FBI finds sharp rise in online extortion of teens tricked into sending sexually explicit photos

Source: pbs.org 12/19/22

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI sounded the alarm Monday about an explosive increase in teenage boys being targeted online and extorted for money after being tricked into sending sexually explicit pictures.

At least 3,000 children, mostly teenage boys, have been victims of the schemes that are connected to more than a dozen suicides this year, a scale that U.S. authorities have not seen before, Justice Department officials said. Many think they are chatting online with kids around their own age but are quickly manipulated into sending explicit pictures and then blackmailed for money with threats to release the images, the FBI said.

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I guess our most vulnerable are subjected to an environment of online exploitation. How much of that doing is the responsibility of parents’ and how much of that doing is the responsibility of the purveyors of the infrastructure? Consider the number of adults who have faced also online extortion or grifting. Is internet access for children a cultural disposition of our own choosing or was it for corporate interests? Given that Smith V Doe03 was about database use by the people it shows the people unwittingly opted for unfettered application of the database to suit the whims of purveyors rather than taking the conservative route to a well regulated application of same to suit the well being of the people.

Wait, so these kids are being extorted for pictures of themselves by African countries which is illegal and there’s nothing they can do about it. But it’s okay for police officers to impersonate kids and use it as the guise of trying to save kids. LOL

So dudes in Nigeria are extorting sex pics from American teen boys filled with raging hormones. I don’t know if the fraudsters are impersonating pretty teen Nigerian girls or American girls. Because if they’re impersonating the latter, their written broken English should be a dead giveaway.

I wonder if their own undercover agents posing as minors are included in the “sharp rise.”

This is absolutely hilarious!

“—it is up to all of us to reassure them that they are not in trouble, there is hope, and they are not alone,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray in a statement.”

But they are in trouble! They produced and distributed child pornography of themselves, a strict liability offense as any pig prosecutor will gleefully remind us. The blood of these boys is on the hands of the FBI and the prosecutor scum.