‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology

Source: alternet.org 2/28/25

Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of being a sexual predator have issued a “demand for action,” giving the congresswoman 10 days to produce evidence or publicly apologize for what they call “outrageous” allegations.

In a letter sent to Mace on Thursday, attorneys for Brian Musgrave outlined three possible scenarios: Provide evidence that he was involved in the alleged crimes, retract the allegations against him and publicly apologize, or prepare to be sued.

“You upended Brian’s life when you accused him falsely of being a rapist, a predator, and a sex trafficker,” wrote attorneys Eric Bland and Ronald Richter Jr. in a letter provided to the SC Daily Gazette and other outlets late Thursday.

“He is none of those things,” the letter continued, calling him a “loving husband” to his wife of 22 years and “loving father” to his two children.

“The damage you have inflected upon Brian and his family is immense,” they wrote.

Mace’s spokeswoman declined Friday morning to directly respond to the letter. Instead, she referred the Gazette to what Mace said from the House floor regarding Musgrave.

Mace seemed to address the allegations herself through a post on X late Thursday: “Witness intimidation is real, and it is illegal. Hold the line,” she wrote without being specific.

In a nearly hour-long, bombshell speech on the U.S. House floor Feb. 10, Mace accused Musgrave, Patrick Bryant (her ex-fiancé), and two other men of sexually assaulting women and girls and secretly recording the abuse. She was among the victims, Mace said.

All four vehemently denied the allegations immediately following her speech.

Read the full argument


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Hurray! Finally action in response to false claims! Hopefully this will help establish that falsely labeling someone a, “Predator” does cause “Immense Damage”! Every single time some politician or media outlet makes a blanket statement suggesting that all PFRs are, the entire class of citizens experience “Immense Damage”.

Damage to reputation both personal and professional as well as psychological and emotional anguish. Immense Damage that is not limited to just the PFR, but spills over to family, friends, employers and other business associates, even neighbors. Even neighbors that might agree with the false claims!

Can’t be both a “Predator” AND a “Good friend”, “Dependable Employee”, “Valued Business Partner”, “Loving family member”, “Trustworthy Neighbor” or even a “Human being”. These ideas are mutually exclusive, if one is true, the other has to be false!

Point this out, the Pogrom Supporters will simply demand that the “Predator” part is “true” but that doesn’t cause any problems. Registry is just like having a Price Club membership, and nothing else.

If that is so, perhaps we should get some wild wolves, give them Costco Memberships, and randomly turn turn loose in different stores? Let the Pogrom Supporters demonstrate that the “Predatory nature” of these members will be happily tolerated by all, just like the lying Pogrom Supporters claim is true with PFRs? You can be both a “Predator” and a Member of Costco, with no difficulties of any kind? PROVE IT!

Maybe…just checking out the deals on tube socks at one of the tables…. BAM…🐊! Crocodiles are “Ambush Predators”, just like is falsely claimed to be true about PFRs.

Just makes the “Shopping experience” more interesting, by making it potentially lethal? All in good fun? No reason to do anything about these Predators? Just like nobody would ever think of doing anything to the PFRs falsely labeled as “Predators”? PROVE IT! Oh, then after your trip to Costco’s Wild Kingdom, assuming you survive, explain the murders?

Good on this guy!

” Witness intimidation is real and is illegal.” So are false allegations Rep. Mace. She truly is an attention seeking woman.

Like Jasmine Crockett told Nancy Mace
“Child, please!!!”