Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Nov 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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IML’s notification requirement for international travel is still 21 days, right? I know it states you can report travel within 21 days if it’s an emergency or the like, but I thought they request notification 21 days in advance.
I ask because NYPD’s SOMU just called to say Albany rejected my attempt to report upcoming travel in late November. They say that they won’t process reported travel greater than 10 days in advance. Confused! I’ll try calling Albany later but just wanted to report that here.
Well here it is…almost exactly one year since I petitioned to get off the internet. Guess I can say the public defender has forgotten about me. Tried calling him, tried emailing him at different times in the year, but never got through. Don’t know what to do except wait and hope he remembers about me. No way I can afford thousands of dollars for a lawyer. I’ll send him my updated stuff…again but one thing is certain…tomorrow I go in to do my annual registration.
I am Currently working at a hospital in LA county, I was just informed by my boss that Starting Monday everyone has to be background checked and badged in for now on, we’ll looks like I’ll be FIRED on Monday Daam this was a really good company too.
The real phuct up part is, it’s almost Christmas time And The line of work I’m in they don’t really hire around the holidays they kinda like to wait to the beginning of the year and start fresh.
I guess i’ll have to make up another out of state family emergency story to justify why I have to quit on such a short notice.
Life on the registry is mentally, physically and financially exhausting 🥱
Does anyone know how long you can visit Indiana withouti having to register? It appears to be seven days, but I’d like a second opinion, just to make sure, if anyone knows. I’d like to visit there over the holidays.
Anybody have any issues flying to France? I don’t have a marking on my passport.
I’ve heard the French don’t care, but I’m scared about the IML documentation.
Does anyone have a good contact to speak about Georgia laws, registry, experience?
I may have to relocate there.
Has any Californians successfully had their tier lowered? If so, how, what was the process?
Riverside County Sheriff’s Deputy, Sgt. Smith, called me today. He called me from phone number (951) 758-6619. He kindly informed me that my registration status is good but there was a problem with my DNA. He wanted me to meet him at a location in Riverside and pay him $$ to get my DNA sample squared away otherwise I would be arrested. Had I had my with a about me, I would have told him to name the time and place and met the guy. I didn’t. I cussed him up and down bad street USA, told him I had relations with his mother, wife, and daughter all at the same time and his sister is currently over right now. Then I told him to call SWAT and come and get me. I shouldn’t have done that I know but man! Having said that, I’m posting this because there are a lot of knuckleheads who might fall for this scam. That’s exactly what it is too. Bring them money, they walk away or do it again 6 months down the road. Or worse, they could get beat down or robbed. Anyways, don’t fall for it. Report them, maybe the law enforcement agency can pretend to be you and actually catch the people that are doing this. Like I said, I knew it was a scam and lost it but didn’t think about it until after the fact. Keep you calm and let’s take these guys down, legally, of course. Stay safe!
Once again, a trip thru the great pumpkin patch offered no PFR viable threats. Leo’s run around stirring the pot, and only get list or probation violations. I’m so happy when November 1st hits. Our threat level drops from spastic to our normal messed up registry living.
Has anyone with a California dismissal (pc 1203.4) considered moving to Vermont? I read the statue and if I’m understanding it correctly, a dismissal would take you off the registry in Vermont and California will take you off once you move out. Vermont also has a 10 year registration for most offenses even for those without the dismissal. Im wondering why more people have not considered moving there if they are on the registry in a state that would take you off once you move out like California.
The Disturbing Rise of Amateur Predator-Hunting Stings
So these people setting up their own stings using switch and bait tactics then harassing the suspects afterwards. They should just be sued period.
Here’s a interesting question I want to pose to everyone here. I am not judging and want you not so much to answer publicly, but to think about this……..
If the registry were abolished and the offenses you were either charged with or convicted of were suddenly taken off the books ( in other words, were no longer considered an offense ) , would you do the same thing again. I would hope not, but I do wonder how many actually put effort into changing because they want to, or because they have to. Think about it.
