General Comments Sept 2024

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Doing my annual here in Los Angeles. I’m at the cop shop right now!

Cop demanded I provide a phone number, and refused to process my annual without it. I told him that I an not required to provide this, he insisted. So I have it up him.

Is that legal?

Do you truly believe that individuals charge with penal code 288c(1) will be able to fall into Tier 2 and apply for removal after 20 years here California? Penal code 261.5 states literally the same thing? What am I missing here?

Has anyone heard if there has been any updates on the Missouri Halloween sign case? I can’t find any updates.

I think ACSOL should campaign to get rid of the following legislators, (They’re both Democrats and one particularly noxious Republican) Mark Berman, Aisha Wahab, Buffy Wicks, and Shannon Grove. These people are out to get us so they need to lose their seats.

We live in a country where they won’t ban guns, but lazily opt to ban us instead. That’s how I know this is not a legitimate “war” to protect children. No, this is a war to protect the bribes from lobbyists, to keep the pockets lined and to protect the technology that’s used to scapegoat us with.

American’s love affair with fetishizing and worshiping guns and registries.

I guess banning guns is not worth that magic jingle of “if it saves one child’s life, it’s worth it.”

No amount of logic will ever make any of this make sense.

So today so the day I am doing my annual registration. Been almost 20 years since my initial registration and 10 years since probation ended all here in California.

My question is in regards to what information can they legally ask for when registering. I own a few businesses, I am self employed, and I have small percentage interest in other businesses. I do not work for anyone else. The officer that was doing my fingerprints said it was mandatory that I provide all of my businesses. I can’t find anywhere that states that I must do so. None of my businesses cater primarily to kids or about kids.

Does anyone know?

I was convicted in 2001 and got off paper in 2015. I wish I had the legal smarts to use the South Carolina case of Powell v. Keel to petition the Court here in Arizona to get off the Registry as the situation is the same here that Registration is for life and there is no vehicle to petition to get off.
The only exception is if you were under 21 and victim was within 3 years of your age.

Excellent commentary on the topic of propensity of other unsubstantiated alleged prior crimes and its desired allowance into court cases for the prosecution…

‘He Says, She Says’ In Harvey Weinstein’s America, September 6, 2024,

”The controversial decision by New York’s highest court to overturn Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault conviction has some lawmakers focusing intense new scrutiny on centuries-old legal jurisprudence barring evidence of a defendant’s criminal propensity.”

If the prosecution is going to be allowed to present unsubstantiated alleged prior event evidence such as discussed here, then one needs to allow other unsubstantiated alleged prior acts evidence against the accuser as well (which is commonly not allowed in defense evidence) to balance the “hearsay” evidence thinking in play. If the rules are changed for one group, then by rational thinking, they need to be changed for all, not just the group being charged with a sex offense crime.

Last edited 4 days ago by TS

Latest phone scam: Scammer claiming to be “local police” asks you if you are texting children. I immediately hung up

If any of us here are feeling down about our circumstances, take a read of Sandy’s 9/3 article over at NARSOL and you’ll see how bad it can be. This poor kid took a plea deal – 68 years of prison time for 30 counts of cp possession when he was 19. Oh yeah, did I mention it’s Florida? I am not saying there should not be consequences, but this was non contact, no distribution. The way we incarcerate in this country is nuts. This sentence will help no one.

Too bad Jeffery Jones was left out of BEETLEJUICE 2. He is a funny actor and really filled a spot in original. If only he had just ruined 1000s of lives by embezzling millions , or killed a family while drunk driving, or even tortured defenseless kittens, he might still have a career. But alas , he had a few pictures. That BASTARD! 😎