CA: 26-year-old registered sex offender in Sacramento County accused of sexually assaulting two teens

Source: 9/1/22 SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif. —A 26-year-old Sacramento County man who is a registered sex offender is accused of assaulting two teens, authorities said in a release.  ______ was arrested and booked in the Sacramento County Main Jail on Tuesday, the sheriff’s office said. “He is known to frequent public recreation areas, parks and movie theaters throughout Sacramento County,” the sheriff’s office said. The victims are females ages 13 and 17, according to authorities. ______ has met minors previously online and through social media by using fake names and…

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FL: FAC sends letters to Sheriffs asking them to warn scam targets

Source: Florida Action Committee 9/1/22 FAC has sent letters to the Sheriffs of all 67 Counties in Florida, asking them to warn registrants of the scam targeting registrants across Florida and all states. FAC also calls on the affiliate organizations in each State, encouraging them to send a similar request to the registration offices in their States. Scams targeting people on the registry have been taking place for years. Law enforcement has done very little to pursue the scammers or warn registrants about the existence of these scams. For that…

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