a actual law.
What has happened most recently is I am a subcontractor, and I was working with a company and got deposits for 30 different clients to do service for, all came from my promotions and all via the internet, all from my paid ads. Well the place I was at wanted all deposits to go to their account, which that made me uneasy as was, but I did as much. Then they slacked on paying us, slacked on doing almost all things they said they would do,so I decided to quit. When I was leaving I asked for my deposits and they refused and said have the clients contact them and get the deposits and when they do they were going to tell my clients I was a sex offender. This I told them was illegal and I called the police who did nothing.
And this company did I’m fact do this, they took over $3000 in deposits. My clients love my work and didn’t care, and still wanted my work, but I had to take the lose. I have contacted attorneys and finally by using a pay program to find a attorney, got one who said they would do something, but now after months they won’t return calls or anything. No one wants to look like a advocate for a sex offender, no one wants to get their hands dirty. and this was straight up extortion, yet no one does anything. The police to attorneys.
I am so wore after this for 30 years. This story is just a grain of sand on a beach of stories in my life as a RSO of 30 years.

question i have never had a passport , will be applying soon ,jus removed from my duty to register jan 2023, after 25 years of registering in california, should wait to get passport make sure no marks identifier on passport , are has doj already made clear im no longer to registerr ?

once no longer required to register in california ,,,when should i appy for my first passport ? how soon after bieng removed from megans law ?

One more person escaped from the registry and onto the path of freedom last week when a judge in Riverside County granted his petition. He is the 62nd person I have helped achieve that victory! I have filed more than 100 petitions and of that total, only 7 petitions were challenged by a District Attorney. Six of the challenged petitions were granted despite a DA’s objection. The one petition that was denied is now on appeal due to alleged judicial misconduct.

Today was a great day, I went to my local court to get a copy of my Court Order from termination to register. I hired Janice to file my petition for removal in Feb … 2023. I am a tier 1 (Federal Offense, Out of State, CP). I live in Riverside County and the DA did not object to my petition for removal in March … 2023. The judge granted my petition and signed it [in March]. Thank you again Janice for your help, I could not ask for more. Finally, I am no longer required to register every year. Been registering for 13 years. There is hope everyone, Janice, and her team are doing their best to get us out of these chains. Thank you again, Janice.
[Moderator: partly redacted for your protection]

San Diego Superior Court has granted another petition for removal from the registry! The petitioner was convicted by the military of a sex offense more than 20 years ago and the CA Department of Justice assigned him to Tier 2. This is the 63rd person I have helped leave the CA registry. Congratulations #63!

A judge in Orange County granted a petition yesterday ending the requirement to register for a man convicted 28 years ago of a single offense. The DA’s office fought hard in this case but ultimately lost because they failed to prove that this person posed a current risk to the public. Congratulations to my 64th client who is now on the path to freedom!

I did receive the confirmation letter from the CA DOJ of my termination yesterday and it was dated March 29. I did send them an email on March 28 asking them to send me a confirmation letter thru the mail. So overall it took only 2 weeks for me to receive it in the mail. It is better to send CA DOJ an email once you receive your court order and attach a copy of it. They will respond very quickly.

There is great news to report! Two more people required to register have had their petitions granted, one each in Los Angeles (April 14) and San Francisco (April 19) counties. Both men were convicted of Tier 2 offenses, however, hearings were not held regarding either case. Congratulations to clients #65 and #66 as they are no longer required to register in California!