Texas, New York, Florida, California, Rhode Island residents among those arrested in 275 non-citizen offender sweep

Source: fallriverreporter.com 2/23/24

WASHINGTON – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Removal Operations officers apprehended 275 unlawfully present non-citizen sex offenders during a nation-wide law enforcement effort that ran from February 5-16, 2024.

“ICE is committed to protecting America through the arrest and removal of those who undermine public safety and disregard our laws,” said ICE Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Patrick J. Lechleitner. “Thanks to the around-the-clock efforts of our ERO officers, our communities are safe from 275 individuals who have demonstrated their willingness to commit sex crimes against innocent people, including children.”

Today’s announcement follows a nation-wide enforcement effort in January where 171 individuals presenting a threat to public safety were arrested. By utilizing an intelligence-driven enforcement model, ERO makes efficient use of limited resources to promote public safety in communities across the United States.

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Registrants who aren’t American citizens are lucky, when they get busted they just get deported. I had a friend who’s dad got busted for committing a sex crime with a minor, they gave him 5 years probation and deported him.
She would go down to Mexico with her brothers to see him all the time, he was happy he even remarried and started a whole new life out there with no registry restrictions on his back.
last year him and his new wife came back to California to visit family and decided to just stay. he got a job and is living his life free of the registry.
I wish America would deport me to Mexico, they won’t even let me visit Mexico.

So if I’m reading the article correctly, ICE is only worried about non-citizens that commit sex crimes. Dope-dealing, murderers, robbers & thieves, and white-collar offenses by non-citizens are of no concern to them.

Am I the only one that has a problem with that?

Wrote the following to the outlet (an address to the specific reporter was not available):

To Whom it May Concern:

Regarding the above cited article,I was wondering why there were no statistics regarding the deportation of non-citizen gang members, murderers, drug dealers, white collar criminals and the like. That is, of course, unless the point of the article is to imply that ICE overlooks those crimes committed by non-citizens.

You know, we used to have major ports of entry where everybody was filtered through and vetted at that point in time before they were allowed into the country. If at that time it was discovered they had criminal convictions such as these do, they would be returned to the country from which they were trying to come from. This posting is sad for many different reasons where many will see the current border issue and how this is a problem.

Now, if these folks have been convicted since they’ve already been in this country, then I defer to what @Dustin said about the deportation of these individuals, et al, or the lack thereof when they should have been deported.

Last edited 1 year ago by TS