Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Nov 2023. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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H n h. Wow. That orange light on top for drunk drivers is an awesome idea! One step further with that. Make it magnetized and they have to place it on any work vehicle i.e.: cop; fireman; lawyer; lawmaker; probation/parole officer; and social worker. Let’s not forget daycare workers. What a world this would be. We wouldn’t need street lights. There’d be a sea of orange EVERYWHERE!!! Then registries would stop. But we all know that will never be allowed.
To all my brothers and sisters here who once were part of the uniformed services of this nation and served, I salute you this weekend and everyday. From the top person of this website and forum, who herself served, to all the others who venture here and served, we were willing to lay our life on the line for our brother and sister next to us in the line of duty as well as those back home in the name of serving something greater than ourselves. You deserve to be acknowledged regardless of what others may think when it comes to the topic related to this forum.
Regardless of what you think about our nation, there are those who are willing to die for you to protect you whether home or abroad. Never forget.
Random text/email messages on People Forced to Register in the area. Other people that I know and myself have been receiving random email/text/phone messages advertising lists of people “in the area” with sex offense convictions. The front page shows a mugshot of an individual. I don’t open up the page, and don’t know enough about this internet to figure out where it is originated. It is troubling enough that people can look up this type of thing via Megan’s List and private sites but now they are actually being encouraged to view it by these advertisements. Does anybody know more about this topic?
Has anyone seen movement on the DOES III. I realize it most likely won’t be final until summer 2024, but I haven’t seen anything anywhere.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been another lawsuit file against Texas over the registry and retroactive registration? I hope there something in the works.
Question for the group:
Lots of articles/forum discussions regarding CP recently. I have posted on several of them, and have included references to “CGI Generated CP” in most.
Question: Should there be discussion/debate about the legality and availability of All CGI CP? That is CP that in no way depicts any actual children.
Purpose: Try to combat CP production utilizing real children by getting producers to switch to CGI?
How: Legal to produce, distribute for profit, and possess. Thus making CGI ONLY CP (No actual children depicted in any way) the same as all other porn.
Should this be discussed at a National/ International level?
Yes, I agree K&D will never allow this. Of course K&D will just Magic Think up reasons why this will doom us all, then Magic Think up “Better solutions” that involve more cops, more prisons, and more K&D pandering. Lets just set that aside for now, ok?
Food for thought: How much CP is made for profit? At one point in time, quite a bit, but then very little, then a lot again for a moment, but now…?
In the 60’s, for the first time ever, Porn was made legal to produce and sell. This left loopholes in the laws that allowed for CP, which was made and sold. I saw some of it back in the day. However, the loopholes were closed and for profit died down…. Then, the Soviet Union collapsed and people, with video cameras, got desperate for money. I’ve seen some of the VHS transfer videos, some had advertising in them! That also was only a moment in the 90’s, then back to very little for profit made.
Early 2000’s…only “For profit” stuff I recall was self-produced. Webcam videos made for specific people that were leaked out. There was a specific genre name for these kind of videos…
So today? How much is being made for profit?
Why ask?
CGI only combats for profit producers. “Home movie” producers that like to share/brag, no impact. However, Webcam show for paying customers can be impacted, but to a lesser extent. Webcam shows are interactive, videos aren’t.
However again, trading circles of consumer/not for profit producers. Why link your fate to these other people just so you can get a video of their kid, when you can get 1,000’s of videos of any kind of “kid” you want legally? Big help there?
Should we as a Nation be discussing and considering this?
Hey all. Here in Michigan something happened to give me pause. Tragic, but proves registries are useless. The church, which had me not attend b/c my son’s in laws called and threatened to bring the news and picket the church Sunday morning if I was allowed to attend, was just in the news. Their youth leader is charged with various csc counts. Like I said tragic. But when I searched the churches “about us” FAQ’s for the children, here’s the just of it. “All of our volunteers and youth leaders are subject to extensive background checks to insure your child’s safety”. Oops. Guess that whole background and checking the useless registry thing is meaningless. When I attended, I was there for the service, never went near the children’s ministry area, and left immediately after service. Never participated in any groups, meetings, activities. Never made friendships outside of church or beyond the immediate chairs where my wife, son and his family, and other extended family Sat. After being , kindly, with God’s love, kicked out, the pastor had a biker, who lives in my trailer park, approach and tried to start something to no avail. The biker, two months later, came to my door. I charged him. He ran down the steps off my deck. “Do you know who I am?” “Yeah, you’re the guys who cuts grass for the lady behind me. What! What do you need?” He left. Reputation only matters if the other person knows about it. But I digress. Registries are useless. Battles can be won. Carma’s a bitch.
