CA: 140+ arrested in massive California child sex crimes sweep

Source: 9/14/22 In a span of just seven days, law enforcement agents in California arrested 141 people in a wide-ranging crackdown on child sex predators, authorities announced Wednesday. The operation, dubbed “Protect the Innocent,” involved 64 agencies across five California counties. “The goal of Operation Protect the Innocent was to conduct investigations and arrests by utilizing (CyberTips) received, identifying suspects for arrest, and contacting individuals on probation and/or parole,” the Los Angeles Police Department said in a news release. From Sept. 6 through Sept. 12, members of the L.A.…

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Emily Horowitz: 18-Year-Old Faces Possible 70 Years in Federal Prison for Snapchat Sexting Crime

Source: 9/14/22 by ACSOL board member Emily Horowitz “I’m not saying my kid should get nothing,” says Eric Beyer Jr.’s mother. “But to take an 18-year-old kid and put him in jail for longer than he’s been alive?” Teens using Snapchat. (Franviser | Let’s say you’re a 17-year-old boy asking two 16-year-old girls to sext you on Snapchat—well, that’s pretty normal these days, right? Let’s agree that it is. Now, let’s say that you possibly paid the girls for their sexts, and then allegedly threatened to expose them…

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