FL: Death penalty in child rapes among new Florida laws soon to take effect

Source: orlandosentinel.com 9/26/23

A new law that could lead to imposing the death penalty on people who rape children under age 12 will take effect Sunday, along with other laws passed during the 2023 legislative session.

Other measures taking effect could lead to putting local governments on the hook for attorney fees when ordinances are deemed “arbitrary or unreasonable;” increase penalties on fans who interfere with sporting events; and require teens to at least have learner’s permits to drive golf carts on public roads.

The laws passed during the legislative session that ended May 5. Most legislation, including a record $117 billion state budget, went into effect on July 1, the start of the fiscal year.

The most controversial of the laws taking effect Sunday would allow the death penalty for people who commit sexual batteries on children under age 12. The measure (HB 1297) likely will draw legal challenges, as U.S. Supreme Court and Florida Supreme Court precedents have barred death sentences for rapists.

During a May 1 bill-signing event in Brevard County, Gov. Ron DeSantis said the measure is “for the protection of children.”

“Unfortunately, in our society, we have very heinous sex crimes that are committed against children under the age of 12 years old,” DeSantis said. “These are really the worst of the worst. The perpetrators of these crimes are often serial offenders.”

Judges would have discretion to impose the death penalty or sentence defendants to life in prison. If fewer than eight jurors recommend death, judges would have to impose life sentences.

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Already see the direction this is headed…
If left unopposed, the inevitable next steps are:

–Other states eventually following suit.

–Eventually extending the death penalty to *all* “sex” crimes (including non-contact offenses that “technically” involved minors under a certain age.)

The only question remains…will we all just roll over and allow ourselves to be slaughtered…or will more of us be “radicalized” when we are *literally* slated for extermination.

the sooner this state sinks into the ocean or is wiped out by a hurricane the better.

Isn’t the death penalty punitive? So death penalty or life in prison. What’s the point of the registry in Florida?

… putting local governments on the hook for attorney fees when ordinances are deemed “arbitrary or unreasonable”…

At last! A reasonable law out of the Florida legislature! A miracle! Now if they would only treat members of our peculiar fraternity as reasonably. Well, it costs nothing to hope even if it’s a futile one.

I like to see how this is going to apply across the board with police officers, teachers, doctors, politicians, social elites.. etc… sounds like this could be a population culling.. be hilarious if members of Florida gov that pushed this would have to face death penalties on themselves in the future

Last edited 9 months ago by Bluewall

Gov. Ron DeSantis said the measure is “for the protection of children.” So how does the death penalty protect children. If a child is raped and the perpetrator is sentenced to death, how does that protect the child? Its like closing the barn door after the horse already escaped.

The good FLA guvnah stated near the end of his presidential debate time last time that he and his bride were visiting the host location’s quotes earlier in the day to which he quoted one of them last night “…there’s purpose and worth to each and every life.”

If you could ask him if he truly believes that, then you would have to wonder with the passage of this law and the other laws his over oiled sunburned leather skinned state have passed which he in turn signed into law during his tenure in Tally against those he thinks less favorable of, e.g., such as PFRs. Heck, everyone should ask, especially in CA, their politicians this with this quote to gauge their reaction and answer. They’d say probably a resounding “Yes” but then backpedal with caveats.

How would a victim feel knowing that they’re indirectly responsible for someone’s death? Wouldn’t that be traumatic in itself? I realize that some victims may feel that the perp deserved what he got, but there’s others who might not want to send Uncle George to the death row, and then get blamed by their family. That would be a heavy burden to carry. And many victims may just keep silent for fear of sending their relatives to the gallows. A lot of unintended consequences might develop from this legislation.

I guess you can beat a child half to death and get probation, but god forbid you touch them under there cloths.

Does this law apply to females too?

Why are they using precedent to pass laws that there’s no evidence to show the actual need for it., precent just means they won a court case on opinions and here say and then use that case to win another case. Here say isn’t allowed in court but gov. gets to all because there’s no evidence. All enacted laws with no evidence needs to be taken down and no exceptions or make a registry for Doj, legislature and all who make laws an those enforce laws and whom breaks them.