VT: Remorseless murderer killed former registrant and mom as a jail retirement plan

Source: berkshireeagle.com 9/7/23

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. — A man accused of killing a 79-year-old Whitingham, Vt., woman and her 52-year-old son by shooting them in their home on Route 8A is being held without bail.

Christopher D. Ellis, 54, pleaded not guilty through his attorney Wednesday to two counts of first-degree murder and an additional charge of operating a vehicle without the owner’s consent. He was arraigned in Windham Superior Court, Criminal Division.

Judge John Treadwell ordered Ellis held without bail. Treadwell said the court would not schedule a weight of the evidence hearing until requested by the defense counsel.

In a police affidavit, Ellis described the murders as his “retirement plan.” He told investigators “he would rather be in jail than an ‘old folks’ home’ [describing] what he did as ‘calculated.'”

I did what I did, so I’m going to, you know, I have no problem with admitting it,” Ellis said during an interview with the Vermont State Police late on the evening of Sept. 1, according to a police affidavit. “I mean, it was, it had to happen. I don’t know, I know you probably won’t understand it.”

Garvin is not on the sex offender registry. Some offenders, after a certain amount of time, can be removed from the registry if they do not have a record of reoffending.

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The only thing we need to understand here is that this creature, is an animal.

Sounds like he got the idea from the George Burns movie, “Going In Style.”

Was the registry used to find and murder these 2 individuals? Of course, that’s ok. No problem here, business as usual, carry on. We don’t care if the registry causes innocent lives to be horrifically ended in murder, that is not important at all. Cue sarcasm

Let me get this straight, the former PFR, Michael Garvin, who was removed from the registry, for a 29-year-old conviction. This guy has never reoffended. And he, and his mother, was killed by a guy named, Christopher Ellis. Mr Ellis was on no registry and of course let’s look at his criminal history, (((Ellis has previous felony convictions for unlawful mischief in 1989, grand larceny in 1994, burglary and grand larceny in 1996, escaping custody in 1999 and possession of stolen property in 2015.
In 2018, Ellis was facing a possible life sentence as a habitual offender after he was charged with trying to rob a woman. He faced charges of aggravated assault with a box cutter, assault and robbery with injury, reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of a crash with serious injury. It is unclear how those charges were settled.))))
Now Ellis was a repeat offender. But of course he was on no registry!?!?! I sure am happy this guy’s behind bars now.

Here’s a serious winner that would be allowed to live in a homeless shelter instead of a PFR. He just murdered a 79 year old woman that he lived with. But I’m sure he’d never do that to a fellow resident in a homeless shelter.

These are the “people” who are not listed on Registries in Amerika. And I’m certain that plenty of these pieces of sh*t think Registries should exist.

Moral people do not support Registries. Low self-esteem fascists do.

Oh, but hey, registration is like a Price Club membership.

When is enough going to be enough? Abolish the registry NOW!!!

It’s unclear to me the registry played any role in this. It’s also unclear how they met, but this seems to be more of a personal dispute mixed with severe mental illness and drug abuse. The victims allowed this man to live with them (a man who had recently robbed and violently assaulted a woman after presumably spending time in prison for several other crimes), which was obviously, in retrospect, a fatal mistake. He seems to be reaching for some sympathy by describing one of his victims as a “child molester,” but that won’t affect sentencing—I’d be shocked if he ever is a free man again. I just hope he doesn’t have the opportunity to assault anyone in prison.

Vigilantism has to end. Enough already. Too many of us are living a life of fear. It is far past time for us to make a strong and LOUD statement on this. I would strongly urge consideration that this case be adopted as a unified, nationwide “cause celebre” so as to shine a light on our collective vulnerabilities as a result of public registries as well as an over-all “laissez faire attitude” towards violence directed against us. Our silence contributes to vigilantism. We need to speak up, now. We must publicize and educate the public on our issues, and vigilantism is a major issue. Let’s take this opporunity to educate, get our positions known, and fight back for once.

Organzie rallies, press conferences, media interviews (radio, tv, newspapers, podcasts, etc.) release “white papers”, raise awareness, lobby and write to lawmakers and other ‘stakeholders’ in and out of Vermont; hold a demonstration outside the Vermont courthouse when this guy appears for hearings, sentencing, and on. This isn’t a “whodunit” or “why done it” case. We know the who and why, and publicity surrounding this case will NOT prejudice him in the least. However, if we can bring pressure to bear upon the Court (the sentencing judge) so that it is known that we’re not going to sit back on this one, and that people are watching (just like the Santa Clara case, with the judge being recalled for going “light” on the offender), there would be much to gain for our efforts. We can do this.

Ellis must really be a bad dude if a liberal state like Vermont got fed up with his as, and was willing to put him away for life as a repeat offender