CO: Colorado woman faces no jail time for statutory rape, pregnancy by 13-year-old boy

Source: 3/4/23

A 31-year-old woman who admitted to having sex with a 13-year-old boy and getting pregnant with his child will serve no jail time, according to reports.

“I feel like if she was a man, and he was a little girl, it would definitely be different,” the victim’s mother said. “They would be seeking more. I feel like because he is not a woman, they are not. They are having compassion for her.”

But now Serrano may go free and face no jail time for her crime after agreeing to a plea deal with prosecutors, who dropped the original charges to a lesser offense that does not require jail time.

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You have got to be kidding me!!
No jail time for rape of a child?! Really?!
Have a few pictures and you are sent away for years!!
Not saying it is any lesser of a crime just that there is no balance in sentencing.

So, why was she given such a light sentence? Isn’t body part A touching body part B the worst case scenario? Shouldn’t it be an across the board blanket punishment? Or… Is the registry deemed such punishment that it supercedes a prison sentence? Why isn’t Abigail Simon attacking this? I don’t know the policy here regarding links, but this is absolutely pertinent to the subject at hand.

It all started with Mary Kay Letourneau with her 12 year-old student. Remember, initially she only got 3 months (with 3mos suspended) back in the 90s. After she continued seeing the boy, that’s when the court threw the 7 year jail sentence at her. Her “infamous” crime turned her, and the little boy she eventually married, into celebrities as they made their rounds on Entertainment Tonight, Dr. Phil and Barbara Walters. Even after they separated, the boy and his family stood by Letourneau until her dying end. She made mistakes, but at least she’s no longer on the sex offender registry. R.I.P. Mary Kay.

This hits home so much. I was being raped as a child by a teen female. In my teens it came out. Investigated by the police. It was found out she was being molested by her dad. She got a pass for what she did to me. Friends of mine gave me high fives! Fast forward 30 years and I am busted for c.p. Until I could see myself as a victim….I couldn’t see what I was viewing as victims. She gets to live her life free and even run a business, I get to live on the registry and be shackled with a GPS bracelet for life…… fair????

The system took my life with no evidence charge for a lot less, this is the unjust the poor receive. If this was a man he would get LIFE or 20 years and a life time of shaming. The System Sucks !

I have to agree with if it was a man who did this, then the outcome would be different, e.g., much harsher. There is no denying it given evidence of both men and women being convicted and sentenced being very different for this crime.

Frankly, the family adopting the child of a child would be hard and something should be weighed very carefully. The dynamics would and could be interesting.

I pray that everyone can heal from the damage that this event might have caused.

I think there should be a penalty, but all the same, I hope that it doesn’t include the registry.

(I’m almost certain that if she was a male, the registry as penalty is practically a gaurantee.)

HE IS, and his Mom wants full custody even it came out of her, now sentenced to life on The Reg and ongoing Prob for a decade, that’s sim to simfam LOCK DOWN being ridiculed and watched for a decade and staying on CO-SOMB Reg for CO’s DOJ site. PUNISHMENT CONTINUAL with maybe Time Served, she’s incarcerated.
(Hmmm the orig Oregon teacher/coach passed, he was also orig PI 13 male too and now he’s got all their kids including the one concieved back then his name is John handling it all and they married.

31 y.o. man & 13 y.o. pregnant girl …..
Show of hands, who thinks serious prison time?? 🤔🙄😒

I don’t think that her punishment, such as it is, was too light, but that the punishment for most other non-forcible sex offenses is often too harsh.