I was just listening to a sports commentary on a fight that broke out between 8 Mich. St. players and 1 Michigan player after a football game. The commentator’s viewpoint was, “ I’m worried that the public will paint the Mich.St. Program with a broad brush and think all the players are bullies and undisciplined because of 8 out of 125 players were involved”.
I wonder if I posed that to him about our situation , if he would go that same route. He is worried about misjudging ALL of the program because of 6% of its players . Violent predators are estimated to be less than 4% of those convicted of sex offenses. This equates to .01% of the U.S. population. Yet we are all brushed with that same broad stroke. Proving AGAIN that emotions and prejudices will out weigh logic every time.
Florida’s Polk County Sheriff Grady “Publicity Addict” Judd goes full vigilante! 🙄
Polk County mistaken id case forces gun-happy sheriff to change tune
Seriously, he’s a freak! 😒
SCOTUS may leave an innocent man in prison because it may clog up the court system! As covered by Steve Lehto@Lehtoslaw@YT.
The summary is…Man gets convicted by “A mis-interpretation of statutes language” surrounding felon \ firearm possession case. Statute later reinterpreted by a higher court. Technically man didn’t break the law.
But justice Alito concerned ruling in his favor may bring a host of new cases concerning felons in possession convicted by errors in interpretation thus clogging the courts.
California’s PC 1203.4 and defamation
Earning a 1203.4, the court withdraws the guilty/nolo contendere plea and enter a plea of not guilty. In doing so, the court also dismisses the accusation/info against the defendant. The court of California states you are no longer convicted of a sex crime.
The only way onto the sex registry is to be convicted of a sex crime. If the state of CA continued to advertise you are sex offender because you were convicted of a sex crime after earning 1203.4, then isn’t the registry defaming an individual who by law dictates is no longer convicted of a sex crime? 1203.4 specially states, by the court, the accusation against the defendant is not for use.
Melvin v Reid, 1931:
The registry infringes upon the court’s decision that an individual is rehabilitated, thereby attacking an individual’s reputation of no longer being convicted of a sex crime.
This legal malpractice is identified by not extending all of 1203.4’s benefit to the registrant class by singling them out to pursue a more arduous pathway to legally obtain the reputation of being rehabilitated via the Certificate of Rehabilitation, CoR, before the passing of SB-384. The CoR is now replaced with the tiered registry.
1203.4 courts dictates legally that an individual is “not guilty” of a sex crime and dismisses the accusation against the defendant in order to regain good character, social standing, or reputation. The registry, including SB-384, continues to be libelous by identifying as 1203.4 recipient as a sex offender due to being convicted of a sex crime and is advertising it whenever any type of background check is searched.
A 1203.4 recipient, any recipient, can legally state they were not convicted of a crime. Why does the registry not accept the court’s decision.
1203.4 benefits, verbatim:
The registry not only revokes benefits earned, but it revokes the benefits earned only from one group of being recognized of being no longer convicted of a crime. This violates CA Constitution’s equal privileges and benefits law:
If you revoke the immunity for one class, then that immunity must be revoked for all classes.
The sex registry has been around since the 1930’s, iirc. In 1958, 1203.4 did relieve the duty to register because it was quasi-criminal in the Kelly v Municipal decision. California has not conducted any extensive research on recidivism before and after the Kelly decision nor up to the changing of the law to deny relief from the registry using Kelly in early 2000s. And despite CASOMB sharing low recidivism rates of 3% and under, including a 3-year span of under 1%, the state wishes not to correct itself and continues to defame the 1203.4 registrant class. In fact, there should not be a 1203.4 registrant class because the courts stated by law those individuals are not guilty and the accusation ceases to exist.
Many lives could have restarted several years earlier, which was the intent of 1203.4 legal pathway. The registry does not recognize right to privacy (1972), right to personal information privacy (1977) and right to reputation (1931), which are embedded within the CA Constitution. The registry is utilizing “court dismissed information” to attack the reputation of an individual who is legally “not guilty” of a sex crime.
Original SORNA recognized a person no longer convicted is no longer part of the registry. PLF and ACSOL are now trying to uphold that law against the new SORNA laws in California. Yet, California doesn’t even recognize persons no longer convicted of a sex crime and forces them to continue to register. There is a lack of consistency here, or do we call it blatant hypocrisy.
seems to be a common theme about government waste
My petition was granted, so I am no longer required to register, however the location in which I was registering at, says they have not received notification from the DOJ that my duty to register has been extinguished.
