Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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Anyone from Texas that gets on here? If so, are there any lawsuits or anything in the works against the state of Texas about the registry?
Tudor Dixon, (R) gubernatorial candidate, announced yesterday that she would make Michigan the toughest state on Sex offenders. She wants to criminalize Drag shows at schools, making that a felony sex offense against children. That this type of event has never actually happened is irrelevant to her.
This is the future if these types of people are elected. Maybe both parties have people that obviously don’t support positive progress towards sex offenders, but I haven’t heard a Democrat or independent say such ridiculously obscene things. The whack jobs, if elected, will make our lives a living hell.
Someone please attempt to explain how the sentencing for the same type of crime (sexual hands-on with a child) can end up with such a difference.
One being a male teacher with a victim younger than 13 gets 50 years in prison
Former Chicago elementary teacher sentenced to 50 years for sexually exploiting child | Fox News
Female with a victim less than14 gets 60 days in prison.
Former Texas teacher gets 60 days in jail for sexual relations with underage student | Fox News
How are these justified?
People get 7 years for just one photo sometimes.
Lately I’ve been noticing law enforcement and other people in California referring to PFR as 290 registrants, instead of SEX OFFENDERS, I guess they don’t like saying the big “S” word in public ether.
Has there been any update on having the addresses of Tier 2 registrants on Megan’s Law website updated? According to the new regulations that went into effect Jan 1st, only the ZIP code should be listed for Tier 2. However, full addresses are still being listed
This is a legal question. More for Chance or Janice, but feel free to chime in.
I was going through the paperwork of my offense and couldn’t find a search warrant. Since the LEOs seized my laptop,I would think that would need one.
I asked my attorney’s paralegal and was told they don’t have any copies of one.
Is this a big deal or not. Was told that would be grounds for some kind of judgement from the bench, like dismissal etc.
They also kept a rather expensive ( in the day ) MacBook with an entire album of photos. My attorney told me they should have returned it since paperwork showed nothing incriminating on it. I had filed paperwork to get it, but repeatedly was ignored.
what type of action do I have available on either subject.
The more I read about more restrictions being added to registries the more infuriated I get. I keep asking myself how do registries keep the public safe? How do more restrictions on us protect children? The obvious answer of course is they don’t. I try my best to live my life as if I wasn’t on the hit list, but it’s always there in the back of my mind. When I’m out in public, no one has any idea who I am, or what I did in the past. No one has a clue that I am a registered person. I do what I want when I want with no one being the wiser.
Will Allen often talks about how he retaliates (in legal ways) and how he makes a point of being around children. I admire how he speaks his mind and doesn’t sugar coat anything. I also make a point to mingle with people of all ages. I don’t go out of my way to be around kids, but it happens. For example, just Sunday I was out for a ride on my Harley and some high school girls were hosting a car wash to raise money for their cheerleading squad. I didn’t intend to stop, but being at a red light the girls were cheering and asking me to let them wash my bike. So I pulled into the parking lot and let them while I spoke to a couple of the parents. No one there knew a thing about me. Did the registry keep those girls safe? Absolutely not. They were safe because I’m not a danger to anyone even though the people in charge of the registry think I am.
Are the girl scouts safe when I buy their cookies because I’m registered? Again, no. They’re safe because I’m not a monster.
People hell bent on breaking the law are not going to let laws stop them. The rare instance of someone on the registry committing another sex crime doesn’t let the registry stop him either.
Registries keep no one safe, and more and more restrictions does nothing to “protect ‘ the public.
Wake up America. Your registries are useless.
I don’t know, after they raided Trump’s house I have a different respect for ACSOL and Janice Bellucci, this country is in the process of change and I personally don’t know if it’s for the good or bad what I do know is, the USA government is weak there bluffing that put the new SORNA law as a scarecrow to keep PFR from feasting on there crops.
Honestly we should strike now let’s hit California state capital first and get some news coverage.
Miscellaneous: I just stumbled across Mississippi’s residency restriction. It requires a distance of 3,000 feet (more than 1/2 mile!! 😲 😳 ) from designated locations!
“Miss. Code Ann. § 45-33-25(4)(a) (prohibiting sex offenders from residing within 3,000 feet of property comprising any school, child care facility, residential child-caring agency, children’s group home or any playground, ballpark, or other recreational facility utilized by persons under the age of 18.”
Oh look! U.S. Marshals (and local/State LEAs) harassing registrants. What a surprise! 🤨
Fayette Co. Sheriff’s Office announces results of sex offender compliance operation
“My hope is that these 13 will have their probation or parole rescinded or revoked, and it is my hope that they will have to serve out the rest of their sentence incarcerated,” said Sheriff Kathy Witt.🙄😡
Oh look, there’s more harassment! 😒
Sheriff department conducts sex offender registration roundup 😡
Ban the Box: U.S. Cities, Counties, and States Adopt Fair Hiring Policies
Nationwide, 37 states and over 150 cities and counties have adopted what is widely known as “ban the box” so that employers consider a job candidate’s qualifications first—without the stigma of a conviction or arrest record.
If any more cops join our ranks we can start our own police force and save trips to the local PD by registering ourselves.
On a related note, here’s another testament to the effectiveness of the registry…
Coaches, cops and clergy must wince at every news broadcast that starts with “A local coach/police officer/priest has been accused of…”
while this isn’t an actual offense related story, I am linking it to show why no one show think the Florida will EVER be a place that registrants can live in peace and safety. The politicians there simply are not willing to accept ANY person that they feel doesn’t fall into their definition of one of “ God’s creatures”.
