SAN DIEGO — Grecia Figueroa, the woman who accused former San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher of sexually assaulting her, says her former employer, the Metropolitan Transit System, offered her $10,000 in exchange for her silence.
In addition, Ms. Figueroa says the former County Supervisor and Chair of the Metropolitan Transit System set her up to make it appear as if Ms. Figueroa was extorting money from the family and that if not paid, she would go public with what he claimed were false sexual assault accusations.
Those allegations and more are included in a July 14 amended legal complaint from Ms. Figueroa against San Diego’s transit system and Mr. Fletcher.
Ms. Figueroa’s allegations first came to light on March 28 when then-County Supervisor Fletcher held a press conference alleging that Ms. Figueroa demanded that he and his wife, Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, pay her millions of dollars to keep what he claimed was a consensual affair quiet. During the press conference, Fletcher accused Ms. Figueroa of lying about the “circumstances and nature of [their] interactions.”
That same day, Ms. Figueroa’s lawsuit was made public.
I love it when the “Holier-Than-Thou” politicians, who seem to love to put targets on our backs, fall!!!
10.000 he should’ve offered her $40.000 then she would’ve forgot the whole situation and Mr fletcher and her could’ve remained really good friends.
It may be because Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher was one particular politician who has made PFRs lives a living hell. She has been known to have a “holier than thou” attitude, as the other commenter has mentioned and then she goes and does illegal stuff like the article above mentions.
To every general rule there is an exception. In this situation, Nathan Fletcher and his wife Lorena Gonzales have caused great harm to registrants and their families. Therefore, they are an exception.