Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
Thank you thank you thank you (ACSOL) All you do over the years And valuable information I filed for a petition For relief in September In San Bernardino County California And today I got a notice Saying my petition was granted YAY😁
TS and Will Allen and I thought I was an idiot. Oh excuse me your honor I was on the internet to order take out but she didn’t take my order right and she wanted me to bring the beer.. My excuse was I was incapacitated and didn’t know the waitress wore a mustache. I can just see a judge locking you all up for life. Sounds a bit much to me.
Wow garvin county woman and friend arrested for framing husband with child porn
My husband had a very disturbing, initially frightening, call from a number that coincided with SD Sheriff Dept claiming that he had not responded to a registered letter requiring him to submit new DNA sample. Initially, he was told he would need to turn himself in and be held up to 90 days until his evidentiary hearing. After some discussion about him losing his job, they were agreeable to issuing a surety bond but we had to drive to a payment kiosk (not at Sheriff’s dept in Kearny Mesa but near a satellite office which showed on google maps). In fact, the caller encouraged him to google and see the office at 1409 4th St. in San Diego.
It began sounding fishy as they were going to stay on the phone with my husband until he got the money deposited. Initially it was $5500 cash for the surety bond. He told them the bank closed early on Fridays and was already closed, but they offered to hold further processing with a good faith deposit of $400 which we said was his max ATM withdrawal. Could not pay with credit card.
I checked active warrants and did not see anything. We headed to local sheriff station with caller on mute, explained the situation, got confirmation of the scam, and had the sheriff deputy speak to the caller.
Of course, much of this may sound hokey now, but when an official sounding person says you have an infraction you’ve not taken care of (and you are a 100% decades compliant) it’s heart stopping just imagining that what the caller says is true.
PLEASE BE AWARE OF SUCH SCAM (scum) and don’t let them ruin your peace for even a moment. Alot of info is available on the web. Not sure how they got my husband’s cell phone #, but it is probably not that difficult.
While Janice is trying to educate, Lobby, or who knows what seems this forum is taking a bit of a turn. Where did masturbation come into the mix. Oh that’s right curious minds want to know the downfalls of men and women or how they conduct themselves at work or play.What people do is their own business. So whats next? Bans off our bodies, How to have privacy on the internet without really trying, or How to make a productive government.
I happened to go to Staunton, VA today which is about 9 miles from me. And by the way Staunton, VA is called the Queen City.. All jokes aside. They had a rally today called Bans off our bodies. yes it was about abortion. Guess meaningful causes stir up a lot of people and anger. I had no idea when I went down their today what was happening but people are trying to finally trying to understand. Many don’t even understand much of this registry today so who has blood on their hands today today. I’m sure if everyone wanted to go AWOL in the sex registry ordeal many on here would already been AWOL.
Tax Dollars – Why do you say that those placed in Tier 3 because of the Static-99R can appeal to be placed in a lower tier? I have not read or seen that anywhere?
I was dumbfounded at my last annual when I was placed T-3, unable to challenge or appeal. It seems my crime has increased in severity the longer I stay out of trouble.
It was a NY conviction, Level 1 in NY by the worksheet, but bumped to Level 2 by the judge because he placed everyone at Level 2 because he felt like it.
The first few years I was in CA, I did not even APPEAR on the CA ML website. Then something changed and I appeared. Then NY determined all Level 2 were life instead of ten years, then the Tier System came along and my crime against someone over the age of consent that they used an old sodomy law to convict me became something that prevents me from even being allowed to petition….. I suspect at this pace by the time I am 70 it will be a death sentence offense and I will be executed under some civil law they come up with. The Tier system did not do me any favors, in fact probably made my life worse, so I will be glad to see when it finally gets repealed, sorry to those who it did benefit, but you have to know this will swing back to life for everyone again….
Somehow doing the right thing, even getting off probation early, has made me more dangerous to CA, not less….. on bad days I imagine things (not sexual things) that might make them correct about that….
The person who committed the crime with me stayed out East, she eventually ended up in the deep South and she’s living the good life, great career, off the registry, relationship. She is doing better than she was prior to conviction in fact.
Eh, whattya do? Just keep going forward I guess…..
“Man who hit Bethel Park cop was on parole after 15th DUI”
Sure would like to know if someone like him was living next door to me..especially when the grandchildren are visiting..
Man who hit Bethel Park cop was on parole after 15th DUI (
Does anyone know if its ok when traveling back from overseas to stop in another state for two days before returning to our state? It would still be within the time frame I gave as for when I would be back in town. I plan to leave a little early to go say hello to a relative, then go home.
@ Tax Dollars: Conference Committee Report or not, it’s rather irrelevant if none of it was written into the actual statutes. 🤷🏻♂️
So the recent Buffalo shooting suspect was investigated back when he graduated due to substantiated threats of murder / suicide. He was detained for a few days but never examined by a mental health care professional. It was known that he promoted racial violence and followed people that did the same. Yet this person was still allowed to legally purchase weapons and did so almost immediately after his detainment.
A registrant is convicted of a misdemeanor offense. Is considered a non threat by state mandated protocols such as group therapy, lie detector, etc. They go completely offense free of even a traffic citation for over 7 yrs, yet they need to be watched and report periodically to authorities in the unsubstantiated chance they MIGHT offend again……….🤔……………😵💫.
Has anyone tried the google search personal info removal yet?
I am curious about this. Isn’t there a 4th Amendment protection against warrantless search and seizure??? 🤷🏻♂️
WA: Sex offenders required forced into compliance with DNA requirement
“Detectives set up fake profiles on sexual websites that depicted 14-year-olds. Police says adults would then chat with the fake underage profiles about sexual acts and fantasies.”
