Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2023. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Watch the March 3 D.C. Vigil on live streaming!
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I guess public opinion has changed regarding people who brag about committing sexual offenses and who have been found by a jury of peers to more likely than not to have committed a sexual offense. I say this because half the country supports this person. There is hope for all of us then…that we will be accepted by society.
Janice mentioned that there are several California cases that dealt with the Right To Privacy but were not successful. I could not find any of these cases. Does anyone have links to them?
The registry has destroyed so much in my life. I don’t have any idea how it isn’t punishment.
Todays thought….Life doesn’t end when you die. Life ends when you give up
Disgusting…a crowd laughed at a lady who was sexually abused and who had the balls to go to court and go after the assailant. No one should be laughing at a person who has been sexually abused. What the heck is wrong with those people?
At least I can now without fear of being sued for defamation state the ex-president has been found by a jury or peers to be a sex offender. I just can’t state he is a registered sex offender or I could be liable for defamation.
Watching a news report on the death of Jordan Neely, and a few concepts have been mentioned that could be of interest to this community.
Please, if necessary, familiarize yourself to this story and the responses it has generated at the news source of your choice.
1: The man who placed the hold on Mr. Neely is facing charges of Manslaughter. Some are calling this Vigilantism.
* How can people oppose this as vigilantism, while still condoning the Registry despite the multiple murders it has helped facilitate?
2: The concept of “Social Death” has been mentioned with regards to Mr. Neely.
* The “Social Death” revolves around Mr. Neely being Homeless and Mentally Ill.
* Registrants also suffer Social Death, but nobody cares?
3: It had been suggested that Mr. Neely was subjected to the Vigilantism as result of “Social Death”
* Mr. Neely’s “Social Death” makes him a valueless “Non-Person”, and that makes attacking him acceptable or even desirable.
* Subjecting registrants to vigilantism is tolerated and has even been celebrated.
Should the registrant community point out the parallels between what happened to Mr. Neely, and what Registrants have been subjected to for decades?
Hi, friends.
For those interested in the upcoming challenge to The Registry in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, PARSOL will be holding a live webinar tonight at 7PM Eastern.
This event will examine in detail the lower court decision from 2022 that ruled PA’s SORNA (Registry) Unconstitutional.
You can sign up here:
See you then.
I see we are all now Guests. I wonder how you become a member?
Help I have been working with Post Conviction Div of Public Defender and Mr Schiender has left that Department and all I can get is that my Petition is going to the Court Review on May 30, has anyone with experience who can tell me if the is the last step or just another step on the end
So I admit that now and then I watch some of those “predator” catcher videos on YouTube. The guys (and sometimes gals) caught are complete morons considering it’s very well known that these individuals and groups are out there doing what they do and the tactics the vigilantes use are oftentimes very questionable.
One in particular that I watched was posted a day ago by Courtney Elizxbeth in collaboration with two other groups. In the video they’d set up a sting house in Los Angeles where they lured a man expecting to meet a 13 year old girl. He’d just gotten off work doing construction and the decoy told him he could take a shower…which he did. That’s when the rest of the group busted in cell phones and cameras rolling as he came out of the shower. They took his clothes and brought him to the living room for “questioning”. He was still naked and they were still recording. The line of questioning began and they even made comments about the size of his penis.
Obviously they crossed the line taking the mans clothes and recording him naked but in doing so didn’t they also commit a sex offense themselves?
PR bonds are very common and are given out quite often. There is always a dollar amount associated with a PR bond. If the guy violates the terms of his release, he’ll have to cough up the dollar amount in order to be released from jail again.
That’s how a PR bond works.
Does the 5th amendment give us the right to remain silent during any home check or anything else regarding registration where they try to get more and more and more hoping you give them something?
Saw this on my local news Twitter feed… Can’t get a break anywhere…
Question. Who all appears on the National Registry? Is it anyone who has to register in their State? What about people whose offense is not registrable under SORNA, or is that different from the National Registry?
‘In civilized societies, a person who has served a sentence returns to society without prejudice’—Noam Chomsky, on why he met with Epstein after his conviction. I’ve seen Chomsky speak, and I don’t agree with a lot of his takes, but this is the first frank, straightforward response to a baiting question about why anyone would meet with Epstein knowing he was a sex offender. The article is worth a read. The Bard College president has a decent response too. (Link)
In October the Supreme Court will here this that could do away with the chevron defense. My question is how is this different than Gundy vs United States? There the same thing right see this
So this case is big for us.
