Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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⭐⭐ Happy May, all! ⭐⭐
PLF to file lawsuit against SORNA this month! 🤗😃👏🏻
Hello- Anyone know how many days you can visit Indiana before you have to register?
Would like to spend a week this summer there with family.
Thank you!
Was hoping someone with knowledge could point me in the right direction for factual information regarding polygraph exams in CA while on parole.
I am on parole in CA. I reviewed the CDCR DAPO Manual and it states that parolees in supervision level SB shall take a polygraph exam in the first 6 months after release and then one in year one of supervision and one in year two of supervision. I have looked at the rest of the manual and title 15 and have not found any other place it mentions frequency of exams. I am being told in my county that I must take one every 6 months for the duration of my parole. I cannot find that in any CDCR documents. Maybe I am missing something? If you have factual information such as DAPO or Title 15 section number could you please help me with this.
second I am being told when I am eligible for my first discharge review if my polygraph says “no opinion” they can use that as a reason to deny me discharge. When I look at the list of criteria laid out in the CDCR DAPO manual I do not see anywhere where polygraph is listed as be8mg considered.
any help on these issues would be great. Thank you
When I was on parole in Penn the treatment provider determined the frequency of the polys according to your group discussions etc. If they felt one was needed they would tell your PO and it would happen. So basically it was up to them – $295 a pop. Of course if you refused they could violate you. There was nothing written as to how many were mandated just that you would have to take one if ordered to. Also, we were told the first day that we attended our group that we would be in group (no way to be released or graduate) until we were off of paper. This guaranteed them their $40 weekly. The best part was that for your evaluation you sat with a Psychiatrist who was employed by the treatment provider. Of course he said I needed further treatment after sitting with me for 3 minutes. The Psychiatrist in prison who ran my treatment group that I was in for 3 years said on my exit interview with him that he highly felt I would not need further treatment.
One of my polys showed inconclusive. The treatment provider made me attend two sessions a week at $40 each for 3 months until my next poly where I cleared myself. They take inconclusive results as though you are hiding something and justify your additional weekly session with it.
I was seeing a psychiatrist of my own to help me cope with the anxiety of weekly group and he had me on major medication because of it. I have an anxiety disorder to start with.
It is a real racket and money maker for them.
For anyone having to deal with CPS I would like to offer up a family law defense attorney I used in Orange County California to fight for my parental rights. Her name is Lauren Johnson of Johnson Criminal Law Group. Lauren has all the background required for defending your rights as the parents when facing CPS and the horrible maze of our family court. After I tried to work with family court and CPS on my own by using one of their court appointed lawyers. I realized that was exactly what CPS and family court wanted me to do. CPS abused my rights as well as my children’s rights and finding Lauren, even though I had to find more funds, was the best defense I could do for my children and myself. Courage for all parents in this situation.
I’m wondering if anyone could give me advice or their experience with being given a job offer (offer letter received and start date given) and then not hearing back from the company after a background check is done. The company has the Fair Chance Act listed on its website which is an odd thing considering what has been happening. The company is based out of Boston, Massachusetts, and a remote position here in the Bay Area, CA for me. Are these grounds for a lawsuit? What are my rights and what can I do?
What I don’t understand is that if you are charged with a sexual offense, you will be told at sentencing that you have to register. So, for those who got off the registry in one State, why would they have to register in a new State? They are not being charged again, and there is no new sentencing date to let you know you have to register. Is there an actual law for each State that says “if you EVER had to register, you will have to start over here”? Just curious where it states this.
I just finished what I hope will be my last annual registration prior to petitioning for relief from registration (Tier 2, California). When I asked the clerk for a form CJIS 8050 which my attorney had asked me to obtain to file my petition, however, she said that the “sex offender unit” had not indicated that she should give me one. For their part, I’ve not been able to get ahold of them by phone.
Does anyone else have any insights into this?
I wonder if it’s possible to petition for the resignation or public dismissal of a US Supreme Court Justice who’s argument “civilized” the first humans to be indentured to database property?
So the draft SCOTUS decision on abortion has just been leaked.
