AZ: Scottsdale adopts new anti-registrant rules for short-term rental property operators

Source: 11/7/22

Scottsdale became the latest city to approve of new rules aiming to better guide short-term rental owners and properties. 

The new requirements include obtaining a Scottsdale license for each property, organizing sex offender and background checks on booking guests and …

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This is an example of the damage that can be done when we registrants don’t monitor bad local law changes and fight them.

Is it possible to sue Scottsdale for this? Just throwing it out there…

Simply more proof the electronic database itself is intended to be used to impose affirmative restraint.

Scottsdale interpretation of the constitution:
‘Let us know about your life,
because you may have limited liberty,
and may not be able to pursue happiness.

There is a reason why it is called “Snotsdale” by the locals in the valley

Next step, background checks for Hotel rooms. Quick name search on ML Website…then they show you the door.

Website bookings will do this for the hotels obviously. So we will be reduced to going into the lobby and hoping we can sneak in unnoticed.

Airline tickets next. Then…what’s after that? Hmmm, car rentals will be in there, including Uhauls. Let’s see, oh I know… Doctors! Just a quick vote away from, “Giving Doctors…and Nurses….the right to protect themselves from being victimized by knowing.” Yep yep…

All online bookings of any kind that requires you give your real name will be out.

Soon all PFRs will be locked out of most everything.

Here is the ordinance, which I think is important to see. They do not define who is a sex offender, but state they shall use the DOJ public web site to confirm status. Not all states publish the names of “sex offenders”. Implications are obvious. Also note it is only an offense to book a reservation for a sex offender if you are not also staying. Lastly, they only look at the person booking the rental. Lots of loopholes here.

Sec. 18-176. – Sex offender background checks.
(a) No later than twenty-four (24) hours before every stay the owner or owner’s designee shall perform a background check on the person booking a vacation rental or short-term rental through the online national sex offender public website operated by the United States Department of Justice to ensure that there are no sex offenders at the vacation rental or short-term rental.

(b) An owner or owner’s designee shall retain a printout (either in hard copy or electronic form) of the background check on the person booking the property for twelve (12) months after the booking date. Records of each background check shall be made available for inspection by the city upon demand during normal business hours.

(c) It shall be a civil offense for owners or owner’s designees to fail to comply with the requirements of subsections a and b above and shall be punished by a mandatory minimum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The court shall not suspend any part of any fine required by this section.

(d) It shall be a civil offense for a person to intentionally or knowingly book a vacation rental or short-term rental on behalf of a sex offender when the person booking the reservation will not be staying at the vacation rental or short-term rental. A violation of this subsection shall be punished by a mandatory minimum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The court shall not suspend any part of any fine required by this section.

(e) The requirements of subsections a and b above are satisfied and/or waived if the online lodging marketplace on which the vacation rental or short-term rental is advertised performs the background check.

(f) For the purposes of this section, booking means the act of securing a reservation for the use of a vacation rental or short-term rental.

By 2035 everyone will have to be background checked just to do simple things like traveling to different states or entering school property or any type of government or county buildings, museums and theme parks, old folks homes, hospitals, emergency rooms, night clubs, bars, and Community swimming pools.
It’s already happening here in America every person you meet is gonna do a background check on you.
If your from California and your new to the registry, I’m sorry to say, these next 20 years will be worse than the last 20 years.
Tier 3 offenders were the sacrificial lambs for tier 1-2 you guys will have it the hardest you guys will even be hated on by tier 1-2 offenders, they’ll also point their fingers at You and say at least I’m not bad as those guys I only have to register for 10-20 years.
Nows the time to fight especially if TRUMP runs again the politicians in Washington are gearing up to deal with the Trump administration there’s so much stuff going on right now they’re extremely distracted they don’t need a million sex offenders flooding the courts with lawsuits and marching in the streets in peaceful protest that wouldn’t be very peaceful for long.
Also Californians are lucky to have someone like Janice and ACSOL but how long will we have them here with us, what if Janice decided to retire right now, what would you guys do.
All Tier 3 offenders better start fighting back now wile they still have some support