Can someone explain the PLF lawsuit regarding SORNA again? If it is on hold, can the 21 day notice still be required for the time being, or is that a separate subject?
I discovered a little good news for those that want to relocate to states that don’t publicly list. Oregon and Minnesota don’t provide geographic coordinates for addresses to NSPOW. So basically those states are giving the feds and Dru Sjodin the middle finger. Since those states don’t publicize the names of the vast majority of registrants, they realized that most names & addresses on the federal site would end up being out of state convictions. So why give those federal monkeys the coordinates? It’s nice to see states that still have common sense. Of course remember that this doesn’t apply to private child “safety sites” like family watchdog. That’s free enterprise for you!
I was watching this show called TRU-BLU the Take Down With Chris Hansen, Because these guys got busted using a computer to commit their crimes all were hit with 3 felony charges.
Unfortunately because of the dark web and the International distribution and manufacturing CP, the State and federal government will never take theses type of crimes out of Tier 3 lifetime registration, They View people who commit these types of crimes, as being apart of some type of “Secret Society” for example that teacher they busted in Anaheim California, I think he was a youth wrestling coach too.
I remember some years back, Kamala Harris was trying to pass a law in California that would keep anybody convicted of a sex crime off the Internet, offenders wouldn’t be allowed to use computers, but I guess it fell short under the constitution freedom of speech act and having the ability to express yourself and also keeping someone away from Basic Human Resources.
People who have been busted in theses online stings are the ones that make it extremely hard for people on the registry, because law-enforcement and the public get to actually see the text messages and read the true intent and the mentality of some of these people, everything is there in black-and-white and the fact that the offenders even showed up to the location is mind boggling and very concerning as well
SORNA is complicated. Although only 18 states are completely SORNA compliant, all other states (including California) are partially or mostly compliant. California meets 12 of the 19 Standards for full SORNA compliance. See this pdf for compliance data for all states:
SORNA State and Territory Implementation Progress Check (
Has has anyone else had problems getting on acsol website? I’ve tracked it down to where at&t (which is my internet carrier) is blocking it by the link timing out on the “search”. So my offices ant wifi are not able to connect, but my cell phone “also at&t” works.
So here’s the thing: go to Google “News” and type in the search term “sexual assault”. (Be warned – it can be rather disturbing.) There are currently a few stories about LEOs gone wrong…. arrested on sexual assault charges…. serious charges.😳
I was looking at a NARSOL article on a Wyoming decision. In the article, they cited that to be an offender, one has to be convicted of a crime. And that their registration unit cannot rely on “dismissed charges” to apply registration. This means if a defendant had their case dismissed, then there is no conviction. The Wyoming registration unit was trying to circumvent a dismissed case by using a dismissed charge to keep one on the registry.
That got me thinking, in CA, a 1203.4 states you are no longer convicted of a crime, including a sex crime. I looked at SB-384 bill text (which includes old rules and new rules to replace old rules) and it specifically states, “Every person who, since July 1, 1944, has been or is hereafter convicted in any court in this state or in any federal or military court”.
How does a regulatory agency have more power over a criminal agency, when only the criminal agency has the power to determine conviction? If the criminal agency states one is no longer convicted pursuant to 1203.4, then one is no longer convicted. The registry (PC290.5/ SB-384) also states one has to be convicted to be on the registry. Why is there not any continuity of when a defendant is convicted and isn’t convicted?
This all goes back to the state passing laws that violates the “General vs Special rule” law, which inconsistencies arise. The problem was addressed succinctly in Kelly vs Municipal, 1958, where the court cited 290 failed the “General vs Special rule” law to be an exception. Also in Kelly, the court recognized that a defendant is only a registrant when they have the conviction label during probation. And once the defendant successfully completes probation, then the defendant is no longer convicted and no longer part of 290 (the registration scheme).
The inconsistency of law is evident in the actual registration law. The court grants a change of plea to not guilty pursuant to 1203.4. That should be a final judgement, but it isn’t. The registry still identifies a defendant as currently convicted.
I live in CA and am nearing retirement. Thankfully I will have a decent income from SS after working so many years. Definitely not enough to live here in Los Angeles though. I am thinking of moving to Wyoming, as it has low taxes and few people. Does anyone here have any experience of living there? I’d love to speak to you or email. Thank you in advance for your help.
Wisconsin looks like we won
State vs Corey
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