Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
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The American Law Institute has had their annual meeting where they were suppose to ratify the changes to their sex offender model penal code after changing it a little due to the many state AG’s input. Did the ALI pass the changes as intended and reported earlier?
Non-delegation issues are arising again like in the Gundy case which may have been won if it were not a “sex offender” case.
“On Wednesday, a panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a shocking opinion in Jarkesy v. Securities and Exchange Commission, which held that key powers and structures of the Securities and Exchange Commission are unconstitutional.
What’s particularly striking about Jarkesy is that the nondelegation rule it lays down is untethered from the relevant precedents and would open up an entirely new front in nondelegation challenges
The 5th Circuit’s novel nondelegation ruling, if adopted by the Supreme Court, would thus place significant government functions in constitutional peril.”
MC…. Jury duty, Governments trust…huh! Sounds like a showdown or shake down of distrust.. Well Janice and many others can tell you that this government is the best they can do at this time. Many people have not trusted Government even down thru the ages or in the last decade. This registry is a whole new generation. Yes the punishments methods may be wrong or is the whole foundation right in much of this registry of government trust or distrust. I’m just glad that Janice came up with a wonderful idea of going to DC and I for one think its a good idea for many.
I am sure President Biden has compassion and he is in office to get this country back in shape again. Sure the criminal Justice system needs help, even this abortion issue is a big ordeal. We look at the environment, gas prices even the humanity aspect of bias and unfair treatments of others. Me I’m nobody but I do know when to stand up and I’m sure Janice knows when to take a stand also for equal justice for all.
I notice a lot of comments that include the phrases “ criminal regimes”, “Amerika”(?), “criminal politicians” etc. correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t we the ones that broke the law(s)? I read comments that complain that privilege is applied to those that don’t get the same punishment as some here did. Well, aren’t you asking the same criminal regime you hate to act criminally toward others? Kind of hypocritical if you ask me.
I am doing my 10 on the list for misdemeanor CP. a man in the next county got a suspended sentence and no registry requirements for same offense. I am not going to scream that the system screwed me. I don’t feel it is necessary just, but nothing I can do about it.
If you’re reading this then you are out in society, which means you aren’t in detention. I would say that’s a positive and work on your life from there.
Thank you to Janice and ACSOL. Janice submitted my petition on 12/29/21 and I received my letter today from the CA DOJ dated 4/20/22 terminating my requirement to register. I’m free of this terrible chain around my ankle and scarlet letter on my forehead. Janice, you’re awesome.
Ok would everybody stop for a minute and David your butterdish anthology is as vain as this world searching for this holy grail cup. Now how many of you have a Thorn in the flesh?.. How many of you have been abused in many ways? maybe by your spouse, your government, or been taken advantaged by others, or should we understand history a bit more and get our minds off of computer data for a minute. See man wants to solve man’s problems with mans thinking and/or understanding. Doesn’t work that way.
Now Janice and many advocates have a challenge ahead of them coming up and its all about this sex registry whether its man induced or God sent. And theirs a bit more to it even in this abuse by Government today thru this Morse code system..
Wow is this a government for the people or by the people or did the fathers of Invention say we don’t need no stinking God to tell us what to do. So were they talking about the Hindu God, the Visnu Gods or those false Gods or the God that gave Moses a duty. Even Moses was a murderer les we forget. So were is the commandments today or were is Jesus today in all this or is one’s liberty a watershed of punitive reasoning. The Ten commandments have not been done away with or is government an oversight today for many.
Now Janices has already mentioned the punishment must fit the crime. Sure we can talk about constutional law or biblical law or eve a bit about theology,.. which is more important. Does spare the rod spoil the child have any meaning today or does the guidebook of American justice mean believe everything that government throws at you.
I’m sorry for my outburst I hope everyone can forgive me on here but this registry seems to have no limits to it when government oppresses. I was a bit angry and voiced a bit to much with some preaching but many times thats what it takes. I’m sure many on the registry don’t get any preaching from their PO’s or Parole officers during visits. This backbiting on here and those that are quick to defend their actions or quick witted is in many ways counterproductive to justify this or that. True Justice for the ones on the registry is what this form is about. I even at times don’t know what to say and am at wits ends as many on here. Along for the ride I’m sure many are sorry also but I can’t speak for all to understand their feelings.
Yes the whole purpose of Janices mission or any good lawyer, counselor, organization or good Samaritan is to help others whether it be by corrective challenges in this registry ordeal, standing up for these rights, or other enlightening measures so one can come to a positive outcome. How other countries tie their shoes is their understanding . Their was even a big debate over prayers in school 60 yrs ago. Think about that one. Now this lifetime ordeal of the sex offender in many very wrong for today.
I was thinking the exact same following thought today. And then I found this headline at
“Which Fundamental Constitutional Right did the Supreme Court Gut Today?”
