CA: Hysteria over a registrant formerly labeled SVP

Source: 5/17/24

MERCED COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) — A convicted sex offender is about to be released in the Central Valley.

On Thursday, a Merced Superior Court judge ruled that Ciro Camacho should no longer be classified as a sexually violent predator.

The judge ordered Camacho to be released from the California State Hospital.

“He intended to reside with his family here in Madera County,” said Sally Moreno, the Madera County District Attorney.

Once he is released, the Merced District Attorney’s Office will notify the public.

The agency said it is closely monitoring Camacho’s release, which isn’t something do often.

Moreno called this decision outrageous.

“It’s like being punched in the gut,” said Moreno. “We watch these people. We attend parole hearings. We keep an eye on these things and I know the Merced district attorney does, too.”

Merced District Attorney Nicole Silveria said her office fought hard to keep Camacho in custody.

“We did everything we could to keep this violent predator in custody and the judge ruled otherwise,” said Silveria.

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First off, very few states would have considered him an SVP. He has been incarcerated since 1993, so he has been locked up for 31 years. He has been awaiting a trial on his recommitment since 2007. Being locked up for 17 years without a trial is not acceptable by any standard. What more evidence do you need that SOCC is a scam.

Good. Release him and it needs to be a situation where nobody can do ANYTHING about it. If his neighbors harass him at his house, they should be LOCKED UP.

Last edited 9 months ago by P'Od registered citizen

Sounds like the California (SAFE) task force is already all over him, the chances of him actually making are very slim.

Last edited 9 months ago by AERO1

The state evaluators recommend that they stay locked up because they’re paid to say that they should remain locked up. They have no credibility, whatsoever.

To the public regarding the release of this man:

Too. Bad.

He’s done more than his time. Get used to him being in the community and start worrying about all the others in the community who did what he did and whose behavior was otherwise unknown to them and have yet to be caught.

Last edited 9 months ago by Bob

What does anyone want to bet that the only thing the DAs could bring to his re-commitment hearing were complaints about his previous offenses. In no way did they ever demonstrate potential future threats, nor could they.

It also sounds like the DAs and the sheriff’s department is already on track to harass this guy right out of the gate. Betting he’ll be hit with an FTR charge within a month.

This is more a question for Janice than the general community but someone here might know. My understanding is that when you are released from prison, your parole period starts there *period*. That means if you are taken to Coalinga State Prison, you’re on parole there. If I am right, no doubt his parole period has run out. That means that now that he has been released from the state hospital, he’s free and clear, especially as he is no longer considered a sexually violent predator. No one can legally supervise him and he can live where he pleases.

How could he be considered a threat to minors when he’s been locked up 31 years? Are minors allowed in ” treatment” shadow prisons? The DA’s are wanting him to fail by suggesting if anyone sees him out in the community to call LE, so they can use him to campaign for tougher laws.

Some one on my local NextDoor app was alerted to an RDO on their area. The level of hysteria from the OP (original poster) and the commenters was ridiculous. I posted my own comment reminding them that, in fact, there was an untold number of unidentified people that had committed sex offenses that simply had not been , arrested, charged or convicted while reminding them that a very large percentage of sexual offenses go unreported.

Not sure my comment was appreciated. 🤷🏻‍♂️