CA: Steven Tyler Accused of Sexual Assault of a Minor in New Lawsuit Over a Decades-Old Claim

Source: 12/29/22

A woman who claims to have had an illicit relationship with Steven Tyler in the Seventies when she was a minor has filed a lawsuit against the Aerosmith singer, accusing him of sexual assault, sexual battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The lawsuit was filed following California legislation that temporarily waived statutes of limitations for childhood sexual abuse allegations.

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Way to go Gav, the flood gates will open on acts by those who were willing to participate but you want them to be victims of their own actions and understanding of what they were doing at the time while playing ignorant.

At this rate, the music industry should restrict ticket and album sales to those who can prove they are over 18 before they can enjoy it.

Sex, drugs, stardom——it was good to these young girls in the early 70s. Now their 60 and 70 year old bodies are shot, and they want to take it out on some men, they being my favorite rock heroes when I was a teenager.

some of the best comments i have heard in a while

Utah tried something similar, but the Utah Supreme Court ruled that the legislature could not come back after the statute of limitations had already run, and then change the rules to extend them after they expired – violation of due process and separation of powers. See, Mitchell v. Roberts, 2020 UT 34.

wow good thing Elvis or Jerry Lee Lewis or Rick Springfield is a thing of the past to name a few!

This screams cash grab for this “victim” who is just old enough to collect social security.

I smell BS. People who want to make accusations 30 or 40 years after the alleged incident should have their claims tossed out. It makes no sense to wait so long other that it being an attempted cash grab.
I obviously don’t know Steven personally, but I have met him several times over the years and he always struck me as one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. Totally respectful and accommodating to his fans.
I don’t believe this woman for one second, but if something did happen, she was probably the one who initiated it so she could have bragging rights with her friends saying she screwed Steven Tyler. I’ve been in the music scene in the past, not in a band that was famous and I did my fair share of tri state touring but I can attest to the fact that there are plenty of young girls who will make their way to the VIP room in hopes of getting it on with someone famous. Unfortunately, a lot of famous musicians don’t care about a girl’s age, so maybe something did happen between her and Steven, but I am willing to bet everything I own that it was her who came on to him.

Another famous person whose skeletons are now coming out of the closet. Not surprising, but this is what you get when you take the hysteria to its logical conclusion. Wonder who will be on the chopping block of weaponized sex 2.0?

They already destroyed some of our sports idol’s like Mantle, Rose ,Woods ,Strawberry over normal human frailties songs were written about sex and drugs and rock and roll i hate to see what the magazine Rolling Stone will become or sports illustrated whats next? Ban music from the 60’s-and 70’s i don’t want to say this too Loud! But Mozart ,Beethoven and Vivaldi would be on the registry if they were around today.

Last edited 2 years ago by vinny

I smell someone looking for money.

One of my long time friends has gone on tour with him since she was a little kid, they’ve got matching friendship bracelets with each others names.

Never has he tried to be with during her modeling career or her even after she came of age; even though she said he could have if he wanted.

The guy is passionate in everything he does. Yeah he shouldn’t have fallen for her, in other states they could have been married at age 13 during that time period.

theres gonna be a lot of heads on the chopping block 🤷‍♂️

I’ll see your Steven Tyler and raise you Romeo and Juliet.

If Tyler doesn’t settle this with a nice payout and avoid prosecution, I will eat my gym socks!

Ok, so this was not a “child” in the commonly understood sense of the word. This was an individual who was age 16. An age of consent covered by >95% of the world.

Which obviously means that Canada and Europe and a substantially large percentage of the world is populated by secret “child abusers” and that is why they made 16 the age of consent wherever it is.

I find it interesting that if this individual had shot somebody while robbing a liquor store they might hold a hearing to see if she should be judged and held accountable as an adult. But no such hearing is held in these cases to determine whether or not the individual was capable of consenting to sex, apparently with her parents permission. I mean what else did they think was gonna happen if she went on tour with him?

Oh I know, the law is the law and my position is you should not violate it and I’m not advocating for anybody to do that.

What I would be advocating for is the law to be changed so that not everyone has to be prosecuted, or in this case sued, as a “sex criminal” over everything that involves a sexual act.

From the other side of the country in NY comes this tidbit since the floodgates of no statute of limitations has been lifted in many places: Steven Tyler accused of 1970s sexual assault by a second woman who was a teen at the time (LA Times, 2 Nov 2023)