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Count down . 6 months until I file for relief from registration. Or as I call it , release from bondage! 🤙😎

For a decade now, every year within 5 days of my birthday, I’ve visited the registration office to update my registration information and provide the fingerprints and photos required by the California registration laws. Starting three years ago, I wanted to understand the requirement to sign those last 4 of 6 pages of the DOJ registration forms, as well as provide all those initials. I tried asking about the statutory, lawful, or other reasonable basis for the registration office to enforce the requirement that registrants provide those initials and extra signatures. They never provided any adequate justification, so I never gained the understanding of those requirements that I was seeking. Without those signatures and initials though, the registration office will not proceed with registration, including collecting fingerprints and current photographs.

Instead, I’m currently being prosecuted for felony failure to register for 2023, and 2024. The prosecution for failure to register from 2022 was dismissed in 2023 before my 2023 registration attempt because I (unreasonably) provided those signatures and initials (through court or prosecutor pressure?) even though I still didn’t understand those requirements in 2023. But a few months later, since I still did not understand any legal basis for being required to provide anything that isn’t indicated in the registration law or even reasonably related to it, I had no available reason to provide those arbitrary signatures and initials, or to believe that they are somehow part of the requirements of the registration law. I only provided the updated information required to be collected by the registration laws. There were the expected ongoing threats of arrest and prosecution. I was arrested at the registration office during my 2024 registration attempt a few months ago, based on an unexpected arrest warrant from almost a year earlier. I still did not understand the requirements in question, so I could not take up the officer on his offer to provide those arbitrary signatures and initials to avoid being arrested.

I wanted to demur to the charges because I don’t know of what illegal act I am being accused, and the charges don’t say. Instead, my not guilty plea was forced over my objection (instead of getting time to demur PC 990), and the preliminary hearing is in a week. Earlier, I tried filing a petition for habeus corpus related to the heretofore unseen Ramey arrest warrants, but it was denied without prejudice because I recently switched my signature to be “F*** the Police” and the court only allows signatures that are signed names for verification and perjury purposes (required for the petition).

Throughout the current prosecution, I’ve been remanded back into custody 3 or 4 times by the court and prosecutor for not following the court order to be registered by the next court hearing. If it wasn’t for the chronic overcrowding of the local jail facility, I would be sitting in jail until the jury trial.

Even though the registration office has established over three years that they gatekeep access to registration based on arbitrary requirements not found in the registration laws, the court has been ordering me to be registered “pursuant to the law”. My requests for the appointed attorney to challenge such unreasonable seeming orders goes unheeded. Generally as well, I don’t feel the court appointed attorney is doing enough for me, responding to my requests, or answering my questions.

At this pre-preliminary court hearing today (in a few hours), I expect to be remanded into custody again because I have not visited the registration office since being ordered (again) last week to register or face repeated remand. Even if the registration office did collect the fingerprints, photos, and information the registration laws ask them to, it doesn’t even seem reasonable for the court to ask someone who has already made all those items available every year to make an extra visit.

These are my experiences and perspectives. Thank you for reading. I guess I’m just venting. I’m considering firing my attorney, and before those multiple arrests/remands, the court ruled it won’t let me substitute to new appointed counsel. Maybe it would be nice if people would come to my Fresno criminal jury trial maybe within weeks/months in support. I’d also like insight into alternative choices and good reasons for making them. I have no money for legal advice or retaining an attorney. Is it at least reasonable that I think there may be unconstitutional things occurring here?

Maybe it’s time for everyone on here to move to a low population state like Montana or Vermont, vote each other into elected offices then rescind all the laws so we can live in peace.

To all who are veterans, thank you.

I just googled this out of curiosity, what is the cost of Sex Registration in California: Answer is: In California, the cost of sex registration and monitoring is estimated to be at least $2.9 billion each year, or about $3,700 per resident. This includes federal funding, state and local government spending, and other costs. 

Wow, that is incredible for a Government Program that instead of providing realistic information, is really just a disinformation program, to wrongly make the public believe that every single person on the Registry is some kind of Dangerous Sexual Maniac. The Lies they tell needs to stop, this madness needs to stop. Collectively this program nation wide is costing billions of dollars. I bet most citizens don’t realize how much this program is costing.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveG

I recently applied to be a driver for a company, but it wasn’t made clear what type of driver they needed. When I went to apply, I found out it was a ride share company that contracts through Uber, so they required me to create an uber driver account and submit myself to uber’s background check protocol. Not surprisingly, Uber declined to allow me to have a driver’s account, but the company that conducted the background check mailed me a copy of their findings.

