Path to Freedom

Please post comments here regarding the path you or your loved one took that you hope is leading to, or has already led to, freedom from the registry.  Comments could include information regarding the petitioning process in California or any other process in any other state.  Sharing this information with others could help them achieve freedom, too.


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For anyone who has been removed from the CA registry, you can expedite your removal from the CA Megan’s Law website as well as receipt of a letter from the CA Dept. of Justice confirming your removal by sending a copy of the court’s order to the CA Dept. of Justice using the following email: Be specific in your request, that is, tell the agency you want to be removed from the website and/or you want a letter from the agency confirming that you are no longer required to register.

For those who have been removed from their state registry, it is recommended that you notify the federal Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) that you are no longer required to register in that state. Send an email to According to communications from DHS, a person who is no longer required to register in any state is no longer required to have a “unique identifier” added to their passport and is no longer required to provide notice of at least 21 days for overseas travel.

my path to freedom began following my birthday in December 2021. The first petition resulted in a hearing in April 2022. The DA contacted the victim of the 1984 incident who wanted to testify, and I withdrew the petition. I had entered into a plea agreement in 1989, three years probation, no jail time. My probation officer, following probation, filed a1203.4 request. This was granted and provided some relief. Fifteen years later the hysteria increased and now I was, in essence under house arrest, not able to go anywhere, not even take my dog to dog beach, it is a park. I waited and followed this site to watch how these cases worked their way through the court system. Janice and her team have done great work with good results. I contacted Janice to get her to assist me trying again, glad I did. Following some hiccups my petition was granted, received the ruling in May of this year and the DOJ notice of my removal from the California registry in June. I had also received a call from my local PD advising me I had been released of my duty to register. I am sure there are many of others who feel hopeless in dealing with all the challenges with being on the registry, but if you are eligible the future is looking good for those here in California. Many may not know, but California did not have a tier system until 2021, it was a lifetime requirement. So, for me, this has been over 30 years, long overdue. I also want to thank Janice and encourage anyone seeking help to contact her. I believe I am #101 on her way to 200.

Time to congratulate #103 whose petition was granted on June 5 in Santa Clara Superior Court! He was assigned to Tier 1 and there was no hearing. The court granted the petition less than two weeks after the DA decided not to object. Congratulations #103! May you live long and prosper.

Los Angeles Superior Court has granted another petition filed by a person required to register. This person was assigned to Tier 1 and the DA did not object to his petition. Therefore, there was no hearing regarding his petition. Congratulations to #104!

A Los Angeles Superior Court located in Lancaster has granted a petition filed on behalf of a person required to register. This person was assigned to Tier 1 and there was no hearing in the case. Congratulations to #105!

Still on my path to freedom, unfortunately most attorneys want like $3.000 just to even look at
my petition. The problem with that is my situation is a little complicated so who ever files it has to be a very skilled lawyer who has knowledge of the 290 laws and the petition process.
Luckily for me after endless searching and long discussions I was able to find a very well seasoned top layer in Los Angeles County. As were going over my last petition process to see why it was denied we found out it was denied because of wrongfully convictions from another country, Basically it was a probation transfer into another country but the court wasn’t paying attention and instead of granting the probation transfer they convicted me of my old charges so I was convicted twice for the same crime “double jeopardy” a violation of my civil rights, the 5th Amendment, I never knew this happened till now.
The attorney I found is not a private attorney she actually works for the state of California that’s all I can say about that. BUT the main objective is getting off the registry after that we’ll double back and run it up again.

Can someone provide clarity on when I can petition? Conviction date was end of November 2014. 10 years will be up at end of November of this year. The wording on the instructions form in Contra Costa County is incredibly confusing…

“This petition and proof of current registration must be filed on or after your next birthday after July 1, 2021, following the expiration of your mandated minimum registration period.”

Trying to understand if since my birthday is in the middle of July but my 10 years isn’t up until end of this November if I can petition once my ten years is up at end of November or if I need to wait until my next birthday after end of November meaning middle of July of 2025!

They really should reword this or give examples….

It’s time to celebrate. Riverside Superior Court has granted the petition of a person required to register on August 21. This person was assigned to Tier 1 and there was no hearing. Congratulations to #106!

I’m curious, does anyone reliably know if after we’re able to petition successfully to stop registration if that also will stop the white notices that are sent to other countries if we want to be able to travel internationally again?

My last successful international travel was 12 years ago. I’m able to petition at the end of November after 10 years (tier 1). Misdemeanor Possession of CP.

My passport does not have the unique identifier.

There is good news to report. Sacramento Superior Court granted on September 20 the petition of a person assigned to Tier 2. There was no hearing in that case. Congratulations #107!

I am happy to inform everyone that I just received my letter granting me relief from 290 registration. I had a misdemeanor 243 no public disclosure but every year I stepped into the police station was always filled with anxiety. The process took 6 months for the court to terminate my registration. Location is San Bernardino County

Los Angeles Superior Court has granted another petition that terminates the requirement to register for another person. This person was assigned to Tier 1 and the District Attorney did not object to his petition. Therefore no hearing was required. Congratulations to #108!

The Nevada County Superior Court granted the petition today of a person required to register. The District Attorney of this county objected to the petition stating that the petitioner should have been assigned to Tier 3. Problem (for them) was that the CA Dept. of Justice had assigned him to Tier 1. Due to the DA’s objection, a hearing was required and during that hearing the court decided without hesitation that the petition should be granted, that the registrant is no longer required to register. Congratulations to #109! You are now on the path of freedom.

One more person escaped to freedom today when El Dorado Superior Court granted his petition. Although he was assigned to Tier 1, the lowest tier, and had registered for 25 years, the District Attorney objected to his petition. At today’s hearing, the judge agreed with us that the DA failed to meet their burden of proof that “community safety would be enhanced by his continued registration” and therefore she granted his petition. Congratulations to #110!

There is reason to celebrate! Santa Clara County Superior Court has granted the petition of a person required to register. This person was assigned to Tier 1 and the District Attorney did not oppose the petition. Therefore, there was no hearing. Congratulations to client #112!

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