Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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Hey Hopeless there’s an old saying … to many chiefs and not enough Indians’ .. Janice and her team can just do so much. Sure I’m off the registry got my 10 yr probation out of the way but the Officer told me I’m not off the registry till I get my letter from the state. The judge did not tell me that at sentencing.
See every organization has a “Mission Statement” One’s mission can be a little barbaric such as these registry ordeals of protecting and serving. Who are they protecting when they overthrow another first One can either prevent or pervert. If its a physical encounter that can be a different story but going to court at times has its measures and means.. See justice has to be served and their is only one way… the right way.
Sure we can all comment on here, try to explain these encounters but still we are lost in limbo with much of this registry as it is.. This computer, this facebook, tic-tock, and these other computer sounding showboats are only view’s. Biblical understanding goes a long way in many areas’ of Justice or why did Jesus come… their are many reasons’ Justice is one and yes one has to understand more by reading the Word.
Hey this registry is a whole lot of crap and foolishness. Someone’s getting rich off of this offender registry. Does this registry protect. Is this registry more of a speculative issue or a probable cause. If one is trying to get some assurance from Government, Governments are going in this even if they are wrong. One wonders who stole the Watergate tapes or maybe it a all about the database… erase
Having a hard time with pc647 misdemeanor and now having my information back on Megan’s law website. 8 years and built a business. Now my client might look me up and see my charge.
Texting charge. Texted one night when I was drinking, to a 17 year old client. I apologized the next day, knowing what I did. And no pictures or anything texted. Should of had her parents make appointment.
After sb384, thank gawd. I have 2 years left. Very appreciative of all. But, I know my new landlord and people who knew 8 years ago are coming out of the wood work. Telling my new friends and neighbors.
I hate coming home from work and seeing my friends and neighbors of 6 years, closing there doors and blinds. I use to have wonderful times playing beach volleyball with them and hiking. Now. No contact and close their doors on me. ugh. Just waiting two more years. 10 years of punishment. I hope that’s enough!!! Please, god!! And I feel for your 20 year guys. Fuck.
Has any had any problems getting into a vacationing in Dubai?
let’s see if Visa ends up on the sex offender registry for child exploitation. Even though nothing will come of this.
Trial for former CSU professor charged with child pornography possession vacated due to apparent suicide
So this guy who literally kidnapped a bus load of kids and buried them 6’ underground will soon parole. Surely he’ll have to register and wear a GPS tracker so the cops know his whereabouts at all times, right? RIGHT?
过日子 Trad. 過日子
guò rì zi
to live one’s life to pass one’s days to get along
🤔 Las Vegas convicted sex offender accused of victimizing more children
Oh, just keep reading…… you’ll see.
Another?? 😳
Former Kansas officer charged in serial sex assaults case – ABC News
ACSOL needs to start a social forum like NARSOL has. A place where we can communicate on subjects besides the registry. Basically a Facebook for registrants.
Can anyone address the elephant in the room please? That there is an undeniable, provable fact of two tier justice ala Epstein customers. In fact, a useful tool of government 3 letter agencies. This will always be true. No one arguing this in the registry relief process though. Possibly arguing in front of an Epstein type client since they will perform on the bench contrary to their own personal behaviors. It is true two wongs don’t make a wight but level the playing field regardless.
I have been a legal aide in prison. I have just been released. In my research I have determined that the registry laws including Federal Sorna laws to unconstitutional due to discrimination. At least in Kentucky, there is no other offender or felon that is required to register or abide by restrictions other that owning a firearm.
It has been determined by te Supreme Court that the registry is for Public safety. This is a discriminatory practice as well. Would it not be in the public interest to know if a murderer lives next door? Or if a meth manufacturer that could blow up an apartment building lives next to you or in the apartment underneath your parents or children? What about the drug dealer that lives across from the elementary or high school? Would you want to know if the person selling ice cream in the private ice cream truck is a drug dealer convicted of dealing to children? And the big discriminatory issue to me would be why is so much in the public interest to know where sex offenders who have PAID THEIR DEBT TO SOCIETY live when 99% of their victims are still alive and victims of murder, some drunk drivers, and some addicts are not? This entire practice is, in my opinion unconstitutional However, since I am no longer incarcerated, I do not have the means to research and pursue this matter. I wish I could.
A 16-year old girl is tragically missing in the Truckee, California area. So as part of the investigation, law enforcement has been going after local registrants, and apparently they arrested one. Fox has the Big Headline “SEX OFFENDER ARRESTED IN SEARCH FOR _____ (minor)!!” (paraphrased)
Have you eaten?
Many, if not all, of us complain we have it bad. We do. We do not have it this bad (a few do though, sigh). The video mainly focuses on China’s over fishing but did remind the viewers of the Great Chinese Famine.