This court lately has been taking away rights at an accelerating speed and I foresee more and more rights being taken away over the near future.
Got a good laugh today while listening to police officers who worked and the festival promoters discuss the three day 1969 Texas International Pop Festival outside of Lewisville, TX (25 min northwest of downtown Dallas) in an open field out in the country where no buildings could be seen and which had a small lake and an adjacent river next to a dirt racetrack. This festival was held two weeks after Woodstock but without the rain and mud and with only @ 100,000 attendees, many of whom had hiked from Woodstock in NY.
To put things into perspective in this Lewisville area for 1969, @ 9,000 locals lived in this one stoplight town and they were living in a very conservative, good o’boy, cigar smoking, cowboy hat wearing, horse riding, guns on hips police environment, with long-hair hippie hating uptight church people.
The interviewed police officers and festival promoters stated it was a very peaceful event with no fights and no arrests and that everyone was friendly sharing food, water, space and drugs even though it was hot as hell at the end of August with some heat strokes and even though many people slept in the field for the three day event. It is usually upper 90s to low 100s that time of year.
The promoters policed inside the fences and the police focused on outside the fences.
According to the interviewed police, most all of the local complaints from the locals were not about the long haired hated hippies in the area, not about the loud music (which they couldn’t hear anyway since no buildings were within seeing distance), and not about the drugs which they only knew about from onsite reporters, but the “nekkid” people taking a bath in the lake who had not taken a bath in days after hitch hiking from Woodstock.
The locals only knew about the “nekkid” people from reporters who were onsite. And then the river was swarmed with hippie hating uptight church middle age men in their boats with binoculars trying to get a glimpse of the “nekkid” hippies taking a bath in the lake per 8mm film by multiple people, per the interviewed police and per reporters.
The interviewed police officers stated they saw no sex by the “nekkid” people, but just saw them having fun in the lake and getting clean. And they also stated there was nothing they could do (because at the time there were no laws on the books prohibiting being naked), but to appease the locals, they stated they made an attempt with a bullhorn to tell the young hippies to put some clothes on. The interviewed police stated they were dismissed by those people and ignored and the interviewed police laughed about all of this.
Just thought the locals getting into a tither about the “nekkid” people that they could not see was funny, especially since the thought of “nekkid” people freaked them out, and especially the hypocrisy of the local uptight church going conservative men making a beeline for their boats and binoculars.
Would have been a hell of a concert, except for the heat. Here is a list of some of the bands. Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Santana, Sly & the Family Stone, Canned Heat, Grand Funk Railroad, Chicago Transit Authority, Johnny Winter, B.B. King, James Cotten Blues Band, Herbie Mann, Spirit (who inspired Led Zepplin’s Stairway to Heaven) and Ten Years After. There were also a few other lesser know bands. Grand Funk originally declined, but after the popularity of Woodstock, they begged to play. The promoters allowed them to play but only as the opening band each day on a small temporary stage made for them. The promoters stated because they originally declined, they hired other bands and they had no money to pay Grand Funk. So they got paid no money. But it gave them exposure and they immediately took off in popularity.
I like to laugh at the hypocrisy of others. And people should mind their own business. If they don’t like to get “nekkid”, then don’t. Don’t want to do drugs, then don’t. Don’t like hippie music, then don’t listen to it. Don’t like any of the “homosexuals” attending the concert, then have relationships only with the opposite sex. Don’t like the long-hair, don’t grow your hair long. Etc…These people were not forcing their beliefs on the locals.
It’s not too often that school boards allow registrants to speak. Here is man who is concerned about the sex indoctrination going on in schools, and even uses his own history to highlight the danger. Another woman who was to speak after him allotted her time to him so he could speak more. I wish other municipalities and organizations took people like this gentleman, and most registrants, more seriously. Not sure if this is article-worthy, but it is a glimmer of sunshine in a cloudy sky.
The Supreme Court just gutted the constitutional right to effective counsel.
I get the Apple news app on my iPad and have noticed an alarming trend with articles supplied by Fox News. They are reporting literally every sex offense that is happening around the country. The stories though are not about underage sex, or anything mundane. These all have to do with child porn, rape and child abuse.
I get the feeling that this media outlet is catering to their base and trying to create the idea that sex abuse is so rampant due to the police not being able to do their jobs and the justice dept. not doing it’s job. …
The stories include items like highlighting a rapist being let off parole before committing another offense, and babysitters and teachers abusing children and caring porn around on their phones. Basically promoting the concept of “stranger danger”.
This is classic baiting by this media outlet in order to push an agenda. If this was an actual rampant problem, other sources would likely be reporting on it as well, but they aren’t.
Luckily this type of over hyping by Fox is isolated to rural and southern areas where their viewership is dedicated to watching only Fox. But it sure explains why places like Florida and rural counties/townships have such suffocating laws surrounding sex offenses. They are told ( and believe ) that every offender is satan re incarnated.
