TX: Texas City man found guilty in sex offender murder

Source: galvnews.com 10/27/23

A Galveston County jury Friday convicted a 23-year-old man of murder in connection to a 2021 bar beating death of a sex offender, according to court records.
Taylor Christopher Requenes, 23, of Texas City, is set to return to court on Monday for sentencing.
Requenes is one of five accused of beating Danny Sanders, 65, a registered sex offender, to death outside a bar.

Just after midnight on May 22, 2021, five men attacked Sanders outside a saloon and dance hall at 3317 Loop 197 in Texas City, police said.

As Sanders attempted to leave the bar, five men attacked and beat him to death, police allege.
Sanders suffered severe face and head injuries from being punched, kicked and stomped during an attack that lasted more than a minute, according to police records.

Ashton Coleman, 22, Christopher Gomez, 32, Dayton Booker, 22, and Antonio Figueroa, 39, all of Texas City, also are charged with murder in connection to Sanders’ death, according to court records.

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Again, people taking the law into their own hands to mete out their own brand of justice. The registry did what again? Took another life. Add another victim to the list of those who are published.

What does anyone want to bet that at least part of his defense was “So what? He was a sex offender and I just saved countless future victims”?

I hope the other four men charged get the same thing. But they’ll probably end up taking a plea to reduced charges and lesser sentences.

So when they’re released are they going to be subject to the same requirements because they killed someone?

And more ammo is provided for whatever SCOTUS case ever looks at the registry to abolish the damn thing. I personally think I’ll be dead before that ever happens. Whoever is putting such a case together should have enough evidence of the laws doing the exact opposite of what they’re meant to do.

They charging everyone except the woman who fingered the man. Why ain’t she charged with felony murder? She set the sh*t in motion. That just shows this case already be fallen apart, and this man aint goin get his justice

Why’s that motherf☃️ck@r smiling! They should pin a metal on that dog Atom. I hope he bit deep into the leg of that thug.
Unfortunately, he’s going to be treated like a hero in prison, but at least this piece of excrement will be put away and not harm others. For how long, I don’t know. I have a feeling that even Texas justice will bypass this guy. We’ll be lucky if he gets 20 in.

How many more registrants have be harmed or murdered before the courts calls the registry for what it is Punishment? Start calling a spade a spade instead of calling it like a club membership. Just like other citizens of this country I want to live in peace.

One more body for the, “Acceptable losses” dumpster. They will go through the motions with the murders, have to maintain the illusion of legitimacy… for now.

In a legitimate country, just one instance of vigilante murder would be enough to bring the whole abomination back to court. One of the foundational lies the State told the court is that none would be subject to this. However, in the American Tyranny the State can help facilitate several murders then absolve themselves of their part in it simply by claiming it was unintentional.

I have little doubt that the Texas State Corruptly Appointed Hegemony of Unquestionable State Apologists would agree that the State can continue to facilitate vigilante murders with complete impunity, so long as they continue claim that the murders are unintentional. As for our National Hegemony… pretty sure they would give that idea an official, and enthusiastically delivered Heil of approval.

This account really disgusts me.

Welcome to yet another episode of your governmental incite-to-violence

I sincerely hope someone is keeping a tally of all the murders, assaults, arsons and vandalism that have occurred since they started pictures online. When this (someday) goes to SCOTUS for reconsideration it should not only be overturned… The court should also award an amount for reparations. I’m sure seeing the entire database would make some people gasp.