ACSOL Online Meeting June 24, 2023

Please join ACSOL Executive Director and civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci as well as ACSOL board member and criminal defense attorney Chance Oberstein for our next meeting.  The meeting will be held on Saturday, June 24, online on Zoom beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific time, 1:00 PM Eastern, and will last at least two hours. You can use the Zoom app or call in using a Zoom phone number.

There is no registration needed for this meeting. You can use the Zoom app to see Janice and Chance and choose to show or hide yourself, or you can use the Zoom phone number to call in to the meeting.

This meeting will be recorded and then posted here as an audio recording within a couple of days. A link to the recording will be at the top of our pages.

Discussion topics will include:

  • Privately owned websites
  • When does treatment and counseling end for registrants on parole?
  • meet a board member
  • the California Tiered Registry (now effective)
  • challenges to California Tiered Registry Law
  • domestic and overseas travel
  • other current topics and pending legal action throughout the nation.

Please Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up!

To join our Zoom meeting with your Zoom app, click on this link: 

Or you can call in to one of the phone numbers below, then specify:
Meeting ID: 832 7316 6148
Here is one Zoom number +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Or find your local number from around the world:


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Clarifications on domestic travel from May 20 Online Meeting

Dear Janice & Chance:

My name is Bruce. Some of you may also know I have a travel blog, Atwo Zee, Registered Traveler, which can be found here  I am writing to offer clarifications to a couple of things you have been saying about domestic travel on your monthly ACSOL zoom meetings, most recently on May 20, 202.

Every month, while giving your overview of domestic travel issues before taking questions, you stress the importance of not staying in any state long enough to trigger their requirement to register. Of course I strongly agree with that advice.

However, every month you make statements about certain states or situations that are either unclear or incomplete. For example, on the May 20, 2023 meeting, you used Nevada is an example of how careful everyone should be, because Nevada state law allows only 48 hours for initial registration, one of the shortest grace periods of any state. §§179D.460, 479D.480.

On a previous post on this site I pointed out that Nevada is one of a handful of states that, by policy, treats a statutory very short visitor registration requirement as a “duty to check in” but holds SO visitor information separately pending a commitment to depart within a specified time (up to 30 days); your info becomes part of a “visitors registry” that is not made public. Other states that do this are Alaska, South Dakota and Rhode Island (which you also mentioned on the May 20 meeting). My detailed post about this can be found here

On your May 20 Zoom meeting you also touched briefly on the subject of domestic travel by FORMER registrants. You correctly warned that every state has its own laws governing former registrants from other states. Some states will put you right back on their registry no matter how long you’ve been off your own state’s registry. You recommended that before moving to or traveling for an extended period to any other state one should consult with a qualified attorney in that state about the consequences of a former California registrant moving there.

I strongly agree with that, and on a previous post on this site I expanded on this subject because I believe many former registrants do not fully understand the restrictions they still face “traveling while formerly registered.” Most importantly, it’s crucial that all former registrants understand that most states’ registry laws require you to comply and register — if you have EVER been convicted of a registrable offense in ANY state — NOT if you are on or off the registry in any other state.  My detailed post about this can be found here

Also on the May 20 Zoom meeting you cautioned that Arizona recently changed their grace period after which visitors must register from five days to 72 hours.  That is absolutely true – however, those 72 hours don’t include weekends or holidays.  So If you want to visit the Grand Canyon be sure to do so over a weekend, preferably a holiday weekend, because although the park may be more crowded, by doing so you can extend your stay in Arizona up to five or six days.

Lastly, Janice you correctly cautioned that the “50 State Visitors Guide” chart on the ACSOL website has not been updated since 2018, which means that some of the information contained therein may be out-of-date.  What I wish to point out here is that the “50 State Visitors Guide” chart on my travel blog site is in fact a completely re-researched and updated version of the ACSOL chart.  This updated version is linked from the main page of my site

Atwo Zee, Registered Traveler 

I was incarcerated in Colorado for 16 1/2 yrs. My sentence was 6 yrs to life. When I was sentenced, every sex offense in Colorado is an indeterminant “Life” sentence. And in Colorado, if you are not actively in treatment, doing well in treatment, and gained a “recommendation of release” from your therapist, you will not be paroled. In 2017, I was released to Interstate Compact parole here in California because this is where I was born. This is where my family is. I have been in treatment on the outside all this time. I asked to be moved to “maintenance phase” but was told that because Colorado says I must do 10 years of parole before I can petition the Colorado court to release me, the treatment team says CaDOCR will not allow me to move into maintenance phase until I’ve done 6 yrs 10 mos of parole. According to Colorado law, if I have no violations (which I don’t), the court is compelled to release me from parole. 6 yrs 10 mos is an arbitrary number. I have done all this treatment inside in Colorado, plus continued treatment on parole hear in California since 2017. But it never ends. To acknowledge my hard work in treatment, my treatment team came up with a scheme they call “modified attendance”. Instead of going every week, now I only have to attend groups twice a month and meet 1-on-1 with a therapist once a month. It is so silly. Colorado recognizes that treatment cannot continue indefinitely. Had I stayed there, I’d be finished with treatment. But I have to resources in Colorado. My resources are here in California.