NC: ‘Operation Simon Says’: Authorities conduct sex offender compliance op in Union County area

Source: 8/3/22

MONROE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — Law enforcement officers conducted a “large-scale sex offender operation” around Union County late last month to ensure that convicted sex offenders in the area were in compliance with state laws, according to the Union County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said teams from UCSO, the U.S. Marshals Service and the NC Department of Public Safety conducted compliance checks on around 75 convicted sex offenders.

Out of the 75 offenders, authorities said 53 were in full compliance with their registration, residential and personal restrictions according to current general statutes in North Carolina.

10 offenders were reportedly non-compliant, the sheriff’s office said. Detectives have obtained warrants for the individuals and some have been arrested, authorities said.

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“The Union County Sheriff’s Office considers the maintenance and supervision of the sex offender registry a vital task in the mission to keep Union County a safe place for our local families to live and work,” said Sheriff Eddie Cathey.”

Wow. They really do assume a hellava lot, don’t they? They do have one pesky little problem with all that self-congratulatory statement, the registry is neither a legitimate, nor a viable, public safety tool – It’s a public hate mongering mechanism!

If the registrants are no longer under custody, then why is this being implemented on free citizens? This is akin to parole/probation: 1) in-person reporting, 2) state sets restrictions, and 3) compliance checks. All this points to a punitive scheme under the guise of a statutory scheme.

Our sherrifs office in our NC county does this bout every 3 months. And yes it feels like a probation check. But I don’t let them come inside. I usually go out to them. We have cameras on our property just for this, to monitor any and all interactions with these “compliance checks.” I know it sucks, but keep to date on your information. Here in NC it’s a harsher punishment for a lot of these registry violations than it is to actually commit a sex crime. I got 7 more years left to petition. And I’m longing for it. Mostly cause of this. It’s walking on eggshells 24 7.

🤮 U.S. Marshals hard at work, protecting the public from mythical, “dangerous” registrants, abusing law-abiding “soft target” citizens in the name of promoting their copaganda.
Despicable and disgusting!!
😡 😡 😡

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy of this article? They are talking about compliance for the purpose of public safety. Yet the people in the photo seem to be homeless. Oh man! Nothing more dangerous than a homeless person! And as I’ve always believed. Not enough people care. Be proactive and optimistic all you want. I for one am a realist and I know what kind of country the USA has always been. Blacks had no rights, women had no rights, Japanese Americans had no rights. Sex offenders have no rights. This is because as the late great George Carlin once said “Rights is something invented. It’s made up like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.” We only have rights that the elite say we can have. Nothing more…ever. That can be put in a legal pipe and smoked if you like.

They all smiles take pictures going looking for people in the woods. I hope some terrible happened to those people who joy in other people’s misery

They just don’t stop, When I moved here 2/3 weeks ago the sheriff station having jurisdiction over where I live wouldn’t register me, the guy who finally did it came down from another sheriff station Where he had been promoted too.
I asked him is everything ok he said yeah the detective who’s supposed to do this should had answered her phone I can’t believe it’s day 5 and she still hasn’t answered, at midnight you would’ve been in violation of your 290 registration and my old supervisor is pissed because he can’t get a hold of her either. Monday morning I wake up with 2 miss calls and voice mail saying Hi I’m detective Marchelo sorry for not returning your calls in time feel free to call me anytime.
As I’m hanging up the phone I noticed the same un-marked cop car from the night before, parked directly in front of the house, one of the roommates joked and said its been there since he came.
It comes everyday around 7:30pm and leaves around 7:30am I think this lady has it out for me now I saw the same car as I was coming out of 24 hour fitness today

Last edited 2 years ago by Aerospace