Report Reveals Chilling Number of Cops Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

Source: 3/14/24

More than 1,800 state and local police officers were arrested on charges related to child sexual abuse in the U.S. between 2005 and 2022, a chilling investigation by The Washington Post revealed Thursday. In most of the arrests, the Post reported that victims were not related to or acquaintances of their abusers, with some children reportedly being assaulted by the very officers who were sent to help them after they fell victim to a separate sexual assault. The Post reported girls, aged 13 through 15, were the most likely to be assaulted by officers, who often came in contact with them “through their jobs.”

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That doesn’t come as much of a surprise. We all know that over 90% of child sex abuse is perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the victim. The other important statistic is that 5% or less of these offenses are perpetrated by repeat offenders. Those take together reveal that a child is in considerably greater danger from someone at a church social than from a registrant down the street.

Since about the first of the year, I’ve bookmarked each news reference to a child sex crime. They are categorized as either a registrant or a non-registrant. This is a totally nonscientific study, but as one might expect the count of articles is currently 28 registrants to 352 non-registrants. So the percentage of these sex offenses perpetrated by registrants is 28/(352+28) = 7.4%, which is in the ballpark. I’ve noted that more women, often teachers, are appearing in the news. Police, clergy, family members and trusted neighbors comprise the bulk of offenders.

Using the above stats, over 17 years, it’s 1 reported incident every 3.44 days on average.

Need to dig into the OH database for more info.

But the registry prevents this stuff, right?

Last edited 11 months ago by TS

Why am I not surprised?

While I was on parole and the local police came to search my place, I sat outside while an officer babysat me. I talked to him a bit. He was very pleasant and quite chatty, an unexpected behavior for a police officer who are usually way too professional to do that. Anyway, I told him that police officers and parolees seem to share a certain criminal character defect. He laughed pretty hard at that but I was in dead earnest. Seems like I was right.

Here’s a few ideas:

According to the lies that currently enjoy Unquestionable State Truth status, only a tiny fraction of SO are ever reported. So, for every one Cop caught, there are hundreds, if not thousands more continuing to get away with it!

Per the official Unquestionable State Truths…1,800 caught over the last 20 years, means, what….180,000 that were doing it? 1,800,000? Per official State lies virtually none of the “predators” are ever caught, because virtually none of their crimes are ever reported.

How can this be universally true for all other people, but not cops? How is this miracle continuously and universally achieved, and why has it not been expanded to all areas of our society?

Another official Unquestionable State Truth….All who assault children are driven by a relentless predatory instinct that will never diminish over time and can never be arrested.

None of these people become cops? How is this miracle continuously and universally achieved, and why is this also limited just to cops? Has to be true, otherwise we’re giving these “Predators” badges!

So it would seem that we can exclude these “predators” from becoming cops, but not teachers? How is this achieved, and why is it limited to just cops?

Perhaps this is another example of the Witch Curse? None of these people were “predators” until after they became cops? When exactly did the curse fall upon them, and why is nothing being done about it? Also, how is Witch Curse a rational presumption?

Perhaps it’s not a Witch’s Curse that gets them, but more like a Cop culture that promotes abuse of authority with the presumption of impunity? Just like what’s been going on in our State and Federal Prisons for the last….forever?

If that’s true, it’s the culture that turns then into relentless sexual predators for the rest of their lives? How is that possible? How toxic is this culture that it creates this result, and why is NOTHING being done about it?

Perhaps the State has finally lied themselves into such a tight corner they can lie their way out of it? A hopeful thought, until you remember….

There is no lie so demonstrably false, so categorically absurd, nor so undeniably corrupt that the Hegemonies of Unquestionable Demagogues, that is our Judiciary, cannot declare then Unquestionable State Truths, then ignore anyone and anything that threatens this Illusion of Legitimacy.

All part of the Disposable Society. Nothing that happens to anyone matters, because nobody in our society matters. Nobody has value, only usefulness. Cops have usefulness, so they can do whatever they want, so long as they don’t get caught. Doesn’t matter what they do, how many do it, who they do it to… so long as we can pretend it’s not happening.

No matter what happens, nothing of value is ever lost…

If the registry isn’t preventing the people who enforce it from committing these crimes, I think its safe to say who useless it really is.

When my ex and my daughters, who were 17 & 16, at the time, would often complain to me about how when they would visit me in jail, they would catch the officers looking them up and down. One officer even made a remark under his breath about how “fine” my 17 year old was.

Also, the campus police officer at my daughter’s school would flirt with my 17 year old all the time. And 2 months after she graduated, asked her on a date.

These reports don’t surprise me to say the least.

So, what the article is saying is that all police officers should have to register since the offence rate is “chilling”?

I had a friend in high school who was dating a cop. He knew she was underage.
I wonder how many multiples of the reported number go unreported? Or are “consensual”? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Last edited 11 months ago by David⚜️

If I’m not mistaken, I think at one point I actually saw a statistic that compared the percentage of registrants who commit crimes against children to that of other professions, such as police and educators, and that the percentages were roughly the same, the low percentiles.

Not surprising … If they made DNA samples and finger prints a requirement for any State Job & City job, Or Federal Job they would find 90% of the unsolved murders and rapes most likely & solve 90% unsolved cases in this Country. They protect their own and always have. If they were really worried about your children and mine this would be a requirement to work in any position of authority State or Federal. @The least you would think. They protect one another.

Last edited 11 months ago by TnT

If anyone is interested in the database mentioned in the article, here it is with great info from the university studying this topic:

The Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database

Police Integrity Research for the Public Good

The Police Crime Database includes summary information on 16,563 criminal arrest cases from the years 2005-2018 involving 13,600 individual nonfederal sworn law enforcement officers, each of whom were charged with one or more crimes. The arrested officers were employed by 4,766 state, local, and special law enforcement agencies located in 1,831 counties and independent cities in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

All personal data from each instance has been removed and only the crime related stats are posted.

Last edited 11 months ago by TS

There are a few studies and congressional testimony that show at least 40 percent of police officers beat their wives. So, this article isn’t really a surprise. The longer I’m on the registry, the more I realize the sex offender registry is nothing more than “law enforcement” gaslighting and psychological projection. I mean, statistically, cops steal more than burglars and robbers, combined.

I think if we could really get to the bottom of the numbers we would find that teachers and cops are every bit as or more likely to commit a sex offense as a “sex offender.”