I’m not sure what got me thinking of doxing this morning, but I ended up going down a rabbit hole and found out that this summer, Illinois passed HB2954 making it illegal to “dox” someone. Apparently many organizations were able to share their stories of how doxing affected them but to my knowledge, and no surprise, no registrants were invited to share their stories. My question is, what is the likelihood of legal action against the state, holding up in court on the basis that the registry is state sponsored doxing?
So there is this case Doe v. Swearingen apparently it might’ve been decided on November
the case deals with expost facto and the Florida registry.
can anyone with a pacer account find out any more information as to who won? The docket number I believe is 1D2022-1284. However I tried to search it and it comes up blank. And the decision from the site just says affirmed so any help would be appreciated.
@BOBBY S. What I found on line is that the case can be decided at that point. Also, the material submitted doesn’t have to meet the criteria of evidence. Which means the statements from us about how the registry affects not only us but all our family members and other affidavits and declarations. Sounds better for us. But many of us know motions get filed, doesn’t mean it ends the case. The thing value is material that wouldn’t be allowed in trial is allowed. The seeds get planted. My opinion from online research.
Great Florida attorney:
Ron got me removed from the Florida Registry. I cannot speak highly enough of Ron – he really knows the law and he fights like Hell for us!!
– David🔱
So what do AI-generated people look like? I had no idea, but if you Google “Pomeroy AI”, you can see an AI-artist’s images of “what if” families (for example, what if Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson had kids). 🤷🏻♂️
No doubt, courts will be awash with AI-related issues (deep fake political misinformation, actors being “faked” into movies, and, yes, no doubt, AI-generated porn.) 🤷🏻♂️
We discuss minors and age of consent, but never minimum age of majority (maturity) other than 18 years old. Well, ALA defines a person who is an adult as 19 years old, not 18 (another oddity from the southern state and only one of two in the union which do that with NEB being the other). Given that, the article below states a minor can be given the death penalty as condoned by SCOTUS and which ALA is preparing to do for man who committed murder when he was 18, and thus a minor. Brain maturation science comes into play in this article and case too.
So…was he old enough to know about sex too at 18 when he committed the adult act of murder or too immature to know about it?
Alabama Set To Execute Man for a Crime He Committed While Legally a Minor ( 16 Nov 2023)
“Alabama law sets the age of majority at 19 years old, not 18 years. An 18-year-old is thus a minor,”
Based on the “Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog,” ninety-seven per cent of cases in the state of California end in plea deals. If a person wishes to fight his or her charges with this type of allegation based on innocence, it is virtually impossible to do so in the judicial the exists nowadays. This link is an example of one man’s fight for justice.
I was just now reading an article about a recent court decision regarding the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965. Not really related to this forum, but in it I saw this quote.
“where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy.” Judge Lavenski Smith.
Not so, as there is currently no legal remedy for regaining the rights I have had infringed upon or revoked by the Registry. I currently have no legal recourse of any kind for this. I cannot challenge my requirement to register, nor any of the restrictions it imposes.
I have to rely on advocates, like ACSOL to find ways to challenge these infringements and revocations, while working to abolish the abomination that caused them. I suppose I could challenge these things on my own in Court, but is that really a legal remedy?
Getting a judge to decide that this requirement or that restriction, or maybe even the whole thing is unconstitutional? Doesn’t seem so to me, considering if that judge isn’t a SCOTUS judge joined in this decision by at least 4 others… May not mean anything.
Also, what’s going on with these court decisions regarding the VRA could impact this organization’s efforts? The recent decision suggests that groups like the NAACP or ACLU cannot bring legal challenges to laws practices that violate the VRA, only the US AG can.
