NY: Catalfamo: End in-person college instruction for sex offenders

Source: poststar.com 9/20/22 Dave Catalfamo, Republican candidate for state Assembly District 113, pledged on Tuesday that he would introduce legislation that would bar registered sex offenders from taking classes on college campuses. The pledge is inspired by a SUNY Adirondack student, Destiny Rose, who began a petition to remove a registered sex offender, Timothy ___, 50, of Glens Falls, from campus, and switch him to virtual learning. Catalfamo said a story in Tuesday’s Post-Star is what prompted his pledge. As of Tuesday afternoon, the petition had 1,001 signatures. ___ was…

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Child Sex-Abuse Cases No Longer ‘Priority’ for FBI amid January 6 Investigation, Whistleblower Claims

Source: yahoo.com 9/20/22 The FBI is sidelining investigations into child sexual abuse in order to pursue January 6 probes and is inflating the number of “domestic extremism” cases across the country, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee claimed in a letter Monday, citing whistleblowers. The committee’s letter was spearheaded by ranking member Jim Jordan, and was addressed to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray. It comes on the heels of another committee letter that cited whistleblowers claiming the FBI was “pressuring agents” to label cases as “domestic violent extremism” even when they didn’t…

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