As I read through their report, a detail stuck out to me. If I am reading the report correctly, it appears to state my age at the time of conviction is 41 (my current age), even thought my conviction was actually 20 years ago. There’s even another line that’s supposed to state the amount of time that has passed since my conviction, but only states that as N/A, which seems to imply – again – that my conviction was recent. If I am correct in my interpretation, then this libelous detail drastically changes my public perception and quite possibly endangers me more than I typically find myself to be.

Is there any way I can verify if my interpretation of this report is correct, and if so, can anyone advise me on what action I can take to amend this situation? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I wonder when the labor market crashes during 2025 due to all the proposals if employers will finally consider hiring us people with a label.

Since we discuss the Supreme Court of this fine country from time to time in the forum, it’s interesting to read that one Justice is being pressured to the retire now and another justice has said they have no plans to retire. They’re two of the three oldest members of the Court. I don’t know if the third has been queried about their thoughts on it, but I suspect he probably would not oblige.

Last edited 3 months ago by TS

Proposition 6 was a blow to many incarcerated people in CDCR. The attached recent article from an inmate inside San Quentin is well written. California is so far behind other states on this matter. For those who have been inside the California state prison system, you may be able to relate to the author’s words.

I’m Incarcerated in California. Here’s What Prop 6 Not Passing Means for People Like Me

This California Court of Appeals ruling was interesting, goole
(290.5 The people vs Schroeder)

Just a heads up for everyone out there in regards to being shamed and bad-mouthed when searching this site:

I was looking up my neighbors house that he just put on the market because I was curious what he was asking. After scrolling down on Zillow, Trulia and Redfin, there was a link curiously titled “additional neighborhood insights” and at first it seemed innocuous with random property sales, deeds, tax history climate stats, school locations and whatnot, but THEN there it was, a section entitled “Crime and Neighborhood Safety.” The first line under that was “Nearby R***** S***** O***** with my name, age, height, eye and hair color all for whoever to see!
And of course it had a “additional info” link for the rando curiosity seekers to venture to. I didn’t click on it because I didn’t want to be more angry and depressed.

So, you are basically bad-mouthed, shamed, shunned and made a spectacle out of if you’re forced to register in America. It’s outrageous that all these third-party housing aggregators and neighborhood logistic sites now link to the registry just because of the “it’s already “public record” excuse. However, it is used to force judgement, hate and ignorance, not public “awareness” or prevention.

Not punishment? Right.

Last edited 3 months ago by FactsShouldMatter

So Matt Gaetz was tapped to be the new AG, is that good or bad?

The next Texas state legislative session starts in January but early bills can now be filed. One early filed billed prohibits registered people from living within 2 miles of a school. This is complete banishment in almost all Texas cities. Last state legislative session had a bill that allowed counties to prohibit where registered people could live. The bill was not passed, but will be brought up again.

Where in the heck are the more than 100,000 registered Texas people are suppose to live?

I hate to be a Debbie downer, but don’t be surprised if within a year the federal sex offense registry is turned into a lifetime thing with no tiers or accounting for individual state laws. I believe that Trump will have this done as an Authoritarian. It’s simply not if but when. The writing is on the wall. I hope I get a chance to get off these shores before it happens. Can possibly claim asylum in a freer country. Although those are becoming scarcer.

Just a little info to share for those OFF of their state’s registry –

So, I am doing the RV life and Feb of this year I was granted a modification from Iowa’s SOR. I was T2, so I knew moving options were going to be limited, so I pulled up AtwoZee’s page to see where I could go.

I called 40 states. None ever asked my tier, few asked my offense, but only ONE said I would not need to register if I was not required in Iowa.


AtwoZee updated his page for 2024, and though I appreciate his work, very little was remotely correct, no matter your tier.

A possible option, slim chance, is Arizona, depending ONLY on the county and sheriff.

Summary for AZ –
I called the Dept of public safety, no clue – transferred to Maricopa sheriff SO Unit, no clue – transferred to the Superior court office, no clue – transferred to the Maricopa county atty, no clue -, back to Dept of public safety – who said each counties sheriff decided based on your offense.

Wasn’t messing with a maybe.

Hope this helps.

I see harsher rules coming against registered people because “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” I say this because one headline from today states “…New Cabinet is Full of Alleged Sexual Predators”. We all know those in power with sexual secrets come down hard on others to distract from themselves…

I just saw that Trump announced the death penalty for human traffickers. So when are we going to establish that PFR are victims of state-sponsored human trafficking?