Roscoe you are right myself and Ride need to make a truce OR bury the hatchet. While I always strive to be positive in bad situations I slip up at times. In fact we all do or do we try to put on airs or strive to make the best of any situation we encounter. Nothing wrong with learning. Think of this as an opportunity. Sure we all know who’s taking advantage of who. You have psychology, religion, gainsaying, pride, and many factors that are unprofitable playing in these ordeals, yet it is a learning experience. Even ACSOL is learning also something new daily. So stick with ACSOls team to strive in putting an end to much of this registry issue not only for yourself but for others.
Sure the registry is a bad experience for all.Even the human experience can be a bit frightening . Its like Ali in the ring fighting his opponent and yes Ali stayed positive in many encounters so that is what all on the registry should do remain positive and yes ACSOL does have an open door policy but still one has to have guidelines in all situations. Seems you all would rather condemn authorities than condemn yourselves.
So Ride forgive me as at times as we tend to step out of line and remember don;t bury the hatchet to deep as we all have a thick skull, but remember you or any one else can make a difference for the better. Hay this registry is strange enough for a lot of people.Still its a fact of human life is an uncanny force of nature via a computer or others taking advantage of others by these encounters. Even Will Allen talks about PFR’s in many ways that would make anyone upset and want to seek true justice.
Actor Gary Busey faces sex offense charges at Monster Mania Convention in New Jersey
registry potentially snags another one.
Scathing report by a news company in regards to the company employing someone on the registry
Wow now that cracks me up when Derek said to Ride you must be new on here and your not suppose to understand what Saddles thoughts are. At least Derek has some brains. Hey we can comment about this registry till its dooms day but one has to take action if one is going to get any type of Justice for all…
See when a person is scared that means they are more vulnerable to the unknown. As of yet I haven’t even gotten some paper that says I did my probation. Guess Ione will have to write a letter to the Secretary of the State to get some answers. See its always the Secretary that has to do the dirty work.. the governments and other bigger officials don’t care all that much and I guess you are responsible of you but they are responsible for your protection also… how does that work in a government. Guess one must of missed that one in history class . At least someone can give me a thumbs up on that one.
This Virginia school counselor was kept on staff, briefly, after his arrest in a sting for soliciting prostitution from an officer posing as a 17-year-old. While I’ve heard mention of it here occasionally, I’m nonetheless shocked they run stings with virtual 17-year-olds, and the media calls them “pedophiles.” That’s over the age of consent in most of America, and, AFAIK, every other Western country. I realize prostitution laws are different, but if anyone was unsure that these stings are designed to maximize arrest rates with little concern for targeting only the dangerous, to me this is abundantly clear.
Its &$%# like this that sets us back, here I having to beg the school to allow me on campus each time my kids have an event. Because of this “pos”, now new laws are going to be made that pushes me farther away from my kids and their accomplishments. Sorry just venting.
Is there a way to have SCOTUS revisit a case where they relied on false/fake (so called evidence)? also is there a way to have an attorney disbarred for introducing false/fake magazine article as evidence? or the lawyer that was opposing the case why didnt they challenge the validity/truthfulness of same said false and misleading article?
UGH This following is very upsetting and annoying and all over the news right now. A big time scare tactic. I don’t know how true the story is, but it makes ALL OF US look bad.
[MODERATORS NOTE: @GTA and other members who submit article links, we appreciate you wanting to keep us informed, but the moderating staff have concluded that we must restrict the posting of articles about sex offenses that are not related to sex offense laws and that only spread hysteria, which definitely does not help our goals. We do welcome articles related to sex offense law and other legal issues that ACSOL is fighting for justice for us all]
Not what we needed to happen….
[MODERATORS NOTE: @TP and other members who submit article links, we appreciate you wanting to keep us informed, but the moderating staff have concluded that we must restrict the posting of articles about sex offenses that are not related to sex offense laws and that only spread hysteria, which definitely does not help our goals. We do welcome articles related to sex offense law and other legal issues that ACSOL is fighting for justice for us all]
QAnon theory about 2020 election “Steal” causing rise in violence against registrants?
Popular among Alt-Right groups, including white nationalist groups, the Twitter user(s) known as “QAnon”. has been spreading the conspiracy theory that a secret group of “satanic child abusers” have been secretly manipulating government affairs for years. This secret group is suspected to have been involved in the allegations of manipulation in the 2020 Presidential election.
Wheatland, CA registrant’s murder was a Skinhead (A group generally linked to white racist/nationalist ideology). His wife said he was increasingly involved with conspiracy theories he heard about online.
Too far fetched? Just a coincidence? Coincidences do happen.
Did anyone else get a letter from CDCR today telling them that their records had been accessed by people with no right to the information in January 2022? To whit the document states that: In January 2022 during a routine maintenance CDCR discovered some suspicious activity on that system dating back to December 2021. CDCR immediately shut down that system. CDCR then began a multi-agency investigation into whether an unauthorized user had looked at or copied any information on the system before it was shut off. In late June investigation revealed someone without permission did get into the system. Information seen was my name, my CDCR number, my mental health treatment, my mental health history, any mental health diagnosis. They go on to say we are so sorry and are now using a new more secure system to share info with people outside CDCR systems.