A transgender state lawmaker in Minnesota introduced a measure that would remove language from the state’s Human Rights Act that currently declares pedophiles are not included in protections based on “sexual orientation.”
The proposed language has shocked and bewildered Republicans, but the bill’s author says nothing in the text would weaken pedophilia laws. The “Take Pride Act” (HF 1655) was introduced earlier this year by state Rep. Leigh Finke, a member of the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party and the first transgender legislator in Minnesota House history.
I don’t think just introducing something like this is the best approach. Regardless of the potential soundness of the reasoning it would be better to bring up the subject for discussion across party lines in smaller groups before introducing the measure. Starting with the most controversial category of attraction that also happens to be recognized as a mental disorder given specific circumstances verified over time is probably not the best approach either. There are groups of people who have primary or exclusive attractions to individuals in the midst of puberty. This isn’t recognized as a mental disorder and depending on what range of development is being talked about blurs into the normal range of attraction for large parts of the global population. Perhaps starting with something in that range to get everyone to acknowledge it is part of reality, would be a better choice. It would be much easier for people to recognize teenagers find each other attractive at least some of the time and thus individuals older than that can also find them attractive. Anyone doing anything about the attraction is a different irrelevant subject. Good luck making the introduced measure less controversial and getting it passed. The lawmaker probably screwed up going about it the way they did.
They’re all wrong; pedophilia is absolutely, and quite obviously, a sexual orientation. Ask someone with a PhD. in Human Sexuality if it’s a sexual orientation and they will say that it is. That is considered to be irrefutable by anyone in the field but even anyone with a lick of sense and knowledge will also recognize this fact. Saying that it’s not is a deeply silly and desperate political move.
Language implicating the relative relational dispositions among humans and machine databases…he-she means. No doubt the bills author has and agenda in drawing a distinction between paedophiles and transgender persons. This is what flabbergasted the conservative evangelical who believe no distinction necessary ( see Smith V Doe). Clearly the bills author comprehends the fact the God fearing lump all sins together generally, but still hold special venom for the child offender. Thus he-she moves through the proper process channels like anyone attempting to do the best for their people….humans.