State-Sponsored Human Trafficking
While the TVPA and UN TIP Protocol call on governments to proactively address trafficking crimes, some governments are part of the problem, directly compelling their citizens into sexual slavery or forced labor schemesFrom forced labor in local or national public work projects, military operations, and economically important sectors, or as part of government-funded projects or missions abroad, officials use their power to exploit their nationals. To extract this work, governments coerce by threatening the withdrawal of public benefits, withholding salaries, failing to adhere to limits on national service, manipulating the lack of legal status of stateless individuals and members of minority groups, threatening to punish family members, or conditioning services or freedom of movement on labor or sex. In 2019, Congress amended the TVPA to acknowledge that governments can also act as traffickers, referring specifically to a “government policy or pattern” of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers.

For anyone in the Bay Area that has filed their petition , what is the rate charged for filing through an attorney. I was quoted $1000.

As a follow up to my previous comment, I’m wondering if anyone has been refused relief due to improper filing by a legal counsel. It does seem unfair that we should be penalized for actions out of our control.

Human Trafficking Defined –
Human Trafficking is a crime involving the exploitation of a person for labor, services, or commercial sex

  • Forced labor is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. (22 U.S.C. § 7102(11)(B)).

When was the last time you received a paycheck for the public safety services (duties) you were forced to provide? Have you ever been “charged” with “failing” to provide these “duties” that you are forced to provide against your will?

How can an agency “charge” you for failing to provide a service they never paid for in the first place?

Forced servitude is against the law!

PFR are being held in bondage by those operating outside of the law, Outlaws!

This is Human Trafficking!

All registrants should take note of the recent pick to be the administration’s new A.G for the United States. Pam Bondi served as the Florida A.G. for two terms. She supported restrictions for that state (probably the most restrictive of any).

We moved my son from our home in a suburb of Chicago to a condo in Chicago this month. Nothing fancy, neighborhood is diverse, which I like, near public transportation (he doesn’t have a car). As I’ve posted in the past, we created a legal entity that bought the condo and we are managing members / owners of that entity. We just added my son as a member of the entity, thus he has ownership and no one can say he’s renting and require a background check. Plus if IL ever adds legislation to grandfather property owners from having to move if an in-home daycare opens up nearby, he will be a property owner. I have no clue if these gyrations were necessary or helpful, but I am trying to add layers of protection.

Here’s the really interesting part: he had to register within 3 days with the city of Chicago and unregister within 3 days with local LE in our suburb. We had no idea which needed to come first and I had read horror stories about registering with Chicago, so he and his dad left at 6am to travel to the southern-most tip of Chicago proper to stand outside in line so when they opened at 7:30 he’d have a reasonable chance of getting it done that same day. He was successful, starting in line at 7am and it was a short line – not sure if the bad weather was a factor. He completed the process at 9am, so it took almost 2.5 hours once they let him in the building. He had all his paperwork ready, we pre-filled the form, had copies of everything, and CASH for the fee (no debit/ credit cards). Nice, handing over $100 cash to the city of Chicago. And get this, I’ve pasted in the fees for the other conviction registries in Chicago – the murder and violent crimes against children is a steal compared to the SOR:

Registration Fee, payable by cash, or money order (made out to the City of Chicago), in the amount of:
$100 for individuals on the Sex Registry$20 for initial registration; $10 for subsequent annual renewals on the Murder or Violence Against Youth Registries
The officer was polite and respectful, so no complaints there, they just move like molasses. THEN we went to the local suburban police station to unregister in person (after making an appointment to do so) and they wanted copies of everything including a lease or closing documents for his new residence. I didn’t give them any of that. He was questioning my son for it and I stepped up and said we all own it, it’s ours, he brought the paperwork from Chicago PD and he’s all set there. LE took copies of that and we are done for one year. Unless he gets new employment – he only has a part-time server job right now, which I’m thankful for and is better than nothing.

Just sharing all these learnings here. We are fortunate in that we are leveraging our long-time home and will downsize in short order to make all this happen, but I feel for all the homeless PFRs in Chicago having to make that awful trip to 92nd and Cottage Grove every single week, or go to prison. And even the non-homeless PFRs, wtf the cost of this monster in real dollars and otherwise is unbelievable.

I was scrolling on YouTube and came across a ‘[derogatory label] locator’ app advertisement. It had two teen girls running in a panic to get into a car. You hear a male’s voice ask, “ What’s wrong?” and they say, “There’s a [derogatory label] living back there!” In a voice that makes you think the guy is chasing after them with a Machete and an er*ction. How can one overcome this type of blatant false depiction of us. We can talk to one or two, but this reaches millions.

James Baldwin stated in Notes of a Native Son:
It began to seem that one would have to hold in mind forever two ideas which seemed to be in opposition. The first idea was acceptance, the acceptance, totally without rancor, of life as it is, and men as they are: in light of this idea it goes without saying that injustice is commonplace. But this did not mean that one could be complacent, for the second idea was of equal power: that one must never, in one’s own life, accept these injustices as commonplace but one must fight them with all one’s strength.