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Esther Gonzalez’s killer has been ID’d in Riverside County by forensics but the ID’d killer passed the polygraph when he tested. Allegedly she was sexually assaulted and then killed, so this case does not help those who believe in polygraphs, but also does not help those who have sex convictions either who pass polygraphs in CA. It will only make it worse, IMO. You can read more online about the case.

I listened to a fantastic Mel Robbins podcast Featuring Dr. Gabor Mate: The Shocking Link Between ADHD , Addiction, Autoimmune Diseases & Trauma. If you or a loved one struggles with any mental health or brain disfunction, I strongly recommend a listen. Most (all?) of us have something we’re working through, but we can all heal and retrain our brains.

Today my 290.5 petition was granted I’ve been on the registry since I was 17 years old.
Anyone who has a felony FTR charge the 17(b) ”WILL” reduce ur felony to a misdemeanor.
l had two felony FTR Charges and got them reduced to a misdemeanor and shorted my mandatory registration time period.

Wishing ACSOL, Janice, and everyone else on here a Happy Thanksgiving. Hang in there…

Calling all IL PFRs and loved ones: I have begun working with Chicago400 Alliance on their IL campaign to repeal public conviction registries and housing banishment laws. That’s of course the end goal, recognizing we need to take incremental steps to provide relief for people, especially those whose homelessness was created by irrational registry laws.

Chicago400 plans to reintroduce legislation this spring to reduce the residency restriction from 500 feet to 250 feet, and a couple other asks like grandfathering in current residents from having to move, removing in-home day care from the banishment list, and doing away with weekly registration for homeless PFRs.

This legislation, if passed, would immediately provide relief for hundreds of PFRs and transform the banishment landscape in IL considerably. This is no easy task, but work is underway. You can learn more at the Chicago400 website, but I recognize the site has not been updated recently and looks inactive. I assure you the org is not inactive and I will work to provide current updates as they allow me to do so.

If you are an IL PFR or loved one and would like to be involved and informed, please contact me at this email: We need PFRs and loved ones to stand up and speak up. We need your stories – all across the state, not just Chicago. This is a very grass roots org, which means we are all just regular people beating the drum to get the message out and working to get this done in a less than glamorous fashion. I hear there will be a meeting soon, so please contact me if interested.

Some days I feel like I am sitting on the Group W bench with the worst of society and the Sergeant asking “Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?” and the gall the army has of asking if one is moral enough to join the army to burn men, women and children’s houses after an offense of littering.

It just seems that no matter that I have rehabilitated myself and that I have lived a good life after my more than 20 year ago attempt at an offense against a fictitious person, society has the gall to treat me as the worst of the worst and make me feel that I am not moral enough to join society which is full of hatred, division, bullying, discrimination, racism, misogyny and no respect for others.