If that is true… Can ACSOL continue to bring challenges on behalf of the Registrant community? Is this the first step in pushing advocacy/rights groups out of the court rooms? Silencing organization’s like NAACP and ACLU by taking away their ability to challenge injustice on the behalf of those they represent?
If the NAACP/ACLU cannot challenge what they perceive as a violation of the VRA that discriminates against or marginalizes people of color’s voting rights, how much longer until they push folks like Janice and her challenges to the registry out? Maybe that never happens, maybe the process has already started… and is getting assistance from Trump appointed judges.
The questions about the VRA are too specific to that piece of legislation to have broad implications to the work of other advocacy/rights groups? Ok, glad to hear that. For a minute there I thought a bunch of far right judges were trying to fabricate an excuse to cripple some groups they hate with a passion by eliminating one of their most powerful tools. Thanks for setting my mind to ease. 😉
So all is well?
Happy Thanksgiving to my ACSOL comrades. You all have taught me so much and continue to stretch my brain in ways I did not think possible. Your strength and fortitude inspires me and I wish you all peace.
A special thanks to Janice, Chance, Frank and the entire ACSOL crew for giving us hope and allowing us to cheer them on as they make positive change in the world.
I saw this posted else where and wanted to know how you would respond? You know better. You are 30 years old!
The US State Dept has dropped the price to renounce your citizenship once you move overseas to $450, the amount it used to charge until 2014, effective 9 Oct 2023. Recommend you search online for the “Accidental Americans” renunciation fee article (They paid thousands to give up their U.S. citizenship. Now they want a refund NBC News 4 Oct 2023) and then the Fed Register blurb to understand more. The article gives good detail about trying to live aboard and the banking system one has to deal with overseas.
Warn yours and any minors that when minor #1 playfully kisses minor #2 on the playground, in the library, the lunch line, or wherever (or even tries to hold their hand), they could be arrested and charged with harassment or maybe even sex assault.
Look online for Over 100 elementary-aged children arrested in U.S. schools (CBS News 16 Nov 2023)
I enjoyed attending the ACSOL Conference and very much appreciated the breakout session on employment by Mark, Tommy, and Sherri. I did not take notes, since I understood that the session would be posted online and planned to do it when I saw the video. If at all possible, please post this breakout session. I am having a tough time locating employment. The session was educational and would help me with this endeavor. THANK YOU!
Is anyone familiar with The Institute for Justice?
I subscribed to and one of their links led me there. I only looked through the site briefly and didn’t see any work being done on behalf of registrants, but it seems like something that would fit with the type of work they do.
Hello all, I have seen some posts here in the past about Registrants who have married individuals from other countries, but then their foreign spouse is not allowed to move to the US or become US citizens (because of their U.S. spouse is a registrant or previously convicted of a sexual offense).
Can anyone share their experience with such a situation.
Also any information on to whm it applies?
Statute? Law? U.S. Code #?
Am I alone in this: I am irate that such garbage as TFG’s “gag order” is being argued before the courts with the bench being so actively engaged in the questioning …. when they need to start paying the same f**king attention to such matters as residency restrictions, travel notifications . and frankly, ALL the B*LLSH*T that is, and accompanies, the Registries!! 😡
The Registries need to be attacked with such vigor & zeal and an astute bench to make stiff-spined, well-reasoned rulings!! 😡
CA Registration Requirements
I am a bit curious if the following is a requirement for everyone that needs to register in this state or if it is only my city location. When I did my annual registration last week, I was asked for my license plate number as well as the VIN number. They also wanted to know where I was employed and the name of my supervisor. I currently do not have a car, nor do I have a job. That will change next year. It should be noted that I am not on parole or probation. Is it unusual to give the local PD this information in this state? Also, are they allowed to do a compliance check at your employment location?
Long Beach Police makes you sign your initials next to your address, your license plate and your phone number, obviously, the district attorneys office has LBPD do this to ensure A conviction. People forced to register no longer have any constitutional rights, they’ve been stripped away and replaced with 290 requirements.
For years, I never understood why people forced to register throughout the United States never come together in protest, never speak out about the horrors of the registry it’s because they can’t, The United States government made sure to silence every person put on the register.