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“and kidnapping registry”…very interesting. This story will only give more fodder to the UT elected delegation in WDC to ask for more grant money to do their job or the four part-timers they are seeking today.

Since she gave her info at the end, maybe she should address the recidivism rate at 2-5% of those who are registered nationally and those who are first time offenders not on the registry initially, including those who are in the church there.

But … But … but how can this possibly be??
I thought the Registries were supposed to be wonderful and perfect and overflowing with Public Safety value! 😱
If 100 registrants are missing, shouldn’t the entire State be on stay-in-your-homes lockdown until they’re all found?? Oh, the terror. 😬

“… considered harassment?” I’d say yes.

Utah is a weird duck. In the last few legislative sessions, they have allowed a judicial off-ramp for those required to register for life. In doing so, they relied on studies, including their own, showing that recidivism is low and gets lower over time.

But, the media in Utah is biased. They will not run stories on harassment or constitutional questions, as I was told by the KSL newsroom, “it would make us look soft on or supporting sex offenders, we can’t run that story.”

The registry is also being transferred from Department of Corrections, to the Department of Public Safety, in July 2024 as the legislator who put that bill forward said we are going towards a “risk-based registry” instead of a “punitive one.” This was done after two years of litigation of me arguing it was punitive and filing all the reports and data we know.

All I know is that Utah is currently fighting me tooth and nail, to prevent me from bringing the data into the Courts. The Fee case is awaiting a decision by the Court of Appeals, since mid-August, for a reversal of dismissal and a remand. My case was dismissed because it was a defense to an administrative action; and, the State argued it was immune to constitutional challenges when it takes administrative actions (but there is Utah Supreme Court precedence that says otherwise) against a debtor, and that I failed to exhaust administrative remedies (the State lied to the District Court, as their written and published rules R-21-2-14 and 15 do not require or allow agency review under 63G-4-301). The agency rules only allow agency reconsideration under 63G-4-302 and the law clearly says that reconsideration does not need to be exhausted prior to filing for judicial review.

Well…it *is* Utah, so maybe the extraterrestrials got ’em…or, perhaps, the missing registrants discovered how to activate that monolith in San Juan County, which actually turned out to be an intradimensional gateway to an alternative reality in which the registry never even existed…Just theorizing here, folks.

How many registrants have moved out of Utah? How many have passed? How many employees does Utah need for a public safety tool they seem to be incompetent in doing? How about getting rid of the registry?

Halloween click-bait made to order.

it exposes the fakeness of registration. Its such a pinnacle of public that its probably protecting children from dead people, fake data entries, or people no longer in the state.. Just another example of a industry with questionable practices and methods that is formed from knee jerk reactions, someone is getting rich off of the registration and not even keeping a updated and maintained database.. just padding it

Every time I see things like this like this I feel it has killed too many of my brain cells. The level of stupid is hard to explain but I think Registries have so many Amerikans simply brainwashed. They aren’t able to use their little brains even.

In the article that accompanies this video, they are crying about a PFR who is “living in the Lehi neighborhood, half a mile from the elementary school”. Oh my! Not a half a mile! Their stupidity actually hurts my brain.

I’ve been a PFR for decades. I’ve promised the Registry Morons over and over again that if I ever kidnap a kid that it will never be near anywhere I am Registered. I probably live within a half a mile from some schools. But if I kidnap someone it won’t be from there. It is about a million times more likely it would be in the Lehi neighborhood, wherever the f*ck that is.

I just can’t take the stupid. These people live among us in Amerika. They are huge part of what is wrong with the country. Their big government Registries are right on-brand.