UCLA Study Identifies Similarities, Differences Between Straight and Gay Registrants

The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law has completed a study regarding registrants focused on the similarities and differences between straight registrants and registrants who are members of the LGBTQ community on a variety of issues, including but not limited to, employment and housing.  A webinar was conducted today regarding the study and a full report will be issued next week.  

The study includes data received from 965 individuals of whom about 20 percent self identified as members of the LGBTQ community.  The average age of the individuals who participated in the study was 50.5 years and 87.4 of the participants identified as white.  Most of the individuals who participated in the study were men (96 percent) with only 3.2  percent of the participants self-identified as women and .7 percent of the participants self-identified as transgender.

According to the study, LGBTQ registrants were convicted at a higher rate for offenses involving images (46 percent) and less likely to be convicted of an offense involving a family member (24 percent).  LGBTQ registrants are also less likely to be employed, self-employed or retired.  However, LGBTQ registrants are more likely to be students at a college or university.   

LGBTQ registrants are less likely to live with family members and are more likely to have been refused housing by a potential landlord.  With regard to violence and harassment, LGBTQ registrants are more likely to have been verbally or physically assaulted than straight registrants.  Both groups of registrants have been threatened with violence and had objects thrown at them to the same degree.

Today’s presentation was led by Ilan Meyer of UCLA Law School’s Williams Institute.  The Institute is a think tank at UCLA Law dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy that conducts independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. 

Lara Stemple, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies at UCLA School, also spoke during today’s webinar.  The focus of her presentation was upon women and transgender registrants.

According to Ms. Stemple, 44 percent of the women who participated in the study had an associates degree or higher as compared to 52 percent of the men who participated.  However, 42 percent of the men who participated in the study had incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level as compared to only 39 percent of the women who participated in the study.

About 40 percent of the women who participated in the study have been hit, beaten, physically attacked or sexually assaulted as compared to 21 percent of the men.  However, 37 percent of the men who participated in the study had property robbed, stolen or damaged as compared to 24 percent of the women who participated in the study. 

The third person to make a presentation during the webinar was Tyrone Hanley of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.  Mr. Hanley acknowledged that many members of the LGBTQ community avoid the issue of registrants as well as registrants themselves.  He said a broad coalition is required in order to bridge the gap between the LGBTQ community and registrants.

Today’s webinar was recorded and will be available online soon.





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Thanks so much for sharing this resource with us! It sounds very insightful.

If you ask any on the alt- right or the evangelical right there is no difference between being gay and being a sex offender. For them it is one and the same. SCOTUS however expressed a different approach in Lawrence v Texas with the focus on adults and consensual liberty while rejecting the ambiguous state notion of ” crimes against nature” which lack behaviour in definition and are thereby constitutionally overly broad.

MW, was I The ONLY one in attendance? This was an important educational/informational and thought you;d pass on work for THIS one.

We’re misunderstood, especially my 1979 relationship and arrests.

I’ve got nothing to lose, FRANK-TBD will pass me up, Im striked out@ two (2).

So I’ll never get off the list…Intentional CONTINUAL PUNISHMENT

Thanks for being LGBTQ dh

We had to hide back then, I was bashed just not with a hammer. Read his book memoir, hell read MW’s Memoir.

I’d change that cover photo MW it just feeds the wrong doers and wrong thinkers

Interesting point AC, it was crimes against nature for just not La Church but La Voice.

Carlton could of joined.

What happened guyz and any Sista’s???

Did anyone do the surveys? last year for this law dept of analystic accounting research?

It’s a DOUBLE WHAMMIE being a RC AND LGBTQ back then And NOW.

They threw away the key to the closed minded jail for my door is welded shut.

This is not surprising to me at all. The LGBTQ has always had a great focus on advanced education. As far as harassment goes, the community was experiencing that before they were identified as registrants, so the double whammy!
Seems all the statistics gathered fall into line with the social behavior patterns as well as family interaction. Nothing really jumps out. That is the unfortunate part. The common factor is the ostracizing of all of us.

You mean all the people that support SOR, that are prejudice by nature; are prejudice against LGBTQ’s? Like I have been saying for years people need a scapegoat, they need to be prejudice and hate others; there is always the RSO to give these people a outlet. You should be thankful for people against such things; they may be your only saving grace.