GA: Effingham County Sheriff’s Office continues to keep “dangerous” sex offenders off the streets during Halloween weekend

Source: 10/26/23

EFFINGHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WSAV) — Law enforcement in Effingham County is upping their presence in the public during the holiday weekend, and they are making sure sex offenders are not on the streets during trick-or-treating.

“We want to make sure that the kids have a stressless event for Halloween,” Brian Bailey, public information officer with the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office, said.

That is why Sheriff Jimmy McDuffie requires sex offenders with serious offenses to report to the jail on Halloween between the hours of 6 to 9 p.m.

Bailey warns children and parents to be aware of their surroundings when walking from door to door since there have been two pedestrian deaths in the past two months.

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Yeah, don’t worry about drunk drivers or deaths. The mysterious witch hunt of some magical fairy nut lurking around with curiosities about what’s in someones panties is far more of a threat than actual provable life ending death…. That witch hunt is worth spending all the time and resources on, yeah, that! What a bunch of idiots. Absolutely stupid, STUPID idiots! I wonder if they have any idea of how stupid they really are or if they’re just blind to their own idiocy…

Wrote the following to the “reporter”:

Ms. Smith:

By chance did you ask the Effingham County Sheriff’s Department how many trick-or-treaters were sexually assaulted by sex offender registrants last Halloween, or any other Halloween during Sheriff McDuffie’s tenure? Or why his order only applies to registrants on parole? 

Because to be honest, this story reads as a fluff piece. Regarding Effingham County, I would argue that a more compelling story would entail whether or not the sheriff’s department made any headway in curbing the meth trade apparently prevalent enough that residents refer to it as “Methingham.”

As always, not holding my breath for a response.

This PIO couldn’t make an intelligent argument to save his life. If this is the expert in public relations down at the Sheriff’s office, imagine what it must be like for the public to deal with actual LE personnel. I hope people see these pathetic justifications for what they truly are.

sounds like a lynch mob to me.. report to jail ? WTFFFFFFFFF

What does the sheriff consider a serious offense? What do they do during those 3 hours in jail? How is forcing a citizen to report to jail for not committing a crime, but for being on the government’s naughty list not considered punishment? As long as children have a stress less event I guess it’s fine to cause stress for registrants in the Peach State.

I do not think people realize, or remember, that if you are convicted of an offense that falls under the 85% felony statutes upon release you are on community supervision under the Parole and Probation Department for the duration of your sentence. So as the article correctly states only those under the Probation Department have to report to the jail. Why does this matter?
Those of us under the 85% laws in reality do our sentence 100% day for day because even after release we are either on a monitor, home confinement, limited movement between certain hours or a combination of the 3 and report every 2 weeks to Probation. It isn’t a whole lot different, except you get to shower privately, have better food and a change of address, than the controlled movement of maximum and medium security prisons except now the State doesn’t have to pay to house you, you freed up a bunk for the next guy to be sent up the road, and you now have to pay the State for your own “in custody” time.

Sounds like the cops are benefiting from the registry more than society. It’s such an EASY PR tool for them to claim they’re going “above and beyond” to protect children while actually doing nothing but issuing a press release.

“We want to make sure that the kids have a stressless event for Halloween,”

^And of course they would just LOVE to take credit for that and all the pride and praise that goes along with it.

A blanket probation/parole requirement to be jailed without violating any provisions of one’s court orders seems blatantly unconstitutional. What’s to prevent it from expanding to Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Super Bowl Sunday, July 4th, and more? After all, isn’t it always a great idea to keep the streets so “safe”?

I have an idea. Everyone in that jurisdiction do what the sheriff wants, then the next day you all get together and file a class action for violating your constitutional rights by subjecting you to illegal incarceration. Sue him and the county for everything you can get. I really don’t see how a complaint like that would fail in court because cops have been sued and lost for unlawful detention by simply extending a traffic stop beyond a reasonable amount of time. Forcing people to report to the jail under threat of arrest when no crime has been committed is unconstitutional as hell.