Court to Rule on SORNA Regulations Motion Without Hearing

The Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) decided today to waive oral argument regarding its pending Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed in the SORNA regulations challenge.  The decision to waive oral argument was made by PLF after the court delayed six times the date of the hearing on that motion.   In the absence of oral argument regarding the motion, the court will make its decision based upon the extensive written record provided by both parties.  The court does not have a deadline by which to make its decision, which could affect the…

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Uncivil Commitment: How The DOC Can Keep You Past Your Sentence

By Matthew Feeley, One of the foundations of a civilized society is the concept that people who do wrong need to be held accountable for their crimes. What naturally follows from that precept is that once a person has successfully paid society back by serving their prison sentence, they have earned the right to be free and return home. What would you think about a slick scam that legally circumvented such justice? A system where, after serving years in prison and mere days before being released, the state went back to…

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