ACSOL to Lead CA Lobby Day on March 21

ACSOL will lead the California Lobby Day on March 21 in Sacramento.  The primary focus of Lobby Day is to advocate for changes to the CA Tiered Registry Law that could significantly increase the number of registrants eligible to petition for removal from the registry.

More than half of all CA registrants (48,631) have been assigned to Tier 3, the highest tier, which makes them ineligible to petition for removal.  In addition, more than 12,400 registrants have not yet received a tier assignment and are also ineligible to petition for removal. The remaining registrants have been assigned to Tier 1 (16,459) and Tier 2 (21,948) which allow them to petition for removal after a minimum of 10 or 20 years.

Lobby Day will begin at 8:30 a.m. on March 21.  The day will begin with a training session to be held at the Hyatt Hotel, 1209 L Street, in Sacramento.  Parking is available at the hotel and will be paid for by ACSOL.  Scholarships are available, upon request, to help defray some travel expenses.

Participants in lobby day will be assigned to a team led by an experienced Lobby Day leader.  Each team is expected to include at least one registrant, one family member and one supporter (counselor, psychologist and/or attorney).  Teams will meet with state legislators or staff in pre-arranged meetings.

Coffee will be served the morning of March 21 and lunch will be available prior to team meetings.  A dinner hosted by ACSOL will follow team meetings during which Lobby Day experiences can be shared.  Team meetings are expected to end no later than 4 p.m.

For those unable to join Lobby Day, there will be opportunities to write letters, send letters and make phone calls to legislative offices requesting that the Tiered Registry Law be changed.  Details regarding those opportunities will be provided on this website soon.


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I will love to be a part of lobby day, I am checking tickets today,1/4/23, to make sure I am there…

Hello, here are my opinions regarding this tiered registry:

  1. By doing anything other than lobbying for the complete abolition of the registry, you are giving your tacit consent to it.
  2. The more registrants who are successful in petitioning for removal, the more our numbers are eroded. – There is strength in numbers.
  3. I believe that your activism is laudable in many ways, but in this instance it is misguided.
  4. ALL public registries are repugnant in the extreme. They were used by the Nazis.

Thank you kindly for letting me share my thoughts.

Are they also trying to help out tier 3 offenders? I’ve noticed most are tier 3 and never seem to get a break even though most have one victim as well.

I’ll be there representing ACSOL and all youth offenders placed on the registry at 17-18 years old 💪😎

I have attended Lobbying Days.
They are excellent events and a great opportunity to meet and get to know many wonderful members of our community – registrants, family members, friends, lawyers, advocates & allies!!

I will absolutely be there in March!!

Be there if you can!
You will not regret it!
It’s totally awesome!! 😃👍🏻👏🏻😁

I look forward to being able to submit a letter for support and hopefully getting questions considered pertaining to my 30 year old case for oral cop while being detained in a detention center, weird I know but this occurred after I was picked up being under the influence of meth and awake for 4 days. Although it wasn’t forced I was not in my right mind when this occurred in 1992. Ok I’ll leave you alone and thank you for being there for us. Respectfully Mark