Wow. This REALLY sounds like entrapment. LE set up the fake profiles ON SEXUAL WEBSITES. LE is creating the situations themselves! 😡
IN: Indianapolis: 11 arrested in multi-county sex sting operation, says Johnson County sheriff
I just saw this in passing and don’t have the time to research further at the moment, but sounds like this could be used against people forced to register. Here for others to read up on and share more about if inclined.
“Today, the Court holds that a federal bureaucracy can make an obvious factual error … and nothing can be done about it. No court may even hear the case. It is a bold claim promising dire consequences for countless … And it is such an unlikely assertion of raw administrative power that not even the agency that allegedly erred, nor any other arm of the Executive Branch, endorses it.
Today’s majority acts on its own to shield the government from the embarrassment of having to correct even its most obvious errors. Respectfully, I dissent.”
~ Justice Neil Gorsuch
Patel v. Merrick Garland
Has anyone had any success at all with any online reputation companies and burying the ML website search results on your name?
Does anyone know how long one has to register in New Mexico if they were convicted in 2000 and released in 2007? As of now I’ve been forced to register as a tier 3 (life), but it looks like registration is 10 to 20 years there due to my conviction date, according to their documentation. Is this correct?
Very interesting title on Fox News today.
At least 135 teachers, aides charged with child sex crimes this year alone | Fox News
I think this may even out-weigh “Stranger Danger” actual events for the year.
So is it more safe for your child to speak to a total stranger than to go to school and talk to their teacher?
I am glad that this was reported. Nice to see the news not only targets registrants as “bad people”.
So how many of these teachers and aides were on the registry at the time of their crime (Sarcasm) – Oh, ya, NONE!!
The Buffalo shooter live streamed the brutal attack on Social Media. I wonder how many people watched that video, and how many of those will act up on this because they watched the video. Most likely nobody! Just by watching this disturbing video does not mean one will act up on it. And yes, there are victims, still people watched this, regular people who would not harm a fly.
A reminder ACSOL meeting May 21, 2022
You know we comment about this registry and/ or this abuse,even these behavior factors or the crafty ways of law enforcement or governments use of abuse. Sure even the punishments can be somewhat unbearable or even shocking. In a lot of these cases do the ends necessarily justify the means. One wonders if you can believe and/or trust Government today. One even tries to use science to understand or self-righteous beliefs to understand wicked governmental issues or even these state issues. Even these ordinances are a pro-choice delinma. Can much of many of these sex offender internet issues be defilement by government authorities.
While this sex registry has many loops and hurdles in it here is a perspective or viewpoint that may be of help to some that are entangled in some of these unethical situations by these forces of government. If Janice permits me to share this with you than it gives some good knowledge and understanding about the ends justifying the means Now some of this reading may go in one ear and out the other but let God be true and every man a liar.
A prominent US Senator and a physician (albeit with questionable credentials) asking to use a lie detector to determine the source of the Supreme Court leak. What an absolute buffoon.
Finally! The sex offender status paid off!
I was summoned for jury duty and applied for exemption due to being a sole proprietor. They weren’t having that, so I informed them I was a Sex offender. They immediately dismissed me like I had some contagious disease. Sorry, but why would I participate in a system that is biased against me for an infraction ( I have a misdemeanor conviction ) that happened almost a decade ago. They want to single me out in every way, yet demand I participate in “justice” proceedings. Yeah, right……….
A clue you say or some ethical scrabble type situation. Come on get with the program. Do you know the reason I’m here or why I chose Janices group to understand this registry a bit more , or should we all say Ignorance is bliss. Are we as human’s so careless or clueless in our own actions or should we say for every action their should be an equal and positive reaction. Should a bit of Christian ethics to a forum such as this sex registry be so bad or who justify the ends? Sure we all want to understand this registry to put an end to much of this as its been getting out of hand . Even lifetime punishments in many ways does get out of hand. So who is trying to justify their means. Even women try to justify their actions.
Case in point… did not Adam try to justify his actions in the Garden yet Eve was deceived? So should we try to unscramble much of this registry ordeal as many are trying to do? See nobody forced Eve and nobody forced Adam. Even Cain when he killed Able sort of callously said… Are you my brothers keeper. How cynical that may have been. See its all about using the right form of ethics keep peace. This force that even Will talks about sounds a bit over the top in a gun ho type of mentality. Even one should have a witness or is government just as much at fault in this blind leading the blind type of a prejudgement encounter. These sex offender issues are and have become a national crisis in this day and age. So what is the prejudgement methods today or are the methods a bit premature in this character judgement today.
To Janice, I know you’ve been watching what the ALI has voted on 05/17/22 pertaining to sexual assult and related offenses as many of us has. I can’t find the exact results but did find most of them. From what I read the members voted to approve section 213.0- 213.11j with some but yet minimal changes from the original draft. Draft 6 is the final draft I believe. The public registry will no longer exist, max registration is 15 years and 10 years if no other offenses have occurred, successfully completed treatment, are not on parole or probation ect. There was no mention of no contact offenses that I saw. These 11 registerable offenses were all about sexual assults or hands on predominantly. “If” you know will you tell us if viewing child porn is no longer a registerable offense? I found all this out on ALI’s website and their meeting on May 16th,17th and 18th 2022. They voted and approved this on the 17th. If this wasn’t a big deal as some people have said then why did the AG’s, district attorney’s and,ncmec all push for the ALI members to reject the revisions to the Model Penal Code? This is a huge deal and carries a lot of weight for us on the registry. Now it’s time for these legislators to get off their asses to get these changes passed. Any comments Janice? Thank you