So PFR are dangerous?
Texas shooting: Fifteen killed in attack at US primary school
It may be a good time for a new Smith V Doe challenge if SCOTUS is open to fixing bad rulings based on lies.
SCOTUS Just Handed Workers Who Sue Their Employers a Surprising, Unanimous Win
I could use some help. I have been registering for 10 years, in Orange County, CA. Last week I received a letter from the DOJ that I would no longer be excluded from the public search on The Megan’s Law site. Naturally I got worked up, didn’t sleep, and started reading; I realized that as of April 2022 I had reached 10 years since my conviction and subsequent requirement to register. I walked into the police station where I do my annual registration and requested “A Tier Designation Letter,” I’m pretty sure I should fall into tier 1. I got a call from the detective that handles the DOJ requests and was told I could come pick up my letter. My letter says Tier: To Be Determined. Then it states that my tier will be determined within 24 months. Now I’m not doing so good. Is there something I can do to speed up the determination process? Will I be notified when my tier is determined? Do I just go to the police station every month and keep requesting a tier determination letter? It feels like my life has been on hold for 10 years and when I was shocked into the realization of being publicly recognized, it kicked me into high gear and there seemed to be some light at the end of the tunnel! Now the weight of possibly holding out for another 2 years to tackle this seems worse than having to live with the status quo.
So, this morning my wife almost made us a victim of the Sex Offender Phone Scam. We received a call from “Chief Deputy Scott Shephard” who claimed I needed to contact him about my legal status ASAP. I called the local Sherriff who stated immediately that it was a scam and that I was not the only one. The lady was nice but showed absolutely no interest in gathering any evidence I had until prompted by me. Which goes to show, we are not worthy of being treated like citizens and that the law against impersonating an officer only applies when it is not targeted against a Register Citizen.
Question I’ve been wondering Once you’ve been removed from the registry do you still have to have a special identifier on your passport ?
I can just see the protest signs now… Will Allen, Save me a beer your honor this is war. I’ll drink to that with a pardon. David.. A government mind is a waste of time. and Tim n WI Didn’t government to strip search in the jury room. Maybe that one should be for David… I know nothing remember.
I have a question. Let’s say you petition for relief from registration in California, and it is granted. Seems you’re clear as long as you remain in Calif. But if you move to some other state, are you going to have to register all over again from scratch? It appears that in some states, they don’t care if you’re currently registered in another state or not, but if you have a sex offense conviction in your past, NO MATTER HOW LONG AGO IT WAS, you will be required to register and your clock will start all over again in the new state, whether it be 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, or however long you have to wait to petition for removal (and that’s IF they even have a peititioning process). Some appear to put you right back on lifetime with no possibility of an offramp. So, you essentially lose everything you waited for in California. Am I reading this right?
Wondering if anyone has found themselves in this situation. Doesn’t seem right- once you’re off, you should be off. But it doesn’t appear to be that way if you relocate,and many people have to move for family or other reasons.
The Texas shooting was just so horrific, and now they are questioning why it took Law Enforcement so long to respond and enter the school where the shooter was. Not to take away from this horrible incident, but I want to say they were probably busy searching the registry to schedule their beloved compliance checks rather than worrying about the real threat.
Hello. I have a question hoping someone could answer. I move to Nevada from CA, I am now a Tier 2 registration here. I’ve called over 30 law firms half want 5k – 8k the other don’t handle post conviction matters.
My offense PC288.4(b) is not a registrable offense based on age of victim was 17y. They’re stating under state I don’t have to register but under SORNA I do, and that my 1203.4 doesn’t matter.
Is this true? That even though state is exempt they can still make me register under SORNA? Is there a way around this?
I appreciate your help, thank you!
Question: I am a Tier 2 with a 664/288(a) and a COR. My question is that my TWENTY years are up in 2023 and want to know when I can apply for removal from the registry. Is it Jan 1 or my date of release from Prison in Feb or until by birthday? I have been in contact with LA Country Public Defender Post Conviction Unit but they have gone silent and not responded to me in four months
As a person required by the government to publicly register and make myself a target for violence, it concerns me that the US Supreme Court has ruled the police have no legal duty to protect anyone. That makes me even more concerned for my safety while registered.
What then is the point of having the police if they have no legal duty to protect anyone? And why then are the politicians giving the police money as fast as they can to fund themselves like a military to strut around and do nothing until after a crime has been committed? Oh yes, I forgot, the polichickens want the votes of the police force and the votes of the taxpayers, saying they are tough on crime because they increased funding for the police.
Do you really think the police with no legal duty to protect will care about protecting a registered person? I know some of you have been subjected to violence. Just one more reason why the registry needs to go – it is not about rehabilitation, it is about punishment as we all know.
Given we’ve dropped this as an example here before…
329 years later, last Salem “witch” Elizabeth Johnson Jr. is pardoned
Wheels of govt can be a little slow these days…