Was having a conversation with a really close friend I’ve known for years, she was all pissed off some guy on the news raped a child and only got 3years in prison, she said “that’s BS”
Me being a parent I understand her frustration, I told her the prison sentence isn’t the punishment that’s just to appease the public and if he somehow accidentally dies a violent death in prison that would appease the public and the courts.
Most people in prison for sex crimes make it out safely and that’s where the real punishment begins, he’ll have five years parole with a GPS ankle monitor, he’ll be on lifetime supervision unable to freely travel how he wants, he’ll have a very hard time getting a good job, he’ll have a hard time finding housing so he’ll most likely be homeless or end up on Skid Row, if he meet a beautiful woman and she has kids CPS will storm in and take her kids away, if he has children he will not be allowed to go to his children’s school without embarrassing his children, with a written permission slip from the principal and must be accompanied by staff at all times. And last but not least, here in California his offense is called a superstrike which will linger over his head for the rest of his life, any type of crime he commits in the future he’ll have a automatic five-year enhancement with the California three strike law.
I told her this dudes life is over
she replied “Daam I didn’t think about all of that”
Trevor Noah cracks me up. Here is a quote from this week, In the United States, no one is above the law…except corporations, the rich, the police and celebrities sometime, and besides them, no one is above the law.
Man kill’s himself after guilty verdict in court.
Registries don’t protect children.
This individual passed years of background checks and was never on any registry:
Drexel Hill man arrested for sexual assault of a juvenile
Rural Colorado school administrators investigated sexting between students. Now they’re charged in a child porn case (8/11/2022, Colorado Sun)
This article is far more in-depth than just improper storage, but the practice and thinking behind trying to do the right thing. This is another case from CO where minors are doing this behavior (Canon City, CO was a big one a few years ago) and others are caught up in it in trying to do the right thing where minors are involved in a sticky situation for the adults who are trying to not let it blow up like it did in Canon City. This shows the antiquated details of the law and the system when technology has passed by the statutes with the state legislature not keeping up where it needs to be. It is really a good read giving overall details of how the system sucks for something minors do, those who cannot have a fully formed brain until their mid-20’s if they are male and females who are pressured into it by others.
For those who want some leisure reading, here is something we have an interest in given it covers topics we discuss daily in this forum (it will take a bit of time at 128 pgs):
DOJ releases 2022 SORNA case law summary
The US Department of Justice SMART office has released it’s 2022 case law summary. From their introduction, “This summary is current through July 2022 and addresses the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), including SORNA’s requirements, and provides information about case law impacting state and federal sex offender registration and notification laws across the country. It is provided as an overview and identifies areas of law that impact sex offender registration and notification and that have been subject to litigation.
Easton Man Sentenced To 120 Months’ Imprisonment For Attempted Online Enticement Of A Minor
This just seems insane to me.
Ten years imprisonment when no actual minor was ever involved or harmed in any way, just a fictional mother of a fictional 12 year old daughter. Why isn’t the officer being charged with human sex trafficking (of a fictional minor)???
and hopefully with very little thought you will as well.
all these so laws are just like the civil commitment laws so they say there civil.
there (law makers, cops, judges, joe & jane public) thought is (until they are arrested! not when but until they are unless u work for the gov. yea plenty of cases where nothing happened.) if you are convicted you will do it again so these schemes of laws are just like civil detention and thats exactly where we are. not allowed to go here nor there, cant do this or that, no one wants to bother or inter act with you, etc… just like being in prison or as the cops and judges, etc… call it being civilly committed!!!
now onto another note on my mind after reading the story about the man that killed himself after jury verdict and the minor attracted persons story and all the comments from both. i think it’s a DAM FING SHAME that a person can misrepresent there age, be in a bar drinking, have fake id, go on a hook up site or app, misrepresent their age engage in mutual sex, the older one’s is arrested, it’s against the law here in Florida to use that as a defense that you were lied to, they misrepresented their age, had fake, id, agreed they were 18, etc… and they are called a victim and our lives are over and we are civilly committed either behind a fence or out in limited public physical and mentally over cause even if these laws ended tomorrow the mental damaged will be unhealed forever! yes we are actual victims of these laws!!! not the person that lied and misrepresented their age to get screwed!!!
Not sure how many here are familiar with an organization called “Root & Rebound”. They help with re-integration not only for registrants but others who are released from Prison/ Jail. I am on their e-mail list and thought this was interesting. They are trying to stop CA Senate Bill 1262. If passed, this bill would allow anyone in the public to search online a person’s criminal history information if they know the person’s name and date of birth. This bill would violate a person’s constitutional right to privacy. If the bill gets voted down, maybe it would be a good start for our purpose to stress the California Right to Privacy? For those in CA, please call your legislators and tell them to vote NO on SB 1262. If you live in a district that is represented by an Assembly Member, please call them immediately. Thought I’d share.
Not sure if anyone can answer this, but if you’re convicted of a 288(a) in Calif these days, can you pretty much be assured of a prison sentence? Wondering how that might have changed over the last few decades. Back in the 1980’s/90’s, I don’t think it did.
There the FBI posting propaganda… make it seems like they are saving the world, but are really only doing compliance checks and finding “runaways”.