AK: Mat-Su bans sex offenders from living near childcare centers, schools, parks

Source: alaskawatchman.com 7/20/23

In an effort to protect children from sex crimes, the Mat-Su Borough Assembly approved a new ordinance that prohibits sex offenders from taking up permanent residence within 1,000 feet of any school, daycare facility or public park.

Approved at the assembly’s July 18 meeting, the ordinance does not apply to sex offenders who live in a restricted zone prior to the new law. Sex offenders may not, however, purchase or lease a new permanent residence within the restricted areas.

Introduced by Assemblyman Ron Bernier, the law is applicable to all areas within the Mat-Su Borough that are outside the city limits of Houston, Palmer and Wasilla.

Over the next two months, all sex offenders within prohibited zones will receive a notice of the new law. Failure to receive a notification, however, is not a defense against violations.

Sex offenders can request exemptions to the restrictions if they believe enforcement of the law would violate a constitutional or statutory right under federal or state law.

The vote to enact the new law was approved along a 4-3 vote with Mayor Edna DeVries breaking the tie. Those voting against the ordinance were assembly members Dmitri Fonov, Dee McKee and Stephanie Nowers. Members voting for the restrictions were Rob Yundt, Ron Bernier and Mokie Tew.

In voting against the ordinance, both Nowers and McKee said they supported efforts to protect children from sex crimes, but were concerned that the law would not be effective at accomplishing this goal. In particular, they raised concerns about forcing sex offenders to reside in certain areas of the Mat-Su Borough.

Bernier countered that the law is “a start,” and it sends a “strong message.”

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The same “Assemblyman Ron Bernier” voted to only count votes by hand eliminating voting machines.

In enacting the law “Over the next two months, all sex offenders within prohibited zones will receive a notice of the new law. Failure to receive a notification, however, is not a defense against violations.” IE, guilty until proven guilty.

Mayor Edna DeVries broke the tie for this to pass.

This whole legislation reeks of political bias.

I really hate how our nation has become politically sided. I cringe at thinking how my child and all of yours, now 30, will live in this soon to be autocratic nation.

This is typical of politicians who have absolutely nothing to contribute to the public interest, other than fear and hysteria.
This tactic works well with most Americans who don’t place any value on thinking. (i.e. most Americans)
Politicians balk at the idea that they don’t really protect kids with the laws they pass; but the proof is in the years of evidence against them.
The ONLY solution to all of this nonsense is complete and utter abolishment of the registry.
As I’ve said before, every other symptom that people have to take to court only exist because of the registry.
Destroy the registry, destroy the misery.

A so-called solution that is going to create problems.

Ron Bernier, where are the examples of sex crimes committed that warrants an ordinance to protect the community. It’s stated that registrants who already reside can stay, but they’ll be given a notice, so which is it can they stay or go? The only message you’ve sent is that you are a low life lying politician. Once a liar you might as well run for office because y’all can’t stop spreading myths and can’t control your urges to pounce on the low hanging fruit. F You I hope Alaska has an earthquake under your bed and you’ll be in hell where you belong.

“the law is applicable to all areas within the Mat-Su Borough that are outside the city limits of Houston, Palmer and Wasilla”

Wasilla? You better have a talk with Sarah, because she’d want the law to cover her town too.

“Currently, sex offenders registered in another state do not always need to reregister in Alaska upon moving to the state. Child advocates have argued that his loophole has made Alaska a haven for sex offenders.”

Please! Nowhere is a “haven” for “sex offenders”in America. Why blame outofstaters for the fact that Alaska doesn’t have some out of state offenses on their books. There’s no loopehole about it. If Alaska is so concerned about those out of state offenses, Alaska should put them on their books!

Once again ignoring the FACT that people on the Registry reoffend less than 2%. AND that 98% of offenses are by first times, (family, friends, etc).
Just more making us the boogeyman.

Something tells me that they KNOW the law is unconstitutional. Otherwise, why include THIS little nugget?

Sex offenders can request exemptions to the restrictions if they believe enforcement of the law would violate a constitutional or statutory right under federal or state law.

Most probably because their lawyer told them to include this.