Indeed, the word “abortion” does not appear in the US Constitution.
Neither do the words “Registration” or “Sex Offender”. 🤔
I’m reading John Rechy’s “The Sexual Outlaw” (1977). It’s an explicit account of the wilder side of L.A. gay life, cruising and hustling, in the seventies. It includes a clear-eyed discussion of California’s registry regime at the time.
Does anyone know positive news that’s maybe going on in Texas? Any new proposed lawsuits,challenges or something?
The Supreme Court supposedly said that roe vs wade is wrong, against constitutional rights, and should not have been passed in the first place. Now if only they’d use the same logic for the registry. It’s harmful, counter productive, against constitutional rights, and shouldn’t have been passed in the first place. Especially based on false data!
If the US Supreme Court can disavow the entire line of jurisprudence upon which Roe rests, then the US Supreme Court can disavow the jurisprudence in Smith vs Doe. Why should the US Supreme Court be able to disavow the entire line of jurisprudence in one instance and not another?
Ready for the educational protest in DC…
Information I’ve gathered is all over the place on my issue.
Can someone tell me with certainty what travel problems may come up for a person who was previously forced to register (Pa)
in 2012- then fought two years and eventually taken off the registry?
I was on probation in 2012 due to an invasion of privacy (misdemeanor 3) charge from an ex girlfriend (adult).
Sorna was adopted in Pa and because I was on probation, I was forced to register.
After much money for attorney fees and a little over two years- I was able to get a court order to come off due to the change they forced to my plea deal in 2011.
I would like to travel in the future- maybe Florida or overseas for vacations and I have read that though my charge was an adult, a minor misdemeanor and even though the registry was unconstitutional in my case- I still may be surprised if I vacation in day- Florida and stay more than three days , simply because I have a sex related conviction on my record (invasion of privacy). Same with international travel…
Is there any definitive law for someone in my situation?
Thank you everyone!
To any former Registrants –
Have any of you been successful in taking your information on ALL the 3rd party websites? If no, which ones are the difficult ones?
If yes, what did it take to get yourself removed from all of them?
Thank you.
The Appeal: A Judge Finally Called BS on “Shaken Baby Syndrome”
But judges still believe the “frightening and high” lie. 😖😡
This is directly from a record clearing company: “Once your conviction has been expunged you can honestly state that you have never been convicted of a crime in almost all situation, including when applying for a private sector job. There are only three very narrow circumstances wherein you must disclose an expunged conviction and they are (1) If contracting with the CA State Lottery Commission. (2) When applying for public office (mayor, congressman, etc.) (3) When applying for a state license.” I don’t see anything about ML being one of the exceptions. If they place someone on ML, they should by law note that the conviction is dismissed/ expunged, but they do NOT. All background companies use the DOJ report, and even on a Live Scan, the conviction still shows, however it also states that it was dismissed. So why can the DOJ display someone on the public site with a conviction and not note that it was dismissed? It is the LAW!!!! All of the DOJ’s reports show the dismissal. What gives them the right to not follow the law when it comes to ML? It is THEIR rule/ law to show the dismissal.
If The abortion rights is overturned as expected, then I am fairly sure you can kiss any reversal or even change to the SORNA/IML goodbye. This is not the SCOTUS that sees individual rights as important.
Odds are good the leaked Alito opine addressing the constitution & abortion was scraped from an unsecured database.
Well Tim you got me. According to you its all about the database. Open and shut case. Go tell Biden but its a lot more than just a database and I guarantee you that.. Sorry I had a longer comment but shorted it to save space So shame on LE right or whos’ rights are being taken away.
I know Georgia allows certain things for those convicted before 2003, but does anyone know if a year 2000 conviction bar one from parks, libraries, etc.?
❓ Does anyone know?? ❓
Are Registrants allowed to attend the Los Angeles County Fair??
Are we allowed to attend California State Fairs / County Fairs? 🤔
Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Texas allow juvenile registration at 8-years old. Massachusetts allows sex offender registration for kids as young as 7-years of age.
Makes me sick to my stomach when I read this…
Two questions for Janice or anyone appreciated: