OR: Kotek wants $6.7M to clear backlog of unclassified sex offenders

Source: katu.com 5/17/23 PORTLAND, Ore. — Gov. Tina Kotek wants lawmakers to spend millions clearing a backlog of unclassified sex offenders. In March, KATU Investigator Wright Gazaway found there are nearly 15,000 unclassified sex offenders who are Oregon residents. That means the state agency that monitors them has no idea how dangerous those people are or their risk to commit another sex crime. The governor’s office called the backlog “clearly unacceptable” when KATU asked her in March if she would address it. On Wednesday, she called on lawmakers to spend…

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TX: Megan’s Law became law 27 years ago; How it continues to “protect children against predators”

Source: click2houston.com 5/17/23 On May 17, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed legislation requiring law enforcement officials to release information about convicted sex offenders. This became known as Megan’s Law. Several laws, including the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act of 1994 were passed before Megan’s Law was brought to the White House. Read the full article  

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