OR: Thousands of Oregon sex offenders still waiting for risk evaluation

Source: koin.com 12/15/22

There are 32,472 convicted sex offenders in Oregon. About 100 more sex offenders are added every month. Now, even after 7 years of work, the Oregon Parole Board has more than 20,000 sex offenders that remain unclassified at risk levels.

The parole board simply can’t keep up with the thousands of sex offenders who need to be classified as low, moderate or high risk.

“At our current staffing levels you would see we would finish in approximatley 43-and-a-half years,” Oregon Parole Board Executive Director Dylan Arthur told the legislature in 2019.

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I see a little sensationalism in this article by making it about the “jogger rapist” as if the worst of the worst are escaping the effects of sex offense registration through risk assessment. I think determining a person’s risk is a good thing in the case of Oregon, because that state doesn’t publically list low risk registrants. That’s probably why there’s a backlog of cases. No one doesn’t want their information out there on the internet. However, risk assessment makes little difference in most states, because you will be publically listed regardless of risk.

After watching the video, they state that he scores low risk on the test. But they’re still going to release him as a high risk with GPS monitoring. So my question is, what does it matter if you score a low risk, they’re still going to stick you in the high risk no matter what! How far is that?

Risk assessment is over blown BS . their is zero proof the registry makes anyone safe , the time to deal with is in the court when a person gets their punishment from the court , I see no use in going back years into someones history years , in my case over 30 years to assess anything thats after prison time ! Its just putting a target on our backs, if the state blew it at sentencing , OH Well ! sick of everyone saying this BS is okay , after we get out of prison and walk our paper we become victims of the ass mites on the bock and LE forever ! for crimes that have not been committed , face it the Registry is a Flop, get over the fact ! And end this public square punishment of PFR’s and their loved ones,

Last edited 2 years ago by 72FLH

Null classification equates to no responsibility, so why would the move faster? There is only downside politically for them to do so. If they claim a person low risk and its wrong …they lose.

Here’s a solution, determine only the high risk via their offense, then simply let the rest get off the registry. Problem solved.

I moved to Oregon for a short time and was required to be publicly listed until this “assement” could be completed. When I moved back to California, had a full year pass before I got the letter from Oregon stating I was required to fill out some included paperwork. I reluctantly filled out the paperwork and it’s been nearly 2 years since. Haven’t heard anything. The paperwork asked a lot of personal questions and the contact information of all my previous sexual partners. I refused to give that information. If I had not filled out the paperwork, there was the warning that I would e arrested and imprisoned, even though I was not a resident of Oregon.

I was told by Portland PD sex offender registration unit, that if I move to Oregon from California I have 5 working days to register with LE having jurisdiction where physically present and even if I’m relieved of my duty to register in California, i still have to register in their state, she couldn’t tell me if I would be listed publicly or not but said 2025 was there deadline for all risk assessment’s and she didn’t think they would make it.
I also called Denver, they said bring the letter from DOJ stating you were relieved of your duty to register and they would mirror whatever my registration requirements are in California. So basically Denver PD would acknowledge that I was relieved of my duty to register in California but they couldn’t give me a solid answer till they physically seen the letter.
Before I hung up the phone, the cop tried asking me for my moms address out there and my full name, can you believe the nerve of these people.

Been waiting for decades for the State of CA to get me a risk rating… read awhile back there was suppose to be a deadline on this… and still waiting..