Has anybody else had the issue with their former registering agency?
Inside the effort to change the definition of sexual crimes in California | To The Point
unfortunately she seems to think more punishment is deterrent to the crimes being committed when her energy could be used on education and prevention.
I wanted to share my experience emailing DHS with my registration termination documents. Using the address Janice posted (, I sent a request asking that they update all federal records/databases and included my CA DOJ letter, CA court order, and the 1203.4 for the registrable misdemeanor.
I immediately received an auto-response that seemed to foreclose upon this exercise. Its last passage states:
Please note, inquiries received at this email address will not receive a response unless they include the completed Certification of Identity form and are related to a notification that has been made to a foreign government or are related to a passport marking that is already on your current passport. Questions regarding whether an individual will be subject to foreign notification for future travel or if an individual is required to a receive passport marking on a future passport will not receive a response (please see the link for International Megan’s Law above for information regarding these subjects).
It seems that Angel Watch (who undersigned the note) absolves themselves from doing anything unless 1) we are contacting them about a foreign government notification that has already gone out or 2) our passport has already received the scarlet marking.
I was under the impression that we could use this email address to request that DHS update their records and/or databases with our registration termination info. This would be an insurance policy against our records not being properly updated.
Is anyone aware of such an email address where, like we did with CA DOJ, we can email the federal SORNA team(s) and make this request with our termination documents? The only thing I’ve seen is an AskSMART email address, but I fear that will just be a black hole due to being a general public mailbox. Thanks for any insights here.
Postscript: For those who do want to use this address, the auto-response also notes the following:
If you believe that you have been mistakenly identified as an individual convicted of a sex offense involving a minor or have been convicted of a sex offense involving a minor but are no longer required to register in any United States jurisdiction and are therefore no longer subject to the passport marking requirement, please send all relevant information to along with a completed Certification of Identity form, which can be found at the following public link:
So you must also download, fill out, and sign this identity cert as well. I saw other language stating that they will NOT even consider any correspondence with them unless this cert accompanies it.
Had A Conversation with my son about the birds and the bees this weekend, I also had to educate him about the registry, I told him about what happened to me back when I was his age, I showed him my mugshot on Megan’s law for the first time, he told me he had friends that were 15-16-17, I just simply let him know to be very careful and that his birthday is coming up soon and that when he turns 18 that the United States government no longer sees him as a teenager ,and no matter The circumstances after you turn 18 don’t be hanging out to much or dating anybody under 18 even if it’s somebody you’ve known all your life just don’t do it.
He asked me is that why we moved so much when I was little and is that why you left mom, I said yes i was trying to protect you guys.
I suppose this has been discussed at great length.. but got another Jury Summons.
It specifically states 290 registrants are disqualified.
I just cannot decide whether I am happy about it or not?
Maybe they exclude our people because they are trying to protect us from retaliation since we cannot hide our names and addresses?
I recently went in for my annual registration. I had an appointment and was finished there in 5 minutes. Lady was very respectful. I thought I’d try and dress in a suit with a fresh haircut. I was looking good and figured I should look less creepy with a suit. However they cut the frame so close to my head that the suit was not visible. I’ll keep doing this every year. Why not look the best we can?
Does anyone have any experience being a homeless SO in cali ? I need to know everything i can because I will be there soon looking for a job, but all i have is a car.
Janice this registry seems to have a type of slavery control over others. It just so happened today after coming from church, the elder took me to the side and said he found out I was on the registry. For the first time since my conviction or guilty plea I went to find out about this.
While I am off my 10 yr. probation, typing in my name brings up a bit of an unfavorable situation. Yes when a court of law gives probation and you complete it that should be an end of the matter but still the name is up there. Talk about a revelation. I don’t know if I should get angry, upset, or just take as an opportunity to understand how government is today. I’m sure this happens all over the USA and is a bit of a conceited scheme. So where does the safety come in or should we all talk about fender benders today.