UT: TRICK OR RETREAT: Why doesn’t Utah have sex offender laws for Halloween?

Source: abc4.com 10/27/22

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Several states across the country have different laws limiting what sex offenders can do around children on Halloween. This includes not being allowed to pass out candy, display decorations, dress up in a costume or answer the door to trick-or-treaters on Halloween.  

However, Utah does not have any of those laws.  

ABC4 News asked multiple police agencies in Utah how often they see registered sex offenders creating problems on Halloween. Both the West Jordan Police Department and Unified Police department said they do not get reports of this happening often but said it’s very likely to be underreported.

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Gotta love these scared Karens. They worry so much about “one of them registrants” when their kids are out trick or treating. Just for fun, google: “Will drug dealers target kids with fentanyl-laced candy this Halloween”. I think this is a much more severe and real threat, but nobody seems to worry about that, I guess? Maybe, if I had kids that is what I would worry about more, but that’s just me. To each their own. People walk around with blinders and don’t want to or just can’t fathom reality.

To many people moving into Utah from other places, where this nonsense was the norm.

“What, I am supposed to do due diligence before I send my kid trick-or-treating? I mean that is ridiculous,” a Provo mom told ABC4.”

YES! You’re the damn parent! You should be going with your kid to every house! You think that only people on the registry are the issue? What about that same person before they were on the registry?  

Ah, one of LE’s favorite tricks. Absolutely no evidence of something happening? Nah, their vague culturally-informed hunch can’t be wrong, probably just unreported.

Of fours it’s not there aren’t crimes that are underreported, but without proper research and data this rhetorical trick can be used to defend literally any baseless claim or any exaggeration.

Got to love that tired old lie added to the end of a statement about something not happening related to Sex Offenders and Former Sex Offenders. “We have not had many reports of that happening, BUT THAT SORT OF THIS IS UNDER REPORTED.” I would ask, if it is not being reported than how do you know it’s happening at all? I would assume that if it was not reported its because it did not happen. Very few reasons why someone would not report being kidnapped and raped on Halloween by a known Registered Citizen. It would not be for fear of retaliation, the report without any evidence would probably result in a multi-year incarceration, it could not be to protect the Registered Citizen, because few except our families want us to be alive, let alone free.

The Washington Post reported in 2019, children are three-times more likely to be hit and killed by a car on Halloween than on any other day of the year. What’s worse, children 4 to 8 are ten-times more likely to die in a pedestrian-vehicle accident on the holiday. Those conclusions were reached using federal traffic data on fatal pedestrian accidents from 2004 through 2018. I bet if you did a poll, asking parents what their biggest fear for their children on Halloween is, traffic and drugs are number 1 and 2. I doubt many would even think about PFRs, until the Media reminds them.

Will someone explain to these “concerned” people that life doesn’t come with guard rails and bubble wrap?

The media is participating in dangerous and willfully ignorant “whataboutism.”

I like this part of the interview….

ABC4 News spoke with two mothers who live close to where the man in Provo exposed himself to trick-or-treaters last Halloween. ……..

They asked to remain anonymous out of fear for their safety,………….

but they said more needs to be done to protect kids on Halloween, especially since this has happened in their neighborhood before.  

Thier safety????? The SO that wants nothing but to be left alone can’t remain anonymous???!!!

…”And you know this ultimately is not only about protecting children, but you do not want to go back to jail, so let’s make sure nothing happens and we aren’t creating an opportunity for you,’” said Cutler.”

Creating an opportunity for me? Creating an opportunity to not go to jail? Let’s make sure, ” Nothing happens”?

The assumption…the absolute hubris! This clown wants these PFRs to be grateful for this harassment?!?!? Like if this clown hadn’t shown up to harass the PFRs, something, ” would have happened”?!?!? Look cop, this is the kinda “Help” I neither need nor want. Take your, “Opportunity”, ram it up your….and…yourself with it until you die.

Every damn year with this absolute garbage!

I’ve been registering for 23 years now and every year on Halloween me and the kids just go to my moms house, I let the kids decorate my mom‘s house and pretty much do all the Halloween things like trick-or-treating in my mom‘s neighborhood just so the kids can have a normal Life like everybody else.
Back at my house I always made sure I never left the porch light on and had no Halloween decorations on my property, when I was on probation my PO would give me flyers reminding me of this or I would be in violation, I always laughed in her face at the whole situation because I never celebrate Halloween at my house, if I was any type of threat having my porch light off and not decorating my house wouldn’t stop me or keep anyone safe.
I came to the realization years ago that i’m Public enemy number one and subject to a lifetime of punishment and public shaming, outcasted and separated from society, continuously fighting poverty and homelessness and struggling to get by on low pay while living in highly infested drug and gang neighborhoods.
What more dose California want from me my death 💀

All the usual scare tactics. However, a law enforcement officer who realizes he’s supposed to follow the law.

“It would not be a violation of the law for a person on the sex offender registry to open their door and respond if someone approached them,” said Provo Police Capt. Brian Taylor. “So, I do not know how to warn people not to